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Indiana Affiliation of recovery residences

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Presentation on theme: "Indiana Affiliation of recovery residences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indiana Affiliation of recovery residences
Monday, August 7, 2:00pm EST

2 Agenda Welcome INARR Certification Process
Recovery Works Agency Process Policies and Procedures Covered Services Next Steps

3 INARR Certification Process

4 Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 What Level Are We? Application & Certification process Benefits Costs

5 Recovery Works Process

6 Once INARR certified… Client Eligibility Recovery Works application
Mandatory Trainings Referral process Getting started

7 Client Eligibility 18 years of age of older
Current resident of Indiana Taxable income does not exceed 200% for the current FPL Currently involved in the Criminal Justice System with a felony charge or prior felony conviction

8 Recovery Works Application
Two Page Form Basic Information regarding Agency Recovery Works Services offered List of providers applying

9 Once Application is Received:
Reviewed by Recovery Works Administrative Team Approved by DMHA Certifications Team Official Approval Letter with Agency Agreement sent Online Manual Training, and DARMHA/WITS Training Provide Services to Participants

10 Mandatory Trainings Recovery Works Policy and Manual Training
All supervisors must take this training Recovery Works DARMHA/WITS Training For staff that will be overseeing billing procedures Recovery Model Training For all providers working directly with clients Justice Involved Training Motivational Interviewing Currently working on training schedule for

11 Referral Process

12 Getting Started Level 1-3 Establish partnership with Recovery Works Designated Agency Will need to work with this agency for all assessments and to ensure full continuum of care is available to client Marketing Once receive referral, client must have an appointment for an assessment within business days Voucher reimbursement process 10 days from initial appointment to build voucher Must be claimed no later than 5 business days after the close of the voucher Paid within 35 days of claim approval Online PowerPoint regarding billing

13 Policies and Procedures

14 Service Definition Organizations providing Housing Assistance are expected to provide participants with residential housing that is supportive of the participant’s recovery and free of relapse triggers. Organizations must be certified by the Indiana Affiliation of Recovery Residences (INARR). These residents must provide a safe, clean, and sober environment for adults with mental health and/or substance use disorders. Organizations may also help families in locating and securing affordable and safe housing, as needed. Additionally, assistance may include accessing a housing referral service, relocation, tenant/landlord counseling, repair mediation, and other approved housing needs. It is required that the housing provider will develop with the participant a plan to move toward more stable housing. This plan will be established through an evaluation that the provider conducts and have measurable goals and projected timeline for completion of goals. Recovery Works vouchers will only pay for Housing Assistance in support of individual participant’s recovery activities as listed in their individual recovery plan.

15 Minimum Standard It is the responsibility of the Designated Recovery Works Agency and/or Provider to ensure that all INARR standards are being met by a Recovery Residence that is utilized by a participant in which Recovery Works vouchers are claimed. Please visit for a list of all of the standards that must be met.

16 Who May Claim for this Service?
Recovery Residences that are INARR Certified are the only agencies that may claim for services as outlined above and are able to meet the basic requirements defined above. Agencies may claim either directly by becoming a Designated Recovery Works agency, or in partnership with a Designated Recovery Works agency.

17 Payment Plan for Housing
Recovery Works will pay for up to three (3) full months of Transitional Housing Assistance. Upon the fourth (4th) month, the expectation is that the participant will begin paying a portion and titrating down from Recovery Works funds for Housing. Recovery Works staff expect that this conversation will be had with the participant from the beginning and be part of their IRP and Housing plan. An example of how this may work is that Recovery Works will pay for 3 full month, on the 4th month, will pay for 3 weeks, and the participant will pay for 1 week. On month 5, Recovery Works will pay for 2 weeks, and the participant will pay for 2, etc. Schedule: First 3 months (up to 93 days) at full $32.50 rate Month 4 – 75 % (up to 24 days) at full $32.50 rate Month 5 – 50% (up to 16 days) at full $32.50 rate Month 6 – 25% (up to 8 days) at full $32.50 rate Month 7 – client paying for housing services at 100%

18 Covered Services

19 Level 1 Daily Housing Assistance AOD Screens Peer supports
Transportation Healthcare Coordination HIP Power Account Contribution Administrative Fees (Enrollment, 6-month, 1-year)

20 Level 2 Daily Housing Assistance AOD Screens Peer supports
Skills Training Groups Transportation Healthcare Coordination HIP Power Account Contribution Administrative Fees (Enrollment, 6-month, 1-year)

21 Level 3 Daily Housing Assistance AOD Screens Peer supports
Skills Training Groups and Individual Case Management Transportation Healthcare Coordination HIP Power Account Contribution Administrative Fees (Enrollment, 6-month, 1-year) ANSA Determinations

22 Level 4 All Recovery Works reimbursable services
As a reminder, if there is not a licensed clinical professional on staff, all assessments must be done by a partnering treatment agency. When this happens, it is crucial that each agency has a Release of Information signed by the client in order for each agency to speak with each other. Each agency must have an IRP that is shared with the Criminal Justice Provider and the other treatment provider in order to ensure that the agencies are not overlapping services.

23 Next Steps

24 Billing New billing process coming on March 2018 Interim Process…
Level 1-3 will have to be partnered with a RW Agency in order for the assessment to done and client information to be entered into DARMHA/WITS Until March, only Level 4 houses will be able to bill for services directly due to the limitations of the current billing system. After March… For Level 1-3, clients will still need to start with the partnered RW Agency for the assessment and other services Partner agency will refer in the WITS system, which will allow agencies to bill independently

25 Questions?

26 Contact Information Angie Boarman – DMHA/Recovery Works – Darrell Mitchell – INARR –

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