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Make it a Great Day! Tuesday, May 15th 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Make it a Great Day! Tuesday, May 15th 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make it a Great Day! Tuesday, May 15th 2018
Opening Warm-up: What do you think is the most significant physical feature of Oceania and/or Antarctica? Why? Work Session: Make-ups & Recoveries for Unit 7 Test over Monsoon Asia Begin Partner Mapping Lab Challenge for Unit 8 – Oceania & Antarctica Closing Cool-down: What is the dominant climate zone of Australia? How do you think that impact human settlement patterns on the continent? Essential Question(s): What and where are significant physical features, climate zones, and available resources of Oceania & Antarctica? How do you think these things impact human settlement patterns in the region? SSWG 1gh Materials you will need: Writing Utensil & Geography Notebook Partner Mapping Lab Challenge over Unit 8 – Oceania & Antarctica Textbook – pgs

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