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The Arab-Israeli Wars (1956-present) By: Mr. Kaminicki.

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Presentation on theme: "The Arab-Israeli Wars (1956-present) By: Mr. Kaminicki."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Arab-Israeli Wars (1956-present) By: Mr. Kaminicki

2 Israel: 1947 & Israel: 1949

3 Palestinian Refugees Palestinian Diaspora

4 Gamal Abdul Nasser President of Egypt
Suez Crisis (1956) Gamal Abdul Nasser President of Egypt

5 Six-Day War (1967) UN Resolution 242 UN Resolution 338

6 Palestine Liberation Organization
Yassir Arafat

7 Yom-Kippur War (Oct., 1973)

8 Camp David Accords (1979) President President Prime Minister Anwar Sadat Jimmy Carter Menachem Begin of Egypt of the U. S Of Israel

9 Camp David Accords (1979)

10 Palestinian Intifada-Part I (1987-1993)

11 The Expansion of Israel

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