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C-Quest Introducing… C-Quest- A Mobile App Game to promote

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1 C-Quest Introducing… C-Quest- A Mobile App Game to promote
Educational Game Introducing… C-Quest- A Mobile App Game to promote Conversations about Cyber Wellness between Parents and Children C-Quest is specially designed to facilitate meaningful parent-child conversations on their online experiences and explore various cyber wellness issues in order to navigate cyber space skilfully and safely. Through the game, players will learn to be safe, respectful, and responsible users of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). C-Quest Go to Google Play Search “C-Quest” and download the app

2 For Parents and Children to Learn and to Play Together
“Parents play a critical role in shaping their children’s values, as well as in guiding their online behaviour, and monitoring their computer use. Through playing the game with their children, MOE hopes that the App will serve as a tool to encourage conversations between parents and their children on cyber wellness.” Mr Wong Siew Hoong Deputy Director-General of Education (Curriculum) Through playing the game, parents can engage in meaningful conversations with their children to learn about their children’s experiences online and to discuss how to use the Internet wisely. They will also pick up useful tips to help their children thrive in the digital age.

3 How to Play the Game Master Protector
Parents and their children choose one of the three Cyber Navigators and start to explore the ocean. Along the way, they have to answer questions related to cyber wellness. The aim is to earn stars and collect accessories and equipment for their character. Protector (not Attacker) Master Over Technology (not Slave) How to play the game In the game, players begin by choosing one of the three Cyber Navigators for their C-Quest to explore the cyber seas. The three Cyber Navigators are: Master over Technology – to be captains of their own lives and not to be enslaved by technology and mobile gadgets; Protector – to watch out for one another, as protectors, not attackers, and be safe online; and Relationship-Builder – to build positive relationships online, to avoid sparking unnecessary conflicts which would end up hurting others and self. Along the way, they have to answer questions related to cyber wellness. The aim is to earn stars and collect accessories and equipment for their character. Relationship-Builder (not Destroyer) Be safe online Do what’s right Protect self and others online Be in control Live a balanced life Develop a healthy self-identity Be respectful to others Build healthy relationships Stand up against cyber bullies

4 Discuss How to Use the Internet Wisely
Balanced Use of Technology Handling Cyber Bullying Respect for Copyright Basic Through the game, parents and children can discuss a range of cyber wellness questions. These questions cover the same range of topics as that in our cyber wellness lessons. Examples of topics include cyber bullying, balancing use of technology, respect for copyright, how to leave a positive digital footprint, and even how online services make money online. The game is targeted at parents with children between the ages of 10 to 14. Children and parents can choose the level of challenge either attempting a ‘Basic’ or ‘Advanced’ question, based on their comfort level. Younger children may require additional support and guidance from their parents as they play the game. Advanced

5 Earn Stars and Collect Badges, Accessories and Equipment
 Answer the questions to gain stars.  Collect the stars to acquire the badges and items e.g. hat, cape, sword for each role and to unlock the ships to collect treasures!

6 Learn Useful Tips to help children thrive in the digital age
The game provides useful tips for parents and their children to manage their online activities.

7 Play Your Roles Online! Together we can nurture each child into a healthy, well-adjusted adult who is undergirded by strong values and an outstanding character so that they thrive in the digital age.

8 Useful Parent Resources
Refer to the MOE Parents in Education portal for tips and advice on cyber wellness: Or let this QR code guide you to the website

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