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Aim: How did cultural values come into conflict during the 1920s?

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1 Aim: How did cultural values come into conflict during the 1920s?
Do Now: a) Do you believe there is a generation gap now? Explain and give an example to support your opinion!! Homework: Review the 1920’s changes Follow your agenda

2 Do Now Do you believe there is a generation gap now? Explain and give an example to support your opinion!!

3 You will be examining five different documents.
Stations Activity Directions: You will have approximately five minutes per group to complete the chart for each document. You will be examining five different documents. At each station, take a worksheet and complete the section of the chart. You should keep one worksheet from each station. At the end of each five minute segment, you will rotate to the next table.

4 Flappers Flappers were young women who rebelled against traditional ways of thinking and acting. Flappers wore "kiss proof" lipstick and a lot of heavy makeup with beaded necklaces and bracelets. They liked to cut their hair into "boyish" bobs, often dyeing it jet-black. Flapper dresses were straight and loose, leaving the arms bare and dropping the waistline to the hips. To many older Americans, the way flappers behaved was even more shocking than the way they looked. Flappers went to jazz clubs at night where they danced all night, smoked cigarettes long holders, and dated.

5 Prohibition The Eighteenth Amendment, which made it illegal to manufacture, sell, or transport alcoholic beverages, went into effect in January 1920. Many traditionalist viewed drinking as a sin and the cause of problems in American society. Many who supported prohibition came from the South and West. Most people in cities opposed prohibition and believed drinking was a part of urban lifestyles. Prohibition fueled much debate within the United States until its repeal in 1933 by the Twenty-First Amendment.

6 Literature Literature during this time reflected a feeling that little in life was worth believing in and protested the effects of new technology and mass consumption. Leading writers of the time period are referred to as the “Lost Generation” and include F. Scott Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby), Ernest Hemingway (A Farewell to Arms), Langston Hughes (The Weary Blues) and Sinclair Lewis (Main Street, Babbitt)

7 The Scopes “Monkey” Trial
The Scopes Trial was a famous legal case in 1925 in which a high school teacher, John Scopes, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which made it unlawful to teach evolution in any state-funded school. The trial set modernists, who said evolution was consistent with religion, against fundamentalists who said the word of God as revealed in the Bible took priority over all human knowledge.

8 Entertainment and Popular Culture
The 1920s saw the growth of popular recreation, in part because of higher wages and increased leisure time. Many older generations did not have the time for these leisure activities, since work occupied most of their time. Just as automobiles were mass-produced, so was recreation during the 1920s. Baseball – Babe Ruth – Sports Hero Charles Lindbergh – Solo Flight Across Atlantic - Hero

9 How did cultural values come into conflict during the 1920s?
Closing Question How did cultural values come into conflict during the 1920s?

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