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CMPE212 – Reminders Assignment 2 due next Friday.

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1 CMPE212 – Reminders Assignment 2 due next Friday.
Winter 2019 CMPE212 5/23/2019 CMPE212 – Reminders Assignment 2 due next Friday. Assn 1 solution will be posted later today. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod Prof. Alan McLeod

2 Today Encapsulation, Cont. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod
5/23/2019 Today Encapsulation, Cont. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod Prof. Alan McLeod

3 Encapsulation, So Far Non-final attributes must be declared private.
Attribute values must be set through methods – constructor(s) and possibly mutators. Methods will throw exceptions if illegal arguments are provided. Must prevent privacy leaks for data coming in to your class and out of your class. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

4 Assigning Private Attributes - Constructors, Cont.
Note that once you have written a constructor with parameters, you can no longer use a constructor without any parameters, called the default constructor. If you want an empty constructor, you must write one yourself, in addition to the parameterized constructor(s). Why would you want an empty constructor? Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

5 Aside – Preventing Instantiation
Provide only the default constructor and make it private. Pretty sneaky!! Used by the Math class, for example. There is no need to instantiate the Math class since all its methods and attributes are static. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

6 Assigning Private Attributes - Constructors, Cont.
Suppose you don’t want to have to force the user to supply all parameters when he instantiates the object? How are you going to do this? Suppose you want to edit parameters after you have created the object? How are you going to do this, too? Overload the constructors. Provide mutator(s). Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

7 Assigning Private Attributes - Mutator Methods
Called “set” methods – in fact, by convention, the word “set” is the first word in the method name. These methods must also check for legal parameters. Usually the constructor invokes mutators, when they exist. Should you write a mutator for each parameter? Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

8 Halloween3 Has overloaded constructors. Has mutators.
Better information privacy. A Halloween3 object can be created with or without the weather condition, but must have the year, the number of munchkins and the temperatures. All parameters can be changed later. How can you still let the constructor use mutators, but not allow the user to change an attribute later? Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

9 Aside - Dependent Attributes
The legality of weather condition and temperature array attributes are related. At the moment, because they have separate mutators it would be possible to set one attribute to an illegal value compared to the other one. How would you fix this? Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

10 Aside - The this Thing Used by one constructor to invoke the other one. Can be used to supply a reference to the current object in that object’s code. this means “myself”. Another use – suppose I used the same attribute name as a constructor parameter – year, for example. In the constructor, I would need to say: this.year = year; Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

11 We Need More! How do we get data values back out of the Halloween3 object? What happens when you try to print the object? How can you compare objects for sorting and searching? How do you clone the object? Finally – how do we document the object so other people can use it without looking at the code? Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

12 Accessors Accessor methods return the value of an attribute.
By convention, accessor methods start with the word get. One accessor per attribute. For example: public int getNumMunchkins () { return numMunchkins; } // end getNumMunchkins Accessor Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

13 Accessors, Cont. And, it is not unusual for an accessor to return some thing that is a result of some process carried out on its other attributes. For example, an attribute String could be a filename. An accessor could return the contents of the file, even though these contents are stored in the file, not in the object. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

14 Accessors, Cont. These can be pretty simple methods.
Except when you are returning a mutable object. What is wrong with the following? public int[] getTemperatures() { return temperatures; } // end getTemperatures Accessor Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

15 Accessors, Privacy Leaks, Cont.
Better: public int[] getTemperatures() { return temperatures.clone(); } // end getTemperature Accessor Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

16 Other Standard Methods
toString() equals() compareTo() clone() These are all properly coded in the, now complete, Halloween4 class. It also contains Javadoc comments (the blue ones), which you can ignore for now. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

17 toString() Method As it is, if we try to print a Halloween object, we will just get “gobbldeygook”: (This String is composed of the object type and its hash code…) So, to get a more useful view of the contents of the object, define a toString() method that returns a String. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

18 toString() Method, Cont.
This method will be called automatically whenever a String version of the object is needed. You decide on how you want to represent your object as a String. The method in Halloween4 produces a string like: In 1982 there were 200 kids. Temperatures each hour were: 12, 10, 11, and 9 deg C., and the weather was clear. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

19 Aside - Annotations The “@Override” thingy.
You don’t have to use these, but the pre-compiler likes them. This one tells the pre-compiler that “We know we are overriding the toString method inherited from the parent class (Object) and we are OK with it!” The pre-compiler likes these so much it will, at times, encourage you to put them in. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

20 equals() Method Accepts another object of type Halloween4 and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise. You get to define what “equality” means. (Usually all the attributes have to match.) Remember why you cannot use == to compare objects? Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

21 equals() Method, Cont. Two ways to write an equals() method (both will return true or false): Accept a Halloween4 object as a parameter. Accept an Object as a parameter (Object is the base class for all objects in Java!) The proper way is the second one – then you will override the equals() method inherited from the base Object class. See this method in Halloween4. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

22 equals() Method, Cont. The instanceof keyword checks to see if the supplied Object is indeed a Halloween4 object before it attempts to cast it (otherwise you get a ClassCastException). Then the object is cast to be of type Halloween4 using the casting operator. Note how the method can refer directly to the attributes of the other object! How is this possible? Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

23 compareTo() Method Compares a supplied Halloween4 object with the current one, based on your comparison criteria. It returns an int value. (Like the compareTo() method in the String class.) You have to decide on the basis for comparison. For Halloween4 you could just use numMunchkins, for example. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

24 compareTo() Method, Cont.
The base Object class does not have this method, so you don’t have to worry about writing one to take an Object as a parameter. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

25 clone() Method Returns a deep copy of the current object.
A “deep copy” is not aliased in any way to the original object, but contains the same values for each attribute. Why not just write return this; ? See for our object in action! Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

26 Exercises and Assignment
You are now able to work on both Exercises 7 and 8. After we see how to implement a couple of interfaces in Halloween5 and discuss Javadoc commenting you will know what you need for assignment 3. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

27 Halloween5 Same structure as Halloween4, but has fixed the weather mutator and implemented two interfaces: Comparable<Halloween5> This is a generic interface that allows this object to be sorted with sort methods built into Java. Serializable This allows this object to be saved directly to a file. (Both of these are used in Assignment 3.) Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

28 Aside – What is an Interface?
An interface is a totally abstract class – none of the methods in the class are implemented – they don’t contain any concrete code. (Weird!) Instead of doing something – an interface acts as a design specification and can be used as a type. A class that implements an interface promises to have concrete versions of all the abstract methods in the interface. More on these little beasties later. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

29 Halloween5, Cont. See the changes in Halloween5.
See for tests that focus on what the interface implementations allow us to do with this class that we could not do with Halloween4. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

30 Aside – The serialVersionUID Thing
This is a unique code ID value that is used to identify your object. Auto-generation uses various aspects of the structure of your class to generate this value. If you change the structure, you will need to re-generate this number. It is saved with the contents of your object in the file (“serialized”). When you read the object (“deserialize”) the number is compared to the number stored in the class to make sure the cast will work. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

31 Variations on a Theme… This standard encapsulated class structure is followed by every class in Java. Some classes don’t need all the pieces. For example: Attributes but no mutators. (Immutable) No attributes – then you don’t need constructors, mutators or accessors. (This class is probably just composed of utility methods, maybe all static.) An object that will never be part of a collection – you might not need equals() or compareTo(). A class that just has a main method. This is just the starting point of a program – possibly no other methods are required. Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

32 More Variations Of course, a class may need more methods than those we have discussed. Think of the additional behaviour that will be useful to the user of your object. A majority of methods should have something to do with the attributes of the object. But you might add a few static methods if you cannot think of anywhere else to put them (the wrapper classes are like this…). Winter 2019 CMPE212 - Prof. McLeod

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