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How To Start A Viral Infection Dee Casper, UnScene Media Group

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Presentation on theme: "How To Start A Viral Infection Dee Casper, UnScene Media Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Start A Viral Infection Dee Casper, UnScene Media Group

2 Parent: When do I get my kids involved?

3 How do we engage in social media in a safe, responsible, and evangelistic way?

4 What do I post?

5 Seek to grow relationships and friendships by connecting with people, but not grow a love and a tolerance for the things that ensnare them

6 Who are you wanting to reach? What gets their gears turning?
Do your homework Who are you wanting to reach? What gets their gears turning?

7 When posting think about what you are saying, and how the people who follow you, or are friends with you would respond

8 Who should be able to see it?


10 Content is king Use what gear you have “Just keep uploading”

11 Post things that are relevant to young people and what they wrestle with
The stuff that is killing them, and that social media fuels that needs to be addressed

12 Show examples

13 Don’t Weary Your Audience














27 Neville Neveling WhatsApp

28 Melody Mason’s mom getting cancer treatment
Dwayne Lemon & Lisa Manzanares receiving much needed help to get surgeries Melody Mason’s mom getting cancer treatment

29 Miracle car payments Audioverse

30 Private Messages

31 Keep throwing things at the wall until something sticks
“Just keep uploading” Focus on building relationships Be consistent, don’t be like Lot God can do something with something, but He can’t do anything with nothing

32 Questions?

33 @deecasper24 @unsceneme @unscenemediagroup @dcasper24 @unsceneme @deecasper24 /c/deecasper /unscenemedia Dee Casper

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