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Stay Savvy with Scholarly Communication Altmetrics

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1 Stay Savvy with Scholarly Communication Altmetrics
University of Central Florida Lily Flick, Ven Basco, Andy Todd, and Sarah Norris July 12, 2017

2 Introduction Measuring scholarly output Impact Factor
How often journal articles are cited How many times the researcher’s articles are cited h-index (h papers have been cited at least h times) Public Domain image from The category of our conversation today deals with measuring scholarly output. For publishing in particular, where you have your academic article published can matter a great deal. Traditionally, to measure scholarly impact, people look at a journal’s impact factor. The impact factor is based on how often the articles are cited from that journal.

3 Not Altmetrics Other commonly heard measures
g-index (like h-index with averages) i10-index (articles with 10+ citations) m-quotient (like h-index considering date) Eigenfactor (ranks journal influence) Journal Citation Reports (ranks via Web of Knowledge) Public Domain image from The category of our conversation today deals with measuring scholarly output. For publishing in particular, where you have your academic article published can matter a great deal. Traditionally, to measure scholarly impact, people look at a journal’s impact factor. The impact factor is based on how often the articles are cited from that journal.

4 Altmetrics Alternative metrics (altmetrics) Synonyms and related terms
Analytics, bibliometrics, citation measures, impact measures, performance-based metrics, prestige Usage and opinions at UCF and around the world Public Domain image from Link to article: The alternatives, as they sound, are alternative metrics.

5 What are Altmetrics? Can evaluate impact for: Journal articles
“Heather Piwowar, the co-founder of Impactstory, describes the advantage of altmetrics over traditional bibliometrics as ‘evidence of impact in days instead of years’.” (Vinyard, 2016, p. 27) What are Altmetrics? Can evaluate impact for: Journal articles Datasets & software Books & chapters Interviews & podcasts Blogs & newsletters More Diverse things to measure and speed to see results

6 What are Altmetrics? Citation management tools
Institutional repositories Online faculty profiles Social media Altmetrics tools

7 What are Altmetrics? Citation management tools Mendeley
Zotero, EndNote, RefWorks Zotero API for readership counts. Mendeley bookmark counts. EndNote API. Unsure about RefWorks

8 What are Altmetrics? Institutional repositories STARS at UCF

9 What are Altmetrics? Online faculty profiles SelectedWorks
ResearchGate Google Scholar

10 What are Altmetrics? Social media Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

11 What are Altmetrics? Altmetrics tools Impactstory Kudos

12 Altmetrics at UCF Traditional Method - Web of Science
Additional Method - Google Citation (As needed or for comparison) Additional Method - SCOPUS Preview (Citation Analysis) Citation Analysis Tools: More Citation searching link

13 Example 1 - Web of Science - Professor K

14 Example 2 - Scopus Preview (Compendex) - Professor K

15 Example 3 - Google Scholar - Professor K

16 IEEE Xplore - individual title will provide citation

17 IEEE Xplore - Altmetric Badge

18 What faculty sometimes ask for...
Author-level metrics - their h-index or their colleagues Journal-level metrics - journal impact factor JCR: Journal Citation Report (latest 2016) Scopus for Journal Ranking Google Journal Metrics (2017 version of Scholar Metrics. Covers articles published in 2012–2016 and includes citations from all articles that were indexed in Google Scholar as of June 2017 Eigenfactor - free and searchable database, journals listed in the Eigenfactor database may be searched by ISSN, publisher, year published, exact journal name or by using the Journal Citation Report ISI categories (latest 2014) SCImago Journal & Country Rank - SJR and h-index -free and searchable database, includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database. Shows the visibility of the journals contained in the Scopus® database from 1996.

19 JCR

20 2017 Scholar Metrics Released - July 5, 2017
Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications. Today, we are releasing the 2017 version of Scholar Metrics. This release covers articles published in 2012–2016 and includes citations from all article s that were indexed in Google Scholar as of June 2017

21 Google Journal Metrics



24 Altmetrics and Citation Metrics - Prevalence
Steady increase within past 10 years May vary by discipline Costas, R., Zahedi, Z., & Wouters, P. (2015). Do "altmetrics" correlate with citations? Extensive comparison of altmetric indicators with citations from a multidisciplinary perspective. Journal Of The Association For Information Science And Technology, 66(10), Htoo, T. H., & Na, J. (2017). Disciplinary differences in altmetrics for social sciences. Online Information Review, 41(2), doi: /OIR

25 Altmetrics -- Other interesting research
Twitter “1/5 as strong as time since publication” (Peoples, Midway, Sackett, Lynch, & Cooney, 2016) “Highly tweeted articles were 11 times more likely to be highly cited than less-tweeted articles” (Eysenbach, 2016) Research Gate Active platform users tend to get higher scores (Orduna-Malea, Martin-Martin, Thelwall, & Delgado Lopez- Cozar (2017) Attitudes Tend to vary based on career stage, aspirations, institutional value,discipline, and grants (Kathleen, Dana, & Rosie,2016)

26 Altmetrics Platforms - Surrounding issue
Publishers takedown notices: Elsvevier APA

27 References Costas, R., Zahedi, Z., & Wouters, P. (2015). Do "altmetrics" correlate with citations? Extensive comparison of altmetric indicators with citations from a multidisciplinary perspective. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(10), Eysenbach, G. (2016). Can Tweets predict citations? Metrics of social impact based on twitter and correlation with traditional metrics of scientific impact. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 13(4), 1-19. Htoo, T. H., & Na, J. (2017). Disciplinary differences in altmetrics for social sciences. Online Information Review, 41(2), doi: /OIR Karanatsiou, D., Misirlis, N., & Vlachopoulou, M. (2017). Bibliometrics and altmetrics literature review: Performance indicators and comparison analysis. Performance Measurement & Metrics, 18(1), doi: /PMM Kathleen, R., Dana, M., & Rosie, C. (2016). Laying the Groundwork for a New Library Service: Scholar-practitioner & graduate student attitudes toward altmetrics and the duration of online profiles. Evidence Based Library And Information Practice, 11(2),

28 Mas-Bleda, A. , Thelwall, M. , Kousha, K. , & Aguillo, I. (2014)
Mas-Bleda, A., Thelwall, M., Kousha, K., & Aguillo, I. (2014). Do highly cited researchers successfully use the social web? Scientometrics, 101(1), doi: /s Peoples, B. K., Midway, S. R., Sackett, D., Lynch, A., & Cooney, P. B. (2016). Twitter predicts citation rates of ecological research. Plos ONE, 11(11), doi: /journal.pone Orduna-Malea, E., Martin-Martin, A., Thelwall, M., & Delgado Lopez-Cozar, E. (2017). Do ResearchGate Scores create ghost academic reputations? Scientometrics, 112(1), doi: /s doi: /s Vinyard, M. (2016). Altmetrics: An overhyped fad or an important tool for evaluating scholarly output? Computers in Libraries, 36(10)

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