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Go COMO route changes June 2019

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1 Go COMO route changes June 2019
Thank you for joining us today. I am happy to take questions throughout this presentation, that may be the easiest way to lead this discussion, but do we do have to be mindful of time and I have asked our vice-chair to help rein us in if we get bogged down on any one topic, so that we are able to finish the entire presentation. First, I’ll provide some background. The route changes we will been discussing today were part of a choice of recommended changes that were developed through the Transit Consultant project that was completed for GO COMO in I am told that the consultants worked directly with this Public Transit Advisory Commission and numerous other transit stakeholders to complete their recommendations, and the route scenario we are discussing today was the most popular choice among stakeholders. Council then decided to implement these changes, along with reductions to Go COMO’s service schedule, this past summer during the City’s budget meetings. Because the City’s local transportation sales tax revenues, like all of the City’s local sales tax revenues, are beginning to decline annually, the local resources devoted to the transit division are also declining, while our expenses continue to rise with the normal increases in fuel and personnel costs. And these routes will be more affordable to operate than our current system. However, staff did not have a full confirmation of the route changes until the March 18 City Council meeting when the City Council decided to keep a limited Saturday service in place (in part because of the hard work of this commission and a compelling letter calling for the retention of Saturday service that was provided on that council date). Thus, staff did not have time to review these changes with this commission until today. This presentation is informational and has been put in place to help folks prepare for the changes, but these changes are set, and there are currently no further opportunities to make changes.

2 Current System Black A Black B Gold A Gold B Brown/ Orange Blue
(2 buses) Black B Gold A Gold B Brown/ Orange Blue Green/ Purple Red Our current system is large and requires that 12 buses run daily, and 24 daily driver shifts. There is no central transfer point for customers or a central place for drivers to take breaks. In addition, our system is at capacity and all of our full time drivers are currently required to work mandatory overtime. The changes we are making will not result in any personnel loss, but we do plan to reduce overtime hours to nearly zero.

3 New System #1 Black: MU/Providence South #2 Red: West Broadway
#3 Gold: West Worley #4 Orange: Range Line North #5 Blue: Paris/Clark/Ballenger #6 Green: East Broadway/Keene Central transfer point, safe place for customers and drivers. Less pressure on staff with only 6 buses and 12 daily driver shifts. Our technology and communication systems have greatly improved since we last had this system in place. The issue of missing transfers should be passed us. We discussed changes to the colors/ the addition of mascots, etc. but at this point that won’t work.

4 #1 Black route: MU/Providence South
Routes will run at 45 minute intervals. 5 minutes at the Wabash. The highlighted grey areas are for both the weekday routes and the Saturday routes. Saturday service will run at 90 minute intervals.

5 #2 Red route: West Broadway

6 #3 Gold route: West Worley

7 #4 Orange route: Range Line North

8 #5 Blue Route: Paris/Clark/Ballenger

9 #6 Green route: East Broadway/Keene

10 Opportunities to learn more
Staff will host an information table, including new schedule books, at the Wabash Depot on the following days: Monday May 20 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Wednesday May 22 10:00 am -4:00 pm Friday May 24 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Tuesday May 28 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Wednesday May 29 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Thursday May 30 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday May 31 10:00 am - 4:00 pm We are adding a customer service representative to the Wabash depot to provide direct customer service.

11 Upcoming Ward Meetings to Discuss Route Changes
Ward 1: Tuesday, April 23, 5:30 pm, The Arc Ward 2: Wednesday, April 24, 5:30 pm, The Food Bank Ward 3: Tuesday, April 30, 5:30 pm, Hanover Estates Ward 4: Monday, May 13, 5:30 pm, Public Library Ward 5: Thursday, April 2, 5:30 pm, Rockbridge High school Ward 6: Tuesday, May 7, 5:30 pm, Rock Quarry House General Community Meeting: Monday, April 29, 5:30 pm, Wilkes Blvd. UMC All of these meetings qualify for after-hours service rides because they will all most likely end after 6:30 pm. Come and speak with your council person.

12 GoCOMO route changes Questions

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