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AOX modifies RISP assembly and rescues mitochondrial respiration in tissue‐specific fashion AOX modifies RISP assembly and rescues mitochondrial respiration.

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1 AOX modifies RISP assembly and rescues mitochondrial respiration in tissue‐specific fashion
AOX modifies RISP assembly and rescues mitochondrial respiration in tissue‐specific fashion ABlue native PAGE analysis of RISP and CORE1 assembled into free cIII2 and supercomplexes (SCs).B, CRISP per CORE1 ratio in (B) SC1 and (C) free cIII2 (n = 3/group).D–FSpectrophotometric assay of (D) cI, (E) cII, and (F) cIII activity in isolated mitochondria at P200 (n = 4–6/group).GcIV activity as measured using an oxygraph (n = 7/group).Hn‐Propyl gallate‐sensitive AOX‐mediated cI‐ and cII‐linked state 3 respiration in AOX and GROX mice (n = 7/group, Mann‐Whitney U‐test).I, JcI‐linked (I), and cI‐ and cII‐linked (J) state 3 respiration in isolated heart, kidney, and liver mitochondria (n = 8/group). We used malate, pyruvate, and glutamate to generate NADH for the cI. Subsequently, we added the cII substrate, succinate, to obtain cI‐ and cII‐linked respiration in the presence of saturating ADP.Data information: Bar graphs represent mean ± SD. Statistics: one‐way ANOVA followed by Tukey's test. Significant differences between groups (P‐value) are indicated on graphs.Source data are available online for this figure. Jayasimman Rajendran et al. EMBO Mol Med. 2018;emmm © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend

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