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The Immune System By: Erin Dobrzyn Jorge Dumois Bryce Ebert

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Presentation on theme: "The Immune System By: Erin Dobrzyn Jorge Dumois Bryce Ebert"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Immune System By: Erin Dobrzyn Jorge Dumois Bryce Ebert
Kristen Gunning Blake Kunishige Medical ppt

2 The Body’s Secret Weapon
The immune system is essential for a healthy life The immune system fights off foreign pathogens that can cause disease in the body Without the immune system, we would be constantly sick and have very short life spans

3 The Skin The skin is the largest organ in the body
The skin acts as a physical barrier between the body and any harmful pathogens The skins has cells that detect invasion of foreign objects like viruses and bacteria Skin cells can trap antigens (foreign proteins) and destroy them The skin secrets antibacterial substances (that’s why we don’t get mold on our skin)

4 The Thymus The thymus is located by the heart, behind the sternum
The thymus produces a type of white blood cell called T-lymphocytes which aid in antibody production After puberty, the thymus shrinks to about 15% of it original size

5 The Spleen The spleen is located on the upper left side of theabdomenby the stomach It creates lymphocytes which recycle and destroy old red blood cells. The spleen supplies the immunological response to antigens in the body It is possible to live without the spleen, but studies show that the body is more susceptible to bacterial infections without it

6 The Appendix The appendix used to be thought of a superfluous organ, but is now know to play a large role in the immune system The appendix helps produce antibodies Scientists have found that the appendix helps distribute lymphocytes throughout the body

7 The Lymph Nodes Lymph nodes are scattered all throughout the body; they can be found in the neck, underarm, and groin. The lymph nodes filter fluids in the body and catch viruses and bacteria and use their lymphocytes to attack the antigens

8 The Tonsils The tonsils are masses of lymphatic tissues located at the opening of the throat Tonsils are involved in the production of antibodies that help the body fight disease Tonsils are commonly removed and this does not impair the functioning of the immune system

9 What is the purpose of the immune system?
Q & A What is the purpose of the immune system?

10 Name one function of the skin

11 Where is the thymus located?

12 What job does the spleen perform?

13 Is the appendix a superfluous organ? Why or why not?

14 In which parts of the body are lymph nodes found
In which parts of the body are lymph nodes found? Where are the highest concentrations of these organs found?

15 The tonsils are commonly removed
The tonsils are commonly removed. What health complications come with them being removed from the body?

16 References Google images Medical ppt

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