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Somers High School New Schedule 19-20.

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Presentation on theme: "Somers High School New Schedule 19-20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Somers High School New Schedule 19-20

2 When will this go into effect?
September 2019

3 What Will Change? 41-minute periods 3 lunch periods 9 periods per day
Current Schedule New Schedule 41-minute periods 3 lunch periods  9 periods per day Classes meet at same time each day 55-minute periods Community Lunch 6 periods per day Classes rotate and don't meet at same time each day

4 What does the new schedule look like?


6 Can you explain it a little more?

7 Notes:  Notice how Course 1 rotates throughout the 8-day cycle.   Course 1 Meets Period 1 on Day 1, meets Period 2 on Day 2, Period 3 on Day 3, then drops on Day 4 Notice that the morning courses rotate only with morning courses. Notice that the afternoon courses  rotate with only afternoon courses.  

8 What does a student's schedule look like?

9 Let’s take a look at a sample student schedule for Day 1 and Day 2.
Notice that on Day 1, Science Research is dropped in the AM rotation and English 11H is dropped in the PM rotation.  Those courses come back in on day 2. On Day 1, Course 2 is AP Bio Lab. On Day 2, Course 2 becomes Physical Education. Physical Education and Labs (for classes that have a lab associated with them) will alternate.

10 For more detailed information and to see some Frequently Asked Questions, please take a look at the FAQ Document on the website as well.

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