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District Convention.

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1 District Convention

2 Basics of DCON 2014 Theme – “Your Golden Ticket”
Location: Sacramento Convention Center Date: April 11th-13th, 2014

3 Hotel Info Hyatt Regency Sheraton Grand Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza
Holiday Inn Express Fairfield/Courtyard Residence Inn Hawthorn Suites 3 Days, 2 Nights Shuttles will take Key Clubbers to and from select hotels and the convention center

4 Chaperones 10 Key Clubbers : 1 Chaperone Gender matters!
If you have one female and 1 male student you must have 1 female and 1 male advisor This rule must be followed Ask a scenario question. 13 girls and 2 boys, how many of each sex advisor?

5 Registration Basics Online registration is used - greener and reduces errors Checks only In-depth tutorial and webinar will be created by the DCON Committee around early January to mid-January

6 Registration Info. Online Registration Resources
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. For example: * When is the best time to send in registration? * Who should I if I have questions? * What paper work needs to be submitted? * What is the chaperone ratio? * How many meals are provided? Find the more information on the CNH Cyberkey! There will be a step-by-step tutorial teaching Lieutenant Governors how to complete the registration process as well as a additional power point and webinar resource for all club members to view.

7 DCON Financial Overview - Revenue
Registration fee For each Key Club member AND Advisor Regular Registration: $178 per person February 20th received by the District Office Late Registration: $218 per person March 15th received by the District Office

8 DCON Financial Overview - Revenue
What? Percentage? Cost Meals 66% $117,77 Extras 9% $16.02 Leadership Team Tech 8% $14.24 Facility 4% $7.12 Admin 3% $5.34 Miscellaneous 1% $1.49 Meals: Saturday breakfast, lunch, dinner; Sunday brunch Extras: Awards, DJ, T-Shirts, program, pins, ribbons, badges, speakers/entertainment Leadership Team: Housing & meals for Key Club board, Kiwanis committee & VIPs Tech: Audio/visual, speakers, backdrop Facility: Convention Center rental, Audio-Visual, Stage Backdrop Administrative: Advisor Background checks, audit fees, postage, pre-convention planning, truck rental, staff, telephone

9 DCON Financial Overview - Revenue
Please remember to include hotel and travel expenses in your overall estimate of Convention Costs. Key Club or sponsoring Kiwanis Club should strive to contribute most or all of advisor expenses: Registration: $178 on time, $218 late Hotel: $170/night x 2 nights =$85/person (with 4 persons sharing) Transportation: Airfare, train fare, bus cost, rental van, advisor vehicle (mileage), parking Other: Friday night meal, incidentals

10 Governor’s Ball Join District Governor Victoria and your Lt. Governor at the Governor’s Ball on Saturday night!

11 Alternative Activities
Not much of a dancer? That’s okay! There will be plenty of Alternative Activities for you! Sing Karaoke! Play Ice Breakers! Play from a huge assortment of card, board and video games! Make new friends!

12 Potential Games! And more!!! Board Games Card Games Video Games
• Battleship • Clue Chess Checkers • Cranium • Dominoes • 3 Jenga • 2 Life • 2 Monopoly • Scrabble • Sorry • Trouble • 2 Twister #1 Card Games Uno Apples to Apples Playing Cards Charades Taboo Mad Gab Monopoly Deal Pass the Popcorn Video Games Dance Central Just Dance Mario Kart Wii Super Smash Brother Brawl Rock Band Karaoke Revolution And more!!!

13 Ribbons for All! 8-9 ribbon choices for each DCON attendee
Around of each ribbon Attendees may DONATE $1 to the Pediatric Trauma Program to receive a ribbon

14 Final Ribbon Choices First Timer Old Timer I ♥ Key Club I ♥ CNH Bees
Ask Me How I Feel Key Club Changed My Life BEE Golden Heart of Gold Eliminator

15 Keynote Speaker Keith Hawkins
Keith Hawkins presents Real Inspiration Incorporated, a company that helps to solve some of the toughest challenges faced by schools and businesses alike. Through motivational speaking and customized programs, Real Inspiration has four key beliefs. Those beliefs are Relationships, Empowerment, Attitude and Leadership. The relationships built between you and others are the most important part of becoming the person you choose to be. For more info Spoke for CNH in 2011

16 Your Golden Ticket! DRUMROLL PLEASE

17 DCON 2013 LOGO Thank you Sharon Lee from Division 16

18 The Embodiment of the DCON ‘14 theme
Your Golden Ticket embodies the opportunities District Convention provides. Key Club is the ticket for leaders across the globe to develop leadership through service. It is not just the ticket for one individual; it is the ticket for anyone. It is YOUR ticket. With this ticket, Key Club members will be able to perform golden service and live by the core values. To celebrate the legacy brought by the CNH leaders, DCON 2014 will be YOUR GOLDEN TICKET. - DCON Committee Secretary Andrew Chang

19 So why should you attend District Convention 2014?
Meet thousands of Key Clubbers with tons of Key Club spirit BEE inspired by the motivational speaker Elect the new District Executives Over 40 educational seminars Service EXPO College EXPO Governor’s Ball Celebrate a year of golden service at the Awards Ceremony

20 Theme Implementation Apply the theme, “Your Golden Ticket” at your social events, service projects, and fundraisers… …But HOW?

21 Implementation Ideas Give out golden certificates for recognition!
Utilize the gold color theme on club posters, banners, newsletters, and/or websites Decorate tickets for social events with the color gold. Your social event, service project, and fundraiser theme may be related to something Golden!

22 Yearly Implementation Ideas
Decorate your meeting room, upon permission from your faculty advisor, with items that are gold! Include links to the DCON webpage on the CyberKey into your club websites and newsletters throughout the year. Include the theme throughout your meetings, agendas, socials, etc. Include the DCON logo in your work.

23 Ways to Promote DCON Flyers Online
Contain all the necessary resources for registration information, dates, and etc. Online Easily accessible and can be posted for promotion. Facebook Overlays with DCON information. Please refrain from creating mass event pages or mass DCON Facebook pages. Direct them to the CyberKey and/or information onto division websites.

24 Ways to Promote DCON PowerPoint Presentations
Promotional presentations which can be shared with the members. Club officers can use the materials at training workshops or club meetings. Presentation can include the convention activities.

25 Ways to Promote DCON Twitter
Have a Twitter account for DCON updates for members. Utilize “hashtag” system in which users can promote DCON. (ex. #DCON14 or #CNH14) We can also see what members are saying about DCON. We want to put the member’s voice on the screens at DCON, so get this trending!

26 Ways to Promote DCON Videos
Explore the possibility of various other videos to promote district convention. The Call to DCON video is a great resource to promote the event & theme.


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