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Presentation on theme: "THE REASON WHY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Homelessness is associated with…
Developmental delays across domains of functioning High rates of social-emotional challenges Grade retention and academic difficulties, drop out Mental health diagnoses But, there is evidence of resilience!

3 “For these vulnerable children, access to high- quality educational resources and support is perhaps the surest way to prevent intergenerational poverty and homelessness” (American Almanac of Family Homelessness, 2015)

4 Why do we need to pay attention? What are barriers?
Systems operate in isolation Parents not prepared to navigate systems Families are challenging to serve High mobility History of trauma Families are hidden from professionals Considered “baggage” in homeless services Considered unreachable in early childhood services

5 The Vision To ensure children birth to 5 years experiencing homelessness receive early intervention services for developmental and socio- emotional and mental health needs and have access to high quality affordable early education/care.

6 Find/identify a child experiencing homelessness
Screen/assess children experiencing homelessness Collaborate and connect with providers


8 Involvement of Key Partners: Wrap Around Collaboration
Homeless Services Providers Early Childhood Education Headstart Child Care Title I Pre K CHILD Early Intervention Speech Mental Health Parenting Developmental Services Homeless Education

9 Yay Babies Partners Salvation Army: Project CATCH
SchoolHouse Connection CCDF Lead Agency: DCDEE Dept of Social Services: Subsidy Smart Start Child Care Resource & Referral McKinney-Vento SEA Coordinator and LEA Liaisons Homeless provider agencies NC State University NC Infant Mental Health Head Start Collaboration, Head Start/Early Head Start Programs Early Intervention/IDEA Part C NC Coalition to End Homelessness

10 Focus on Education, Awareness and Outreach
Public Awareness Videos - 3 Social Media Parent Education and Outreach Resource Fairs Targeted Outreach (Street teams) Work with COCs/BOS – inform on new policies, encourage cross sector partnerships

11 Wake Charlotte Asheville Lee Wilmington Greensboro Outreach Events


13 Resources:

14 Resources….

15 Jennifer Tisdale, MSW, MPH
Project CATCH Coordinator The Salvation Army 1863 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604

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