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The 21st Century Math and Science Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "The 21st Century Math and Science Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 21st Century Math and Science Classroom
Danika Bender and Matthew Inman Shattuck-St. Mary’s School Faribault, MN

2 Introductions Who we are: Danika and Matt
Where we teach: Shattuck-St. Mary’s School Questions for you Do you teach math or science? Have you taken an online class before? Have you taken an online math or science class before? Have you taught an online class before?

3 Student Technology Use
Students usually a step ahead on the latest technology What we think is the latest and greatest is old news to them MySpace -> Facebook -> Twitter -> ???? Technology experience in teachers varies Some have a lot of experience, others may not know how to check Some are afraid to explore new technology Despite student experience with new technology, may have gaps with other technologies Assume they have taken the same path we have in technology use Mainstream technology skills may be missing

4 How to find common ground?
Training opportunities for teachers and students Professional development Provide opportunities to try new technologies Have teachers enroll in an online course (put yourself in the student role) First day/week of class: here is how this works discussion Continued support for students and teachers on technology use Willingness of both to explore new ways of doing things Students are probably over confident and teachers may be under confident

5 Lab work in science Some needs to be done in a lab
Chemistry/Biology where chemicals, microscopes, living things involved Physics where certain pieces of equipment needed Significant component of most science classes In Advanced Placement, should be doing 25% lab work Most other classes have a large chunk of lab work Ways to do labs Online simulations Need to provide open lab times Place labs on certain days depending on student/school schedule

6 In class vs. online practice in math and science
Many techniques used in the classroom harder online Practice problems in groups with instructor feedback Calculator use demonstrations Modeling problem solving techniques Student communication becomes key to overcoming these challenges May look different depending on teacher style Students need to be an advocate for themselves and their education

7 Student feedback and lesson modification
Traditionally, lesson are modified in class based on student feedback Responses to questions Body language of students Types of questions being asked by students In online/blended environment, a lot of this feedback looks different Dependent on effective student communication Does not come naturally to some students A skill that they need to develop in the long run Many tools to accomplish this goal (online homework, forums, , Skype, Blue Button, etc.)

8 Presentation of information
Many ways to present information Panopto (video capture) lessons and presentations Livescribe or other note-taking software Blue Button (live communication tool) Upload files or documents Find supplemental links to videos or resources online Advice for the beginner Load files as .pdf or other easily accessible file Check online links, make sure they work Do not need to do everything Try to see things from student perspective

9 Blended math/science courses
Algebra II, AP Stats, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus AB/BC, Calculus, Statistics, Advanced Pre-Calculus Science Biology, AP Biology, Ecology, AP Environmental Science, Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Physics, AP Physics

10 Examples Here are some examples of ways we do this

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