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Risk factors for high-order multiple pregnancy and multiple birth after controlled ovarian hyperstimulation: Results of 4,062 intrauterine insemination.

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Presentation on theme: "Risk factors for high-order multiple pregnancy and multiple birth after controlled ovarian hyperstimulation: Results of 4,062 intrauterine insemination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk factors for high-order multiple pregnancy and multiple birth after controlled ovarian hyperstimulation: Results of 4,062 intrauterine insemination cycles  Richard P. Dickey, M.D., Ph.D., Steven N. Taylor, M.D., Peter Y. Lu, M.D., Belinda M. Sartor, M.D., Phillip H. Rye, M.D., Roman Pyrzak, Ph.D.  Fertility and Sterility  Volume 83, Issue 3, Pages (March 2005) DOI: /j.fertnstert Copyright © 2005 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions

2 FIGURE 1 Cumulative pregnancy rate. (A) Diagnosis. Male, Cervical, and Unexplained = normal cycles without endometriosis or tubal factor. Ovulatory Dysfunction = anovulatory, polycystic ovaries, or luteal insufficiency. Endometriosis = without tubal involvement. Tubal Factor = endometriosis with tubal involvement and tubal adhesions or unilateral tubal obstruction. Patients aged ≥38 years and cycles with total initial motile sperm count of <5 million or motility of <30% were excluded. (B) Age. Patients with endometriosis, tubal factor, and cycles with total initial motile sperm count of <5 million or motility of <30% were excluded. (C) Sperm characteristics. Donor = cryopreserved sperm with ≥30 million motile count. WHO Standard = ≥40 million total count, ≥50% progressive motility, 30% normal forms. IUI Threshold = less than WHO Standard but ≥5 million total motile sperm and ≥30% initial motility. <IUI Threshold = initial motile sperm count of <5 million or motility <30%. Patients aged ≥38 years and patients with tubal factor were excluded. (D) Follicle count. Patients aged ≥38 years, with tubal factor, and cycles with total initial motile sperm count of <5 million or motility of <30%, were excluded. Fertility and Sterility  , DOI: ( /j.fertnstert ) Copyright © 2005 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions

3 FIGURE 1 Cumulative pregnancy rate. (A) Diagnosis. Male, Cervical, and Unexplained = normal cycles without endometriosis or tubal factor. Ovulatory Dysfunction = anovulatory, polycystic ovaries, or luteal insufficiency. Endometriosis = without tubal involvement. Tubal Factor = endometriosis with tubal involvement and tubal adhesions or unilateral tubal obstruction. Patients aged ≥38 years and cycles with total initial motile sperm count of <5 million or motility of <30% were excluded. (B) Age. Patients with endometriosis, tubal factor, and cycles with total initial motile sperm count of <5 million or motility of <30% were excluded. (C) Sperm characteristics. Donor = cryopreserved sperm with ≥30 million motile count. WHO Standard = ≥40 million total count, ≥50% progressive motility, 30% normal forms. IUI Threshold = less than WHO Standard but ≥5 million total motile sperm and ≥30% initial motility. <IUI Threshold = initial motile sperm count of <5 million or motility <30%. Patients aged ≥38 years and patients with tubal factor were excluded. (D) Follicle count. Patients aged ≥38 years, with tubal factor, and cycles with total initial motile sperm count of <5 million or motility of <30%, were excluded. Fertility and Sterility  , DOI: ( /j.fertnstert ) Copyright © 2005 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions

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