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“Improving cooperation with intermediaries: the role of the Observatory”

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1 “Improving cooperation with intermediaries: the role of the Observatory”

2 “Improving cooperation with intermediaries: the role of the Observatory”
Thomas Rossi - Cryptomice Charles Wright - Amazon Stefanie Harris - Amazon Enrico Turrin - Federation of European Publishers Yuliya Morenets – Together against Cybercrime International Okke Delfos Visse - Motion Picture Association Algara Castle - Association of Commercial Television in Europe Elana Lai - European Coordination of Independent Producers Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt - The International Music Managers Forum Florence Clerc - Swiss IP Office Harrie Temmink - DG Grow Dara McacGreevy – Interactive Software Federatoin of Europe Alexandra Poch - Observatory Antoine AUBERT - Observatory Joris Verschoor – seal Ioulia Issopoulou – Independent Authority for Public Revenue, Greece


4 2nd ICANN/Registries/Registrars 4th Payment System Operators
Scoping the Intermediaries 1st Advertising Service Providers – retail platforms and search engines 2nd ICANN/Registries/Registrars 3rd Shipping Companies 4th Payment System Operators

5 Scoping the Intermediaries
1st Advertising Service Providers – retail platforms and search engines Instrumental in the flow of right’s holder to seller to distributor to consumer - Voluntary actions paramount to safe guard the products being sold. Amazon have indicated the initiatives that they are taking

6 Scoping the Intermediaries
1st Advertising Service Providers – retail platforms and search engines Onboarding – e.g. Google security screening for advertising medicines Demote initiatives – algorithms to redact key words and demote suspicious pages. A UK voluntary Code of Practice (CoP) for copyrighted products e.g. films, videos and music is now operating in the UK. extension to this very positive initiative Pro-active monitoring and removal of abuse material extend further

7 Scoping the Intermediaries
1st Advertising Service Providers – retail platforms and search engines 2nd ICANN/Registries/Registrars 3rd Shipping Companies 4th Payment System Operators

8 Expect the unexpected…

9 Internet Intermediaries

10 Internet Intermediaries
ICANN REGISTRIES REGISTRARS REGISTRANTS GDPR/WHOIS plus oversight initiatives G O VERNANCE Sharing best practice T&Cs vital across the community e.g. .DK / .EU Voluntary actions and awareness .DK initiative. > flow of intel CEPI needs more information on protocols


12 For more than 25 years, domain name registrants have been required to provide contact information, including name, address, phone number, and address when they register a domain name. Combined with certain other attributes of a domain name’s registration, this is collectively called WHOIS data.

13 GDPR Though GDPR is rightly intended to only apply to “natural person” citizens of EU countries, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has issued a broad and unnecessary interim guidance on the regulation. This guidance has led domain name registrars and registries worldwide, the companies that initially collect and therefore control the WHOIS data, to restrict access to major elements of the WHOIS record.

14 Scoping the Intermediaries
1st Advertising Service Providers – retail platforms and search engines 2nd ICANN/Registries/Registrars 3rd Shipping Companies - integral in connecting the producer to the consumer – need the support of the producers to provide systems to enhance data capture. Share educational material to train operatives at the sharp end. 4th Payment System Operators

15 Scoping the Intermediaries
1st Advertising Service Providers – retail platforms and search engines 2nd ICANN/Registries/Registrars 3rd Shipping Companies 4th Payment System Operators Paypal, Mastercard, VISA, Disperse Payment providers - Virtual currency exchanges – STRIPE, BITCOIN

16 Thank you for all those who contributed which resulted
“Improving cooperation with intermediaries: the role of the Observatory” Thank you for all those who contributed which resulted in practical contributions revealing significant opportunities

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