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Discrepant issues in the treatment of colon cancer

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1 Discrepant issues in the treatment of colon cancer
Eric Rullier Deparment of Surgery University Victor Segalen of Bordeaux France Moscow, April 5-6, 2012

2 Treatment of colon cancer
Staging Surgical technique Strategies Adjuvant treatment

3 Discrepancies in Surgical Techniques
Colon cancer Discrepancies in Surgical Techniques


5 1329 patients 5-year survival
% % %

6 Plane of dissection in 399 colonic specimens , Leeds Muscularis propria 24% Intramesocolic 44% Mesocolic 32%

7 Plane of dissection and type of colectomy

8 Complete Mesocolic Excision improves survival
All patients Stage III

9 How to explain the better results?


11 Complete Mesocolic Excision (CME)
Technical insufficiency issue More frequent in right colectomy Impact of extended lymphadenectomy vs. CME ? Novel concept or standardization of an old technique !?

12 Discrepancies in modern surgical techniques
Colon cancer Discrepancies in modern surgical techniques

13 First acceptation of laparoscopic colectomy 2004 US COST

14 Barcelona, COST, COLOR, CLASICC

15 International guidelines
Laparoscopic surgery is recommended for colon cancer US UK France Europe Asia Australia …since 2005 !

16 Contradiction Patients excluded from trials
Obstruction, perforation T4, size > 6 cm Transverse, splenic flexure location Polyposis, IBD Previous laparotomy, BMI > 30 Surgeons excluded from trials < 20 or 30 previous laparoscopic procedures Leung Lancet 2004, COST NEJM 2004, COLOR Lancet Oncol 2005, CLASICC Lancet 2005



19 Reality: Colorectal Surgery in France 2010
National Database: PMSI procedures 75% colon 25% rectum

20 Place of laparoscopy in colorectal surgery in France: 40%

21 Proportion of laparoscopy according to type of colectomy

22 Complexity and type of surgery
Difficulty score and surgical procedure Colectomy TME Jamali FR et al. Arch Surg 2008

23 Impact of experience on conversion & mortality Evidence based
Converted Not converted National trials Mid experienced surgeons CLASICC % 9% 1% Single centers High experienced surgeons Braga DCR % 1% 1% Luga BJS % 3% 2%

24 Perspectives for laparoscopic colectomy
Good indications T1-T3NxMx colon cancer Right & left location Educated and experienced surgeon in laparoscopy and colorectal surgery Relative indications T4 colon cancer Transverse location BMI > 30 Expert lap surgeon with high volume of cases

25 Discrepancies in ultra modern surgical techniques
Colon cancer Discrepancies in ultra modern surgical techniques



28 Robotic Surgery

29 Current status of robotic colorectal surgery
Two meta-analysis (Maeso S, Ann Surg 2010) (Mirnezami AH, Colorectal Dis2010) Five controlled, non-randomized studies: (Spinoglio G, 2008) (Woeste G, 2005) (D’Annibale A, 2004) (Anvari M, 2004) (Delaney CP, 2003) focused on colorectal resection included several diseases and surgical procedures Feasibility and Safety (Maeso S, Ann Surg 2010) Rob vs. Lap Surgical procedure Open conversion ↓ 4% Blood loss NS Morbidity Quality of specimen resection Resection margin Lymph nodes

30 Preliminary conclusion of robotic surgery
Clinical advantages difficult to find in colorectal Probably impossible without experience At least 1 case a week necessary Advantages must be point out Patient: selected cases (obese, T4?) Surgeon: less stess Education: easier than laparoscopy Institution: Marketing +++ Limitations Lack of tactile and tensile feedback

31 Discrepant issues in surgical techniques
Complete Mesorectal Excision New concept or standardization of surgery ? Laparoscopic colorectal surgery In selected patients for selected experienced surgeons In all patients for high volume expert surgeons Single Port and Robot The futur or the past ? Evidenced based is necessary

32 Discrepant strategies Advanced complicated disease
Colon cancer Discrepant strategies Advanced complicated disease

33 Large bowel obstruction
20% of patients with colon cancer presented with bowel obstruction No recommandation for treatment Surgical options Colostomy then colectomy Hartmann then redo anastomosis Total colectomy High morbidity & stoma rates BJM

34 New option for obstruction: colonic stenting
International registry 182 patients 98% technical success 94% clinical success Complications 8% Perforation 3% Migration 1% Obstruction 3% Bleeding 1% Jimenez-Perez J et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2011 (Dec)





39 Multicenter French Colonic Stenting Trial
Stent Surgery (n=30) (n=30) Colostomy Technical failure 16 (53%) Perforation Premature closure of the study (n=80)


41 No data about long term oncologic outcome
- perforation ? - tumor compression ?


43 Colonic stenting: perspectives
New randomized trials ongoing (UK) Better selection Patient selection (M0 vs M1) Tumour location (left colon vs rectum) Impact on chemotherapy Interval between stent & surgery Design of the stent

44 Discrepant strategies Early colon cancer

45 Polypectomy vs. Colectomy in T1 colon cancer

46 Lymph node metastases in degenerated polyps
10-15% 27% Hagitt et al

47 Risk factors of lymph node metastases in T1 colon cancer
7543 patients treated by colectomy for cancer Incidence of T1= 8.6% Rate of N+ = 13% Predictive factors of N+ Sm3 Lymphovascular invasion Poor differentiation Nascimbeni R et al. Dis Colon Rectum 2002

48 Standard for colectomy in T1
Sm2 or Sm3 Lympho vascular invasion Poor differentiation Residual disease (margin < 1 mm)

49 What is new: balance strategy
Retrospective study 2000 to 2010 64 patients with colectomy for unfavorable histology Definitions Oncologic risk: rate of N+ or R1 Operative risk: severe complication grade III-IV or death Aim : to analyse the correlation between the oncologic and the operative risks Benizri EL Int J Colorectal Dis 2012

50 Balance strategy for T1 colon cancer
64 colectomies Oncologic risk 11% 7.8% N+ 3.1% R1 Operative risk 13% 12.5% grade III-IV 0 death Oncologic benefit only if ≥ 2 histologic criteria Benizri EL Int J Colorectal Dis 2012

51 Conclusion controversy for T1 colon cancer
Guidelines Taking account the oncologic risk Colectomy if 1 unfavorable histologic criteria Reality Taking account both the oncologic and the operative risks Colectomy if 2 unfavorable histologic criteria ?

52 Discrepancies in adjuvant treatments
Colon cancer Discrepancies in adjuvant treatments

53 New classification of colon cancers
TNM 7th edition (2009)



56 43 032 patients with colon cancer stage II & III
Definition of stage II poor prognosis Bowel obstruction Bowel perforation T4 stage Lympho-vascular invasion


58 Stage II Poor prognosis Stage III


60 Adjuvant chemotherapy for colon cancer
Evidence based for Stage III (6 m Folfox) Challenges for stage II Risk-benefice ratio unfavorable in all stage II Discrepant results in poor stage II Futur: new markers: RER & genetic signatures Challenges in old patients Older than 75y or with comorbidities Optimal CT : FU alone vs Folfox ?


62 FOXTROT UK trial

63 Coordonnateur : Pr Mehdi KAROUI (Chirurgien – Paris La Pitié)
PRODIGE 22 – ECKINOXE Phase II randomisée : chimiothérapie néo-adjuvante par FOLFOX-4 avec ou sans Cetuximab vs chirurgie d’emblée dans le cancer colique localement avancé n° Eudract: – N° promoteur: P Essai intergroupe: AERO, FFCD, UNICANCER, FRENCH, GRECCAR Coordonnateur  : Pr Mehdi KAROUI (Chirurgien – Paris La Pitié) 63 v

64 STUDY DESIGN Randomisation stratifiée sur : centre investigateur
64 STUDY DESIGN 15 jours 3 à 5 semaines 3 à 5 semaines FOLFOX-4 (4 cures) ARM A Surgery FOLFOX-4 (8 cures) R FOLFOX-4 - cetuximab (8 cures) FOLFOX-4 - cetuximab (4 cures) Surgery ARM B (KRAS non muté) Surgery FOLFOX-4 (12 cures) ARM C 15 jours Randomisation stratifiée sur : centre investigateur stade ctT (T1-2-3 vs T4) sur scanner initial stade ctN (N0-N1 vs N2) sur scanner initial Et selon le statut K-ras : KRAS non muté (WT) : bras A, bras B, bras C KRAS muté : bras A et C v

65 New perspectives in adjuvant chemotherapy for colon cancer
Neoadjuvant vs. adjuvant chemotherapy Two national trials Foxtrot UK trial Echinoxe F trial

66 Discrepant issues in treatment of colon cancer Conclusion
CME: a new old concept = standardization Laparoscopy: experienced and high volumes teams increase laparoscopic cases Single port & Robot: a new challenge Obstruction: stent only palliative cases T1: apply guidelines but remember the patient ChemoT: the futur is treatment before surgery

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