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Part 1- Stomata Part 2- Transpiration

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1 Part 1- Stomata Part 2- Transpiration
Transpiration Lab Part 1- Stomata Part 2- Transpiration

2 transpiration capillary action, by adhesion and cohesion, water drops are moved up and out the leaves.


4 Water potential The potential energy per unit volume.
Tendency of water to move from one area to another. We know water moves from an area of _____ Formula: The more negative the water potential the more chance of water moving in.

5 Water potential

6 The data All calculations should be in the notebook. Label the work.

7 What factors affect the rate of transpiration?

8 In your notebook part B Intro- environment conditions, what you expect and why Hypothesis- Materials- Procedure- include a diagram of the potometer, labeled Data- table


10 Group data Room Bright light Wind Mist Heat Condition
Leaf surface area cm^2 0 min 3min 6min 9min 12 min 15 18 Up to 30min Room Bright light Wind Mist Heat


12 Condition Water loss ml Leaf Surface area cm^2 Leaf Surface area in m^2 (cm^2 / 10,000) Water loss ml/m^2 is the rate for 30min Room Bright Light Wind Mist

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