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Spring 2014 RMS/EOC Session Management Training. Agenda 2 Creating new test sessions Add & move students Authorization tickets Seal codes Session Roster.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2014 RMS/EOC Session Management Training. Agenda 2 Creating new test sessions Add & move students Authorization tickets Seal codes Session Roster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 2014 RMS/EOC Session Management Training

2 Agenda 2 Creating new test sessions Add & move students Authorization tickets Seal codes Session Roster Starting sessions Monitoring session status Process at end of Session 1 for FCAT 2.0 tests (dont mark complete) Stopping sessions (including removing Ready students and marking students complete)

3 Support Information 3 Where to find Support Resources RMS – Spring 2014 RMS CBT Test Administration Manual – 2013–2014 End-of-Course Test Administration Manual – 2013 – 2014 Technology Coordinator Guide – CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide – Infrastructure Readiness Guide –Student Tutorials –PearsonAccess Tutorials –Trainings –Technology Resources ( FDOE website) – Computer-Based Testing Overview

4 Creating Test Sessions 4 Districts were able to create sessions during the PreID upload If your district did not create test sessions during the PreID upload, then you will need to create test sessions at the school Districts or schools may choose to set up test sessions in the way that best suits their needs (by test group, by test day, or by test administration) Large sessions (more than 100 students) are not recommended as it may slow down processes in PearsonAccess and TestNav

5 Sessions Created through the PreID Upload 5 FCAT/FCAT 2.0 Subject prefixes: FCAT 2.0 Readingsessions will have the prefix RR2 Grade 5 Mathematicssessions will have the prefix M05 Grade 6 Mathematicssessions will have the prefix M06 Grade 6 Readingsessions will have the prefix R06 Grade 7 Readingsessions will have the prefix R07 Grade 8 Readingsessions will have the prefix R08 Grade 9 Readingsessions will have the prefix R09 Grade 10 Readingsessions will have the prefix R10 EOC Subject prefixes: Algebra 1 sessions will have the prefix ALG Biology sessions will have the prefix BIO Geometry sessions will have the prefix GEO U.S. History sessions will have the prefix HIS Civics sessions will have the prefix CIV

6 Demo creating new test sessions 6

7 Add students to test sessions 7

8 Move students to another session 8 Students may be moved to another test session if they are in the wrong session or need to be rescheduled to a make-up session

9 Demo adding & moving students 9

10 Student Authorization Tickets 10 Each student must have a Student Authorization Ticket to log in to a test Each authorization ticket contains the TestNav URL, the students Login ID, and a test code (password) Student Authorization Tickets are printed from the Session Details screen

11 Student Authorization Tickets 11 If the Last Name, First Name, or ID number are incorrect, the student cannot use the ticket The ID number will show the last five digits of the Florida Student Number OR the last four digits of the Social Security Number and an X If the Date of Birth is the only incorrect field, the student may use the ticket and the birth date can be updated after testing with the student database manager

12 Demo printing Student Authorization Tickets 12

13 Seal Codes 13 A seal code is needed for all FCAT 2.0 tests This 4-digit code is auto-generated in PearsonAccess and is required for students to access Session 2 There is only one sealed section, which is accessed during Session 2 of testing There is one seal code included on the PDF within the Session Details page, and all students within a session will use the same seal code for Session 2 Students will need to be resumed after exiting Session 1 before they are able to log back in and enter the seal code for Session 2 Test administrators will need to ensure students work in the correct session

14 Seal codes 14 Available in PearsonAccess under Authorizations on the Session Details screen

15 Seal Codes 15

16 The Session 2 Seal Code screen includes a stop sign and a place to enter the seal code Test administrators should not post the seal code until instructed to do so in the script in Session 2 FCAT 2.0 Tests - Seal Code 16 TestNav TestHear

17 In Session 1, students will only be able to click Next Section from the item review screen TestNav will show 4 sections of the test with answered/unanswered questions Section 1 is the Welcome screen/Testing Rules Acknowledgment/test group code section for Session 1 Section 2 contains questions for Session 1 Section 3 is the test group code for Session 2 Section 4 contains questions for Session 2 TestNav FCAT 2.0 Tests - Seal Code 17

18 Demo accessing Seal Codes 18

19 Session Roster 19 You may print a Session Roster for a list of the students tested in each session This roster may be used to view and verify student data and to collect the required administration information An Excel version of the session roster that users can sort and filter will also be available beginning Spring 2014

20 Session Roster 20

21 Demo printing Session Roster 21

22 Starting sessions 22 A test session must be started in PearsonAccess before students in the session can log in and begin taking the test It is recommended that a session be started no earlier than the day before the test session is scheduled to begin

23 Monitoring session status 23 After a session begins, you can monitor the real-time status of students ReadyThe student has not started the test. ActiveThe student has logged in and started the test. ExitedThe student has exited the test but has not submitted his or her answers. (The student cannot resume the test unless authorized by the school assessment coordinator or the test administrator, if applicable.) ResumedThe student has been authorized to resume the test. Resumed-UploadThe student has been authorized to resume the test and any responses saved locally will be uploaded. CompletedThe students submitted test data have been processed. Marked CompleteThe student has exited the test and will not resume the same test. The test has been submitted for scoring. Click the Marked Complete icon to view the reason why the test was marked complete.

24 FCAT 2.0 Tests – End of Session 1 24 Follow this sequence for FCAT 2.0 two-session tests: 1.At the end of Session 1, students will exit the test on the Seal Code screen. 2.Students will remain in the same session in PearsonAccess and must be resumed for Session 2. DO NOT MARK STUDENTS COMPLETE OR STOP THE SESSION IN PEARSONACCESS AFTER SESSION 1. 3.For Session 2, give students the same authorization tickets and the seal code to sign back into the test (The only exception is if students are moved to a make-up session in PearsonAccess). 4.Students submit their test at the end of Session 2.

25 Stopping sessions 25 After all students have completed the test and submitted their responses, stop the session Before stopping the session, make sure that: All students in Ready status have been removed from the session. All students in the session are in Completed or Marked Complete status. If students are in Active, Exited, or Resumed status, manually mark those tests complete. If a test should not be scored, it must be invalidated once it is marked complete.

26 Demo starting, monitoring & stopping sessions 26

27 27 Pearson Customer Support: 1-877-847-3043 or Monday thru Friday, 7:00 am - 8:30 pm (Eastern Time) Your District Assessment Coordinator Who to contact with questions?

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