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Cadillac Aftersales Experience

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1 Cadillac Aftersales Experience
Kerry Bruce Marsee Manager of Cadillac Aftersales Strategy October 2017

2 Contents 2017 The Pinnacle of Luxury The Cadillac Way
The Cadillac Remote Field Force The Cadillac Academy 2018 and Beyond The Connected Experience GM CONFIDENTIAL

3 The pinnacle of luxury GM CONFIDENTIAL

4 The pinnacle of luxury: DEFINING expectations
BOTH CADILLAC AND PREMIUM CSI SCORES INCREASED IN 2016 Cadillac at 865 and Premium at 859 Cadillac outpaced by Lincoln and Porsche 3rd 5th Insight to the Luxury segment Customer Experience GM CONFIDENTIAL

5 The pinnacle of luxury: DEFINING expectations
USE OF COMPLIMENTARY LOANER (JD POWER 2016) C-6: Guaranteed Service Loaner VEHICLE RETURNED CLEANER (JD POWER 2016) C-9: Vehicle Condition at Delivery GM CONFIDENTIAL

6 The pinnacle of luxury: A living document
FOCUSED ON PROVIDING THE PINNACLE OF LUXURY SERVICE AND CONTINOUS IMPROVEMENT C-6 Guaranteed Service Loaner – Tier 1 (Effective 9/27/2017) Requirement was to provide an SUV Loaner to an SUV Owner Revised to providing a Cadillac Service Loaner to an SUV Owner A Customer must select #1-8 in response to “What model were you offered?” on their CSI survey GM CONFIDENTIAL

7 The Cadillac Way GM CONFIDENTIAL

8 The Cadillac Way: Guiding principles
RE-ESTABLISHING CADILLAC AS A PREMIER LUXURY BRAND IS THE NUMBER ONE IMPERATIVE A unified depiction of the Customer journey Partnering, as one Cadillac Team, through operational and cultural excellence to deliver the exceptional The Cadillac Way guide is a resource to inspire our daily interactions Creating lasting memories through emotion and senses The Customer ultimately determines the quality of their Cadillac experience based on the sum of their interactions with the brand GM CONFIDENTIAL

9 The Cadillac Way: Bold Principles
BE THE BRAND Share your passion Know and learn the Cadillac lifestyle OWN THE EXPERIENCE Provide a personal experience LEAD, TAKE INITIATIVE Anticipate the next step Collaborate as a team DELIVER THE EXCEPTIONAL Create a touch of surprise Express gratitude GM CONFIDENTIAL

10 The Cadillac Way: Moments Goodwill Tool
EMPOWERMENT TOOLS THAT ELEVATE THE CADILLAC CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Personal Experience vs Group Experience Delivering the Exceptional THE CADILLAC MOMENTS TOOL Up to $500 per event to overcome Customer Dissatisfaction as connected to a specific Repair Order Eligibility by Cadillac VIN Expanded beyond late-2016 “national pilot” focused on SRX CUE Communication GCUS released on April 17th, 2016 QUESTION: If a sticker (like those above) are on the back of a customer’s Escalade, and we are extending Cadillac Moments… our best choice perhaps? 1. Gift Card for Starbucks 2. Certificate for a Spa Day 3. Tickets to a MLB Game GM CONFIDENTIAL

11 The Cadillac remote field force

12 The cadillac remote field force
ONE POINT OF CONTACT PROVIDING 100% CADILLAC DEALER COVERAGE THE TEAM 7 combined sales and aftersales representatives and 1 supervisor Each representative will be assigned a specific list of dealerships Each representative will collaborative with their dedicated region Will utilize multiple forms of communications Located at CCA World Headquarters (Grand Blanc, MI) GM CONFIDENTIAL

13 Roles and responsibilities

14 The cadillac academy GM CONFIDENTIAL

15 Cadillac academy: CURRENT CURRICULUM
Course ID Course title Format VVM D Managing Service Appointments and Online Communication WBT VCA03.017W2 VCA03.017W1 Service Drop-off & Concierge Managing Service Drop-off & Concierge VCA01.017W2 VCA01.017W1 Vehicle Assessment: Multi-Point Vehicle Inspection Managing Vehicle Assessment: MPVI and Menus VCA04.017W2 VCA04.017W1 Proactive Communication During Service Managing Proactive Communication During Service VCA05.017W2 VCA05.017W1 Courtesy Transportation During Service Managing Courtesy Transportation During Service VCA06.017W2 VCA06.017W1 Service Re-delivery & Concierge Managing Service Re-delivery & Concierge VCA02.017W1 Managing Service Follow-up SPT D2 2017 MY Cadillac Product Line Overview (Non-Sales) 13 ALL NEW AFTERSALES COURSES LAUNCHED IN 2017 6 for Managers, 6 for Consultants, and 1 for All-Non Sales Cadillac Moments (including The Cadillac Way) available 4Q17 So far in 2017, Cadillac Academy has launched 13 web based trainings, 6 for consultants, 6 for managers and a 13th for all non-sales. In addition we are going into 400 of our highest volume dealers to deliver the Super Cruise Experience training. All customer facing roles are encouraged to attend this training when it comes to your dealership. Technology Experts in particular will be very important to attend. GM CONFIDENTIAL

16 Cadillac academy: content development
AFTERSALES COURSES IN DEVELOPMENT 4Q17 EARLY PLANNING 2018 So far in 2017, Cadillac Academy has launched 13 web based trainings, 6 for consultants, 6 for managers and a 13th for all non-sales. In addition we are going into 400 of our highest volume dealers to deliver the Super Cruise Experience training. All customer facing roles are encouraged to attend this training when it comes to your dealership. Technology Experts in particular will be very important to attend. PRESENTATION TITLE │ DATE │ GM CONFIDENTIAL

17 Cadillac academy: super cruise
THE 200 HIGHEST VOLUME DEALERS WILL BE DELIVERED THE SUPER CRUISE EXPERIENCE (TRAINING) All customer facing roles are encouraged to attend Highly recommended that Technology Experts attend So far in 2017, Cadillac Academy has launched 13 web based trainings, 6 for consultants, 6 for managers and a 13th for all non-sales. In addition we are going into 400 of our highest volume dealers to deliver the Super Cruise Experience training. All customer facing roles are encouraged to attend this training when it comes to your dealership. Technology Experts in particular will be very important to attend. PRESENTATION TITLE │ DATE │ GM CONFIDENTIAL

18 The connected experience

19 The connected experience: Importance of integration
DIGITAL TOOL UTILIZATION IS A KEY ELEMENT IN ENHANCING THE LUXURY CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Throughout 2018, there will be the introduction of multiple connected experience digital applications focused on mobile and in-vehicle users None of the mobile/online tools are possible without coordinated data sharing through integration 36% of Cadillac dealerships have Gold or Platinum level integration GM CONFIDENTIAL

20 The connected experience: Importance of integration
Mobile Online Service Appointments (App Features) Appointments (View, Change, and Cancel) Service Recommendations Concierge Services Self Check In Diagnostic Trouble Codes Displays All Active Conditions Allows Service to Review Prior to Visit Aids in Diagnosing Remote Tracking (App Features) Vehicle Status in Service Process Remote Approval (App Features) Service Pictures Video Remote Approval In-Vehicle Service Scheduling Initial Scope Oil Life and Recalls Mobile Online Payment (App Features) Online Payment Dealers are not logging out when they are not available, dealers can log out through a number Only fulfilling certain calls not all calls in APR GM CONFIDENTIAL

21 Thank You Kerry Bruce Marsee Cadillac Manager, Aftersales Strategy

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