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Concepts – Objectives-Standards

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1 Concepts – Objectives-Standards
 2019 Spring Training Youth Program                     U6-12 age groups Concepts – Objectives-Standards 

2 Communication Parental concerns or questions should follow this chain of communication to make sure it is addressed ASAP.  If there was an event or incident that you need to discuss, please try to wait 24 hours. Please do not try to engage a coach right after a game. Contacts listed on NCHU website   1st Contact –parent coach  2nd contact -Trainer/Cantera Coach  3rd contact – Age Group Leader (AGL) & Age Group Admin (AGA)  If there is still a concern the issue will be presented to the board for review by the Age Group Administrator  Try to communicate via a phone call rather than an e- mail to have a dialogue. 

3  Main Objectives   Develop players Attractive & effective team play 
Develop growth mindset  Introduce methodology  Teach the game through basic principles  Create a winning culture- built on principle that hard work breeds success 

4 Training & Game Philosophy OUT WORK OUT THINK OUT PLAY (style of play)

5 Training Session Phase 1 Technical Warm up Individual /Collective
              Agility                Focus on correct Body position-Bio Mechanics  Phase 2 Possession                 Non-Directional                 Directional                 Positional                  Focus on technical- build think a pass ahead mentality 

6 Training Session Phase 3 Game Related
              Tactical game –connecting technical application to the                                            to the 4 moments of the game                Conditioned game/ reduced space to automate decisions                 and actions based on the conditions . (Internalization of                        Concepts & Principle's)  Phase 4 – Free play –observe and evaluate –connect the principles & concepts inside an unconditioned game ( Encourage creativity)                


8 Parent Standards Encourage Commitment
Support the program aka trust the process Stay positive on the sidelines Do not yell at the officials or the opposing team Do not coach from the sidelines  Communicate with the coaches  24 Hour rule – please wait 24 hours after a game or training to communicate with a coach – preferable have a conversation rather than text or . (see slide 3)  Our Parents/Players/Coaches represent our Northport community  & club values on and off the field at all times. 

9 3/4 Teams = 1 Age group  We will be using all 40 training sessions to evaluate the players for future placement. We may have several teams in an age group but it is important to look forward that as rosters expand we will be consolidating teams- thus pool training is to put all players on the same page in terms of technical , tactical principles and concepts.  Spring Training sessions:  Session duration 1:15 (75 minutes)  Pool session 1 x per week  Individual Team session 1x per week  Friday's – for passionate players we will offer La Masia Clinic/GK clinic –this is a third training a week that is optional . 

10 Match Day Players expected to arrive 30 minutes before kick off
Warm up begins 25 minutes prior to kick off  Always bring both Jerseys, shin guards and water to all matches Communicate with your coach if running late 

11 Success is a choice  Success comes from many people working together to achieve the same goal. (Parents, Players, Coaches)  Success is a byproduct of a strong work ethic, discipline and dedication  Soccer is a game that teaches important building blocks for success –it gives the player a blue print method on how to accomplish things and be successful on and off the field.  Our program works on making the player self-motivated and invested in his or her development. Coaching is based on self-discovery method to build a growth mind set. Coaches ask player to problem solve and coaches guide them by asking questions so they can reach their own conclusion . This builds intelligent and independent players.

12 League/Tournament/Extra training/Camp
LIJSL- LI Cup  Tournaments suggestions–Memorial Day/Summer/Columbus Day  2 trainings per week (Pool/Team) 1 optional training /  La Masia clinic/ Gk clinic (Fridays)        * Check NCHU or Cantera website for details Summer Tournament optional  La Liga Camp –July 8-12 please refer to website for information or ( Soccer Park –Escuela de Futbol Huesca UEFA ) August Summer Intensive (Soccer Park TBA) 

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