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Campaign for a Fair Transfer Vivian Satterfield, OPAL Associate Director Jared Franz, OPAL Law & Policy Associate Eavan Moore, BRU Research & Advisory.

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Presentation on theme: "Campaign for a Fair Transfer Vivian Satterfield, OPAL Associate Director Jared Franz, OPAL Law & Policy Associate Eavan Moore, BRU Research & Advisory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campaign for a Fair Transfer Vivian Satterfield, OPAL Associate Director Jared Franz, OPAL Law & Policy Associate Eavan Moore, BRU Research & Advisory Committee Chair Ben Duncan, OPAL Board Chair

2 How We Got Here BRU formed in 2010 in response to history of service cuts and fare increases CFT supported by over 6,000 riders and over 30 community organizations Collaboration with TriMet to produce cost estimate and discuss benefits

3 The Potential Cost $2.6 million, short-term 0.5% of operating budget 2% of passenger revenue Diminishing long-term 0.3 short-term sensitivity to change (price elasticity) 0.6 – 0.9 long-term sensitivity Diminishing cost due to increasing influence on ridership growth

4 No Budget Adjustment Necessary Sufficient existing cash/contingency funds Board Policy = $100.3m Cash + Contingency = $118.7m Excess of Board Policy = $18.4m CFT is a fraction of cash/contingency excess and an appropriate use of funds Re-evaluate actual cost in FY15

5 CFT vs. Bus Service (Cost) CFT is a short-term, diminishing cost CFT is ready now, and cost of implementation is negligible CFT is one-third the cost of restoring our frequent service network

6 CFT vs. Bus Service (Impact) CFT has a system-wide impact; all cash/ticket riders benefit CFT mitigates low- frequency service and on- time performance issues Targeted fare relief for more people No barriers to access Existing fare mitigation programs underutilized

7 Frequent Affordable Fare burden is at record high Price increases have outpaced inflation since 1990s Fare increases + recession = double blow to riders Fare relief reduces cost burdens, expands transit access

8 Opportunity to Be a Leader Ridership Growth : Minneapolis 2.5 hour fare Public Safety : San Francisco unlimited nighttime fare Equity : Dallas low-cost, 5 hour midday fare Public Perception & Good Will

9 Transit Is a Lifeline Access to opportunity Jobs, education, worship, recreation, and essential health and social services Residential displacement and the growing need for affordable mobility A Stronger Community Public Health Environmental Health

10 Transit Decisions Most Impact: People of Color More likely to depend on transit, particularly busses More likely to transfer, use cash/ticket, and make short trips People with Limited Income Fewest transportation options More than 60% of all boardings Women People with Limited Mobility Youth Seniors People with Disabilities Source: TriMet 2010 Attitudes and Awareness Survey, TriMet 2012 Fall Rider Survey

11 Burdens & Benefits Disparate impact People of Color Low-income Riders Short, Cash or Ticket Trips (2-zone) Bus Riders Targeted relief People of Color Low-income Riders Short, Cash or Ticket Trips (time-based) Bus Riders Source: TriMet 2012 Title VI /Transit Equity Impacts Assessment and Fall 2012 Rider Survey Fare Increases Extended Fares

12 The Wisdom of Riders We Speak for Ourselves Environmental Justice demands meaningful participation of those most impacted at every level of decision-making. Riders know their challenges and solutions best.

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