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Problems - Solutions CRM & CLARITY.

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Presentation on theme: "Problems - Solutions CRM & CLARITY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problems - Solutions CRM & CLARITY

2 Prerequisites Users should be aware URL of CRM Production Environment
Users should have Login Details of CRM Production Environment for support user Oracle client should be installed at support systems Users should have Login Details of CRM Production Database Users should be aware of architecture CDR Project Users should be aware of all the scenarios in CRM

3 CDR Architecture – A Quick View
CDR Training – CRM CDR Architecture – A Quick View CDR Applications CRM Customer Mgmt Order Mgmt Assurance Marketing &Sales Product Management Web Self Care Analytics Reports OM Inventory Provisioning down stream systems Billing Plans Charging & Invoicing PMS Payments

4 To Get Users Created/Updated In CRM
Support group members should take request for User Creation/Updates from authorized BSNL person in proper format and create a Service Manager (SM) Ticket for the same. SM Ticket Should have all the details regarding the user like First Name Last Name Employee Number Correct Role according to CDR (CSR,CO,AOTR etc..) Respective exchanges should be there for CO Respective Number Ranges should be there for AOTR

5 To Get Main Locality/Sub locality Created In CRM
Main Locality/Sub locality should be unique across the different modules of CDR SM Ticket Should be raised to create New Main locality/ Sub Locality .Ticket should have all the details like Main Locality Sub Locality Exchange Code (CDR Exchange Code) WLL Exchange Code PIN Code Exchange Type (Rural/Urban) Workgroup (Clarity) All request should be created for Clarity first. After completion in clarity it should be done in CRM Existing Main Locality / Sub locality Should Not be changed. New record should be created by adding meaningful suffix to existing one.

6 First Time Logging In To CRM
User should have Internet Explorer (IE) Version 6 or 7 (Preferably 6) Users should have admin login to the system for fist time CRM client login Siebel Hi Interactivity Client require ActiveX. Siebel Automatically download required files on first time login to the client. Go To Tools Internet Options  Security  Internet  Custom Level Select ‘Enable’ for all the sub options in ‘ActiveX Controls and Plugins’ Go To Tools Internet Options  General  Settings  View Objects Delete all the files with name as Siebel or Hi interactivity (Don’t delete java , jre files) Login to CRM client.



9 CDR TrOrder Progression and Integration Touch Points
What is your mobile number & Best time to call? Our Customer.. Account Id is One Customer.. More Bill Accounts! Account id : Contact Service Request Line Items (product instance) Address Customer Account Billing Trouble Ticket Order Products Phone Line 1,2.. Broadband. ISDN. What Customer is subscribed One customer - Any number of addresses! Installation address1, 2.. Billing address… What BSNL sells.. Landline, Broadband, WLL, ISDN .. Plans New Phone/BB orders.. Change my plan.. Remove facility.. (Sales & Service Orders) Phone dead.. Bill not correct.. Pls help ! I want electronic bill.. My name is spelt wrong!!

10 Order Progression and Integration
‘Create Account’ in Customer Account  Billing Account Billing System (Kenan) ‘Available Numbers’ In Orders Inventory (Clarity) ‘Reserve Number’ In Orders ‘Accessory Check’ In Orders ‘Demand Note’ In Orders PMS ‘Submit Order’ In Orders EAI ‘Milestones’ In Orders ‘Submit’ / ‘Approve’ in Trouble Tickets ‘Approve’ In Service Request EAI / Billing System (Kenan) BB Billed/Unbilled Usage CDR Details

11 Order Status is Not Changing
Check Order Status and Milestones of the Order. If there is no Milestone and order status is Open: Order is not yet progressed by CSR Not Feasible : Number Availability or Number reservation got failed Submission In Progress : Check Order Date, Check Parent Order In Progress: Check with EAI If there are Milestones and order status is Open/ Not Feasible / Submission In Progress : Check Cancellation Reason. In Progress: Check Milestones. Demand Note Is Not Getting Generated In CDR System, Demand Note will not be generated for annual plan. It always come in next bill.

12 On clicking Customize Button, Application is Getting Hanged
By installing the ( Internet Explorer ActiveX compatibility patch) Changing the Internet Explorer Settings Open Internet Explorer Window Click Tools menu  Internet Options Click on Settings A new window will open change the setting called “ Check for new versions of stored pages ” to ‘ Automatically


14 Shift Disconnection Completed, Reconnection In Progress
CSR has raised a shift order, cancelled the shift order meanwhile the shift disconnection was completed. Then raised a new provision order, Demand Note raised for this NPC order but for the shift connection subscriber no need to pay any amount. How to proceed for such kind of orders. For this kind of orders. Please follow the procedure: If the Shift order was Cancelled, while raising NPC, In Order details Screen In More Info Tab . In Comments field please mention the reason for raising new order. In customize button Select Deposit Scheme as 'Zero Deposit'. Exchange Type Should Be Same While creating Shift Across Exchange Order, when clicked on Available numbers getting alert as "Installation address and Billing Account Exchange type should be same". The Billing address and installation address type should be same , either the both fields should be in rural or urban.

15 User Registration without Broadband
ECS Data Correction While correcting data for ECS customer it is not allowing changing. For this CSR has to raise SR changing first to Cash and again SR for changing it back to ECS. WSC User Registration Problems User Registration without Broadband User Request will be sent to Primary Web CSR of that Zone and Web CSR has to approve the Request. So that User can login into the WSC Portal. User Registration with Broadband User login directly once the Registration process is completed. User Request need not to be approved by WEBCSR. Plan is not visible (Eligibility criterion,Usage codes,Plan features.) Go to site map------>click on product master data----->Again click on product master data >Select one of the product line,for ex landline,broadband etc >Scroll down to see all the plans available for that product line >query for the required plan >Then you can check for the eligibility criterion like SSA,Billing account type and sub type,usage code for which a particular plan can be given.

16 Alerts assigned/going to wrong CO/AOTR
GO to site map >Click on Administration user > Click on Employees >Click on query button >give the user id and click on go----->Now u can see the number range below(AOTR) and exchanges(CO). The OD JTO has cancelled the order with reason as TNF, Wrong address etc now the order is in CRM and it is to be submitted or cancelled. In such a case an alert will be sent to the concerned CO.Inorder to check to which CO the alert is assigned follow the below procedure.GO to site Map------>Click on Administration Alerts-----> Click on alerts------>Give the telephone number in the field of service id to get the user id of the CO. To know the category of Sub-locality(Urban or Rural) Click on Site Map >Click on Administration data------>Again click on Administration data >Click on Locality Addresses >Query for the Main locality to see all the sublocalities and their pin codes also.

17 whenever CSRs trying to provide new BB, error message is generating
whenever CSRs trying to provide new BB, error message is generating.How to Proceed with this orders. As there was issue with broadband bill frequency in CDR, the process is changed to raise ISR for bill frequency change and then only proceed with new broadband provision. As part of it, when a new BB provision request is made and system finds that the frequency is not monthly it will raise this error. Please click on OK and raised ISR for bill frequency change and once its successful process the BB order. Whenever the customers are asking for the shift and the shift is being completed. But the address updation is not taking place and still the old address is continuing in the Bills. Hence those customers are receiving the bills at the old address and unable to pay the bill in time. While raising the shift order, prompt is provided if billing address update is required and accordingly the new billing address is updated same as new installation address. In that case the CSR selects no for address update, its assumed that the customer wants the bill at old address. TO modify click on the prompt while raising the shift order for address change. Another option is raise billing address update for the services mentioned with this issue.

18 WSC related(To see whether the user has access to selfcare)
First go to the services and query for the service ID , then copy the Account name or the First name.Go to site map---->Click on Administration users------>Click on users > Query for the first name(which u have copied earlier) >If the user Access field is "Y" then the user already has access to selfcare,if it is "N " it means that the user has already registered for selfcare and his request to access the site is to be approved Halt reasons and the respective actions to be taken by CO. 1)TNF/Door locked ----->In these cases the CO has to resume the order or cancel them. 2) Wrong Address or Wrong Sub-Locality------>The CO has to click on "Update order " and click on update Installation address and capture the new address. 3)Customer Initiated------>The CO has to Cancel the order in CRM. 4)Indoor not feasible >It can't be cancelled by the CO also(need to be cancelled from back end) Broadband password reset from CRM Query for the service id in services and then drill down on the Service >Click on Service requests ----->Click on Password reset >Click on New >In the field request type select User ID and then click on password reset.

19 How to Update destination number for HOTLINE Facility.
1)Please raise a modify(Change in Service) order and remove(unselect) HOTLINE facility. 2)Raise another modify(Change in Service) order and add(select) the HOTLINE facility and give the new destination number. NOTE: Do not update the destination number for HOTLINE facility with the new number. On validate button it will check for the HOTLINE product with update action code and throw a pop-up message. It will not allow you to proceed with the order. Do not delete and add the HOTLINE facility in the same order. On validate button it will check for the HOTLINE product with add and delete action code and throw a pop-up message. It will not allow you to proceed with the order. k

20 Thank You

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