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Low-Cost Fundus Camera

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1 Low-Cost Fundus Camera
Subject Matter Expert Review

2 Project Background A fundus camera is used to photograph the retina to provide information about a patient's eye. Diabetic retinopathy is a complication associated with diabetes, eventually leading to blindness. Most people will only see a specialist after damage to the retina has occurred Used exclusively in an Opthamologist's office With proper care, patients with retinopathy can reduce their risk of blindness by 95%. Typically very expensive and heavy [Ask audience about having any corrective lenses] We are project 16590, the Low Cost Fundus Camera and I am Casey Petzel, the EDGE lead. A fundus camera is typically a medical imaging device to used diagnose diabetic retinopathy, a disease that can cause blindness if not caught early enough. This poses a problem because symptoms are typically noticed after the retina is damaged then where a patient would see an Ophthalmologist. These devices are normally stationary, heavy and mydriadic, a chemical dilation of the eye; something that many people like to stray away from. After looking at current commercial products and taking aim at the goals of our customer, we have developed what we would like to correct for our fundus camera.

3 Problem Statement Due to the need for pupil dilation, specialized camera equipment, staff, and facilities, diabetic patients often do not receive regular screenings. By creating a low-cost, portable, and easy to use fundus camera, screening for retinopathy in diabetic patients can be performed by a general practitioner. Our goal is to create a light, portable and affordable Fundus camera to be used by a General Practitioner, or trained individual. It is important that this does not use chemicals to dilate the retina. This camera would screen the patient for retinopathy, and should anything look peculiar, the screener would recommend going to an ophthalmologist for an official diagnosis.

4 Functional Decomposition
Image Eye Save Picture Stabilize Attach Camera Alignment IR Set Up Mount Capture Image Rest Face

5 Concept Generation - Selection Criteria
Low Cost Safe Portable Easy to Use Secure Quality Achievable within our MSD time frame


7 See3cam_CU40 Camera Takes images and video in both IR and visible light. Sensor details: OV4682 RGB IR 4MP USB 3.0 10 pin GPIO header Interchangeable/Removal Lens 5V Vin

8 Illumination and Flash
Currently have board containing LED and IRED lighting Infrared lighting required to align camera with pupil avoiding dilation Axial lighting

9 Meeting with Ted Kinsman
Find the focus point of our lenses Most our lenses are condenser lenses Everything must be aligned & correct lens direction Consider an Acromat lens (Chromatic aberrations) Consider using a condenser lens in front of the macro lens Rolling shutter vs. Global shutter 40 mm. macro lens for increased FOV.

10 Action Items from Ted Get the model eye from Christye
Download optical design software Take focal length measurements and determine field of views Machine stands so they all rest at the same height Ask Christye if there are any cameras we can tear apart

11 Optical Structure - Status
Began searching for different optical design software Contacted three possible companies Trace Pro OSLO (Optics Software for Layout and Optimization) EDU


13 Optical Prototyping

14 Meeting with Bob Kremens
Discussed sensor selection. Things to look out for: Dead pixels Dark spots (power drop-off) Effective resolution - circular image on rectangular sensor Bending IR Reflectivity Autofocus? Suggestions Circular illumination - guide with lens

15 Sensor - Status, a first look

16 Sensor - Status right now

17 Housing Design

18 Controls X and Z axis are controlled using a joystick for fine movements and a loose base for large movements. Y axis is controlled using a screw and scissor lift system.

19 Further Mechanical Design
Add system to keep camera aligned Add system to attach lower base to the rest of the device Add systems to increase portability Design Outer Casing

20 Risk Management ODROID shipping - want it for winter break
Illumination Flash

21 3-Week Schedule Task Assigned To Due Date
Go over design review notes, create new action items if necessary Team 11/19/2015 Set up flash/illumination system Matt/Casey 12/1/2015 Begin designing in OSLO software Kelly 12/3/2015 Determine material cost for mechanical system Ryan Create overall budget sheet 12/8/2015 Load OS and boot loader to ODRIOD Cecelia TBD Put out any purchase requests required for MSD 2 12/10/2015 Gate review 12/11/2015 Go over gate review notes

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