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Part 1.

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1 Part 1

2 Two Men Jordan River Wilderness 30 miles? Over 1000 years
One issue in common Two Men

3 Moses 120 years old, vigor Memories Audience: <40 Genesis-Numbers
3 sermons, 1 day? Nebo Moses

4 Jesus Manna-Fast Satan Stones-bread: Dt. 8 Jump: Dt. 6 Kingdoms: Dt. 6

5 Two Men One issue in common: The book of Deuteronomy

6 After 40 day fast Alone in Wilderness Jesus knew Deut. Luke 2:52 Jesus

7 Jesus: Man going from Jerusalem down to Jericho Luke 10
What must I do to inherit eternal life? Deut. 6:5

8 Lawyer—Jerusalem Temple Which is the Great Commandment in law?
Deut. 6:5; Lev. 19:18 Matthew 22

9 Jesus Knew Deuteronomy
Raises Questions

10 Why Preach from Deuteronomy?
Hard Passages Marcionites Nailed to the cross

11 Why Preach on This? Deut. 16:21 You shall not plant any tree as an Asherah beside the altar of the Lord your God which you shall make. Azaleas but not Asherah

12 Why Preach on This? Deut. 24:6 No man shall take a mill or an upper millstone in pledge; for he would be taking a life in pledge. Who here owns a millstone? What bank will accept it?

13 Why Preach on This? Deut. 14:21 You shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk. What’s a kid? What’s the point?

14 Why Preach on This? Pentateuch Deuteronomy: 613 laws 248 positive
365 negative Deuteronomy: 34 chapters 959 verses

15 Why Study Deuteronomy Bible’s First Sermons
Moses with God over 80 times Time of Transition & Change Clashing world views Keeping Faith in Hostile Culture Why Study Deuteronomy Passing Faith on to Next Generation Vocabulary about Faith and God Leadership in Changing World Creating a Ideal Human Community

16 Should we read and study the book Jesus read and studied?
Why Study Deuteronomy

17 Plan Austin Handout Outline Why preach from Deuteronomy?
How to understand Deuteronomy? What to preach from Deuteronomy?

18 Understanding Deuteronomy
Jesus identified core issue Love the LORD your God No other gods No images Commandments 1-4

19 Understanding Deuteronomy
Jesus identified core issue Love your neighbor Lev. 19:18 Commandments 4-10 Deut

20 Understanding Deuteronomy
Jesus faced change From Heaven to Earth Temptations Found stability & truth Jesus found Deuteronomy helpful for facing change

21 Understanding Deuteronomy
Jesus faced hostility Worldview clash Support for His faith Jesus saw Deuteronomy as a way to maintain faith in time of opposition

22 Understanding Deuteronomy
I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. Deut. 18:18

23 Understanding Deuteronomy
Jesus—prophet like Moses John 1:21-27; Acts 3:22-26 Mission continued Moses: Gn. 12:1ff; Ex. 19:4ff Jesus: Lk 4:16ff; Mt. 28:19ff

24 Understanding Deuteronomy
Jesus guides understanding Core of Deuteronomy Uses of Deuteronomy Mission of Deuteronomy

25 Speech 1—1:1-4:43 Speech 2—4:44-28:68 Speech 3—29:1-34:12
Narrator—1:1-5 Moses—1:6-4:40 Narrator—4:41-43 Speech 2—4:44-28:68 Narrator—4:45-5:1 Moses—5:2-28:68 Speech 3—29:1-34:12 Narrator—29:1-2 Moses—29:3-33:29 (others; narrator) Narrator—34:1-12

26 Where When 1:5—in the land of Moab 34:1—plains of Moab
40th year; 11th month; day 1 (1:2) 32:48 “that very day” 41st year; 1st month, day 10 (Josh. 4:19)

27 Who Why 1:5—all Israel 34:12—all Israel Moses to Joshua
Promised Land & Conquest

28 Refrains Obedience (@130)
You shall therefore obey the LORD your God and do his commandments and his statutes which I command you today (27:10)

29 Refrains Obedience (@130) Gift of land (@100)
Then it shall be when you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you as an inheritance, and you possess it and live in it (26:1)

30 Refrains Obedience (@130) Gift of land (@100) Out of Egypt (@50)
I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery (5:6)

31 Refrains Obedience (@130) Gift of land (@100) Out of Egypt (@50)
Fathers May the LORD, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand-fold more than you are (1:11)

32 Refrains Obedience (@130) Gift of land (@100) Out of Egypt (@50)
Fathers Blessing You shall be blessed above all people; there will be no male or female barren among you or among your cattle (7:14)

33 Refrains Obedience (@130) Gift of land (@100) Out of Egypt (@50)
Fathers Blessing Good life For it is not an idle word for you; indeed it is your life. And by this word you will prolong your days in the land (Deut. 32:47)

34 Refrains Obedience (@130) Gift of land (@100) Out of Egypt (@50)
Fathers Blessing Good life Multiply The LORD your God has multiplied you, and behold, you are this day like the stars of heaven in number (1:10)

35 Refrains Focus on core issues Encouragement Point to God’s work
Sermons use repetitions It was a sermon before it was scripture; verbal before it was written Focus on core issues Encouragement Point to God’s work

36 Grace Obedience (Jn 14:15) Land Egypt Fathers Blessing Good life/Multiply

37 WORD CLOUDS NAS, 1995 27,639 Words 1,558 Different Words

38 Three Circles


40 Two Sided Coin 5:7—You shall have no other gods before me
6:5—you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might

41 Two Sided Coin Negative/Positive Prohibition/Command
5:7—You shall have no other gods before me 6:5—you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might Negative/Positive Prohibition/Command Core Biblical Doctrine

42 Two Sided Coin Rooted in Uniqueness of one God 4:35—none beside Him
5:7—You shall have no other gods before me 6:5—you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might Rooted in Uniqueness of one God 4:35—none beside Him 5:26—living God 7:9—faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love 7:19—rules over all nations 10:14—owns heavens and earth 10:17—God of gods, Lord of lords 30:11ff—near and personal

43 Two Sided Coin Rooted in Unique Love 5:10—shows his love to thousands
5:7—You shall have no other gods before me 6:5—you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might Rooted in Unique Love 5:10—shows his love to thousands 7:7-8—love is free 7:9—love transcends generations 10:15—love comes from His heart

44 Two Sided Coin Human Response 6:4—love with heart, soul, might
5:7—You shall have no other gods before me 6:5—you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might Human Response 6:4—love with heart, soul, might 10:12—love is core of fear, walk, service, heart 11:1—love keeps the commandments 11:22—love made them cleave to Him


46 Wagon Wheel Hub God’s love for us—Deut. 7 Our love for God—Deut. 6
Love each other—Lev. 19:18 theme in book Deut

47 Wagon Wheel Spokes—Ten Commandments Introduction—God loved us
1-4—how to love God 4-10—how to love each other

48 Wagon Wheel Rim Laws, statutes, ordinances Case Studies
Explain how to love God & each other


50 Happy Face Deuteronomy Upbeat, encouraging Ideal human community
“that you may live” (4:1)

51 Happy Face Deut. 6:1-3 Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the ordinances which the Lord your God commanded me to teach you, that you may do them in the land to which you are going over, to possess it; 2 that you may fear the Lord your God, you and your son and your son's son, by keeping all his statutes and his commandments, which I command you, all the days of your life; and that your days may be prolonged. 3 Hear therefore, O Israel, and be careful to do them; that it may go well with you, and that you may multiply greatly, as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey.

52 Happy Face Blessing—46 times Go well with you—10 times
God loves you—8 times Do this and live—7 times

53 Happy Face Milk and honey—6 times Live longer—2 times

54 Deuteronomy & Pentateuch
Promise to Abram in Gn. 12 Posterity—Gn. Relationship—Ex. & Lv. Land—Nu. & Dt. David Clines, The Theme of the Pentateuch,

55 Deuteronomy & Pentateuch
Promises Fulfilled in Deut. Posterity—ideal community Relationship—one God Land—Moses on Nebo; eve of the Invasion

56 Deuteronomy & History Sinai Amalek Additional leaders
Moses final sermons Failed Southern Invasion Covenant in Moab Edom Writing Law Moab Deposit of Law Ammon Rebellion in wilderness Sihon & Og Succession plan Baal Peor Blessing the people Cities of Refuge East Song of Moses Ten Commandments Moses’ death Massah Exile & Return Golden Calf Events at Ebal

57 Understanding Deuteronomy
Jesus—model interpreter 3 Sermons 7 Refrains 3 Circles 5 books of Pentateuch

58 Why preach from Deuteronomy? How to understand Deuteronomy?
Outline Why preach from Deuteronomy? How to understand Deuteronomy? What to preach from Deuteronomy?

59 Part 1

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