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Bellevue University Martell Harris

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1 Bellevue University Martell Harris
Competitor Analysis Bellevue University Martell Harris

2 Definition of Competitor Analysis
According to James Moore (1994)A competitor analysis means understanding the mind of another company. It entails mapping the hidden mosaic of ideas, tough choices, investments and accomplishments that will establish your adversary’s next set of beachheads (position). A competitor analysis can be one of the most useful starting points for creative rethinking of our own strategy.

3 Competition Rockhurst University 2012 Business Strategy:
Transforming Lives Consistent with Core Jesuit Values Enriching & Building Community Ensuring Financial & Infrastructure Strength Establishing Rockhurst’s Identity / Increasing Public Vulnerabilities: Community support Employee morale & support Diversity Lack of Alumni Funding for necessary improvements Rockhurst University 2012

4 William Jewell University 2012
Business Strategy: Launch ABET accredited Civil Engineering program Academic expansion of the Nursing program Growth of the instrumental music program including the band and new drum line that will perform at athletic events. Greater connection to the community of Liberty, Mo and Greater Kansas City. Increase scholarship support and the endowment. Vulnerabilities: State & Federal regulations Funding for programs Competition from other University’s Availability (Avila Nursing Program, etc) Program development & approval process Project management Lack of Alumni Measure of netting cash vs investment expenses Business Pressure of expansion Community support William Jewell University 2012

5 Park University 1875 Business Strategy: Ensuring Student success
Strengthen the Park Brand Ensure Customer Service and Organizational Effectiveness Optimize the Use of Technology Strengthen Park’s Fiscal Position Vulnerabilities: Proper educational technology tools & training Funding for programs Technology training Online education quality & expectations Off campus access Utilizing innovative technology for teaching Lack of Alumni Sudden change in direction Park University 1875

6 Immediate Threats 1 to 3 Years New university opening in the area.
New programs being offered at other university’s Employment options for professors Athletic program success (recruiting) 5 Years New university/ New athletic program State Funding/School tuition cost Newly renovated campus infrastructure/Technology advancement

7 Potential Weaknesses & Adjustments
Avila University’s has shown tremendous promise under Ron Slepitza (CFO) leadership. Early strategy's put in place have lead to students success. Ron stated (2016) “What I liked about the strategic planning process is the use of the balanced score card so that you are looking at your internal capacities, you are looking at processes, ways that you are driving student stakeholders, financial resources, and blending all of those together to lead to success.” For Avila University, it was a matter of being more focused than in the past from enrollment growth and student outcomes, to the learning environment and its recognition and reputation in the community in order to attract more best fit students.

8 Do Leaders Have Control or Impact?
I feel that leaders have much control over what needs to be done According to Gary Yukl (2013) For decisions involving major change in the organizational strategies or policies, the outcome will depend to a great extent on the influence skills and persistence of the individual managers who desire to initiate change and on the relative power of various coalitions involved in making or authorizing these decision (pg. 27).

9 References 1. Highered, C. (2016, October 29). Avila university strategic planning. Retrieved from   2. Moore, J. F. (1994, October 6). Mastering a competitor's strategy. Retrieved from 3. Yukl, G. (2013). Leadership in Organizations (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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