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Unit 10: Speciation 10.5 Patterns of Evolution.

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1 Unit 10: Speciation 10.5 Patterns of Evolution

2 Evolution Occurs in Patterns
Evolution through natural selection is not random. Natural selection can have direction The effects of natural selection add up over time.

3 Patterns of Evolution Convergent Evolution: evolution towards similar traits in unrelated species due to a similar environment. Example: Tuna (fish) and dolphins (mammals). Because they lived in the ocean (a similar environment) both faced similar evolutionary pressures and developed fins to navigate the water.

4 Patterns of Evolution Divergent Evolution: evolution towards different traits in closely related species Caused by different environments Red Fox Kit Fox Ancestor

5 Patterns of Evolution Coevolution: two or more species evolve in response to changes in each other. Evolutionary paths become connected Both species receive benefits from the other as a result of adaptations. Example: Plants and Insects Plants: provide insects with nectar Insect: transfers pollen from one plant to another

6 Coevolution (cont.) Coevolution can occur in competitive relationships, sometimes called an evolutionary arms race. Example: Crab vs. Snail

7 Patterns of Evolution: Extinction
Background Extinctions Mass Extinctions Cause: local changes in the environment. Forest fires, habitat destruction Affects a few species in a small area Less severe Occurs at roughly the same rate as speciation Cause: catastrophic events Ice ages, meteorites Destroys many species at a global level Very severe Rare but much more intense At least 5 mass extinctions in Earth’s history

8 How Fast Does Evolution Occur? No Exact Time Frame!
Gradualism Punctuated Equilibrium Slow and steady change of one species into another Small changes continually build over time Long periods of little change are interrupted by shorter periods of rapid change. Due to sudden environment change Example: Mammal diversity exploded after the dinosaur extinction.

9 Gradualism of the Horse

10 How Fast Does Evolution Occur?
Adaptive Radiation: a process of evolution where one species can split into a number of different species. Ancestral species diversifies into many descendent species Each adapted to a different environment Example: mammals

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