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Current model for Fe-S cluster assembly by the Suf system.

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1 Current model for Fe-S cluster assembly by the Suf system.
Current model for Fe-S cluster assembly by the Suf system. (A) SufS and SufE mobilize sulfur for donation to SufB (as part of SufBCD) and SufA. (B) An Fe-S cluster can form on both SufA and SufB. The Fe-S cluster on SufA can be transferred to an apoprotein. The SufB Fe-S cluster could be transferred to an apoprotein or could participate in redox processes during cluster assembly (eāˆ’). Dotted arrows indicate possible donation of iron by SufD or by direct binding to SufA. The exact role of SufC ATPase activity is unknown. Carla Ayala-Castro et al. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 2008; doi: /MMBR

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