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“Clocks in Rocks” (Isotope Dating; Absolute Age Dating)

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Presentation on theme: "“Clocks in Rocks” (Isotope Dating; Absolute Age Dating)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Clocks in Rocks” (Isotope Dating; Absolute Age Dating)
Geochronology Relative Dating & “Clocks in Rocks” (Isotope Dating; Absolute Age Dating)

2 Geochronology Relative Dating
Usually the term “geochronology” refers to the “precise” numerical age dating, instead of “relative” dating Absolute age dating using isotope systems This methodology is usually what the term geochronology refers to

3 Relative Dating Ordering a sequence of geologic events from oldest to youngest without necessarily having any (or, only very broad) numerical ages

4 Stratigraphy Principle of: Original horizontality Superposition
Stratigraphy: ordered sequences of sedimentary beds “Stratigraphic Succession” Oldest on bottom, youngest on top (Unless some tectonic forces overturns the beds) Principle of: Original horizontality Superposition Marble Canyon (Grand Canyon)

5 Unconformities: Gaps in the geologic record
The geologic record ain’t perfect!

6 How a gap (or unconformity) might occur




10 Types of unconformities

11 Let’s get the names of unconformity types out there…
Disconformity Upper sedimentary sequence overlies erosional surface on an undeformed and still-horizontal lower sedimentary sequence (see last several slides!) Associated with sea level drops or broad tectonic uplifts Nonconformity Upper sedimentary beds overlie igneous or metamorphic basement rock Angular unconformity Upper sedimentary beds overlie beds that have been folded and then eroded to a nearly level plane.

12 Death Valley

13 Angular Unconformity

14 Sketching Exercise Draw a sequence of many horizontal sedimentary layers Shade or pattern them in differently Apply compressive tectonic forces to fold them Apply erosion to make a more-or-less smooth erosional surface Draw several more new sedimentary layers that are now deposited on top What kind of unconformity have you made?





19 Cross-cutting relationships







26 This is a nice detailed example to study

27 Combining All Relative Dating Info (a lot of it is form the fossil record – Gel 203) into a Geologic Time Scale Arrangement

28 It’d be nice to put actual age dates on these divisions:

29 A “gazillion” renditions exist


31 Poster in my office

32 Fossils can also record “ordered” time and provide correlations across regions
Principle of Faunal Succession Sedimentary strata in an outcrop contain fossils in a definite sequence The same sequence at another location can then be correlated This same idea applies to sedimentary layers, too (“sequence stratigraphy”) Field of paleontology







39 Question Can all rock types potentially contain fossils? (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic)

40 Isotope Age Dating Putting numerical values (and error bars) on ages of rocks, fossils, and even earthquakes!

41 Isotope Age Dating Concept
ISOTOPES OF AN ELEMENT: Differing number of neutrons in an element define its isotopes In an unstable isotope neutrons will “decay” at a rate (dependent on the element)


43 Half-Life How long it takes for a sample of an unstable isotope (parent) to “decay” to half the initial amount (thus producing as many “daughters”) Isotopic “clock” is set when minerals in an igneous rock crystallize, or re-crystallize in a metamorphic rock

44 Common Isotope Systems Used in Geologic Dating


46 It’s as “easy as”… Knowing the relevant half life
Determining the amounts of “parent” and “daughter” in your sample, such as a rock sample, or sample of organic matter. This is done with a mass spectrometer Plugging in the numbers and letting your calculator have a little fun

47 Two Examples Carbon Dating C14N14 Uranium-Lead System U238  Pb206
(can be used to determine the age of an earthquake on a fault. In this case we know the amount of beginning carbon in organic matter (from atmospheric conditions) we can just look at the amount of remaining carbon Uranium-Lead System U238  Pb206 Here we don’t know the initial amount of Uranium A mass spectrometer can determine amounts of U and Pb per, say, million atoms of Zircon

48 Application to Paleoseismology

49 Carbon Dating Half-life = 5730 years

50 Suppose a sample of organic matter in the fault trace had 85% of carbon (relative to atmospheric left) How old would we date the earthquake?

51 Example 2: Handout In the case of unknown starting amount of Uranium, we can use the relative amounts of Parent P (Uranium, U) and Daughter D (Lead, Pb) Slight Variation of the formula used in Carbon Dating: Parent (Uranium) half life is 4.5 billion years = 4.5 x 109 years This implies that the decay rate constant r = 1.54 x (year-1) (can you calculate that?)

52 232 atoms of U and 64 atoms of Pb per million zircon minerals in the granitic intrusion
Substitute values into this formula. Make sure you correctly identify P (parent) and, D (daughter)


54 Sequence Stratigraphy
Seismic Reflection Surveys: Detecting and characterizing stratigraphic structures that are not exposed

55 Land Seismic Reflection Survey

56 Marine Survey

57 Detecting stratigraphic sequences that are not exposed
Raw data shows boundaries where the energy from the seismic survey was reflected Then the magic/interpretation happens…

58 Detecting stratigraphic sequences that are not exposed

59 “Seismic Stratigraphers” make $$$
in the energy exploration industry Conventionally in oil and natural gas More recently applied to deep sedimentary basins for geothermal exploration More in CH 19 of PGT in Week 10

60 end


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