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Published byJean-Claude Bertrand Modified over 5 years ago
NEPBIS TOT Day 5 NorthEast PBIS Training of Trainers (NEPBIS TOT)
June 5, 2018 Brandi Simonsen, Jen Freeman, Susannah Everett, & Adam Feinberg
NEPBIS TOT Day 5 Advance Organizer
Re-Introductions & Updates Self-Assess & Update Individualized TOT Plan Review TOT Scope and Sequence (Preview Year 2) Foundational Content: Function of Behavior, Escalation & De-escalation Working lunch (plan 10-min presentation) Video recording (10-min presentation) & feedback Debrief, HW introduction, and wrap-up Intro: Brandi Scope & Sequence thing: Jen Matrix: Jen Foundational Content: Brandi Trains, Jen Narrates
Introductions & Training Updates
General feedback for FAQ videos:
Greatest areas of improvement in FAQs: Providing more meaningful and frequent OTRs Assessing background/experience of the group Thinking about ways to engage participants and promote action planning/implementation Areas for continued growth on FAQs: There were still a lot of “Does that help?/Does that answer your question?” Switching to a follow up question that is more open ended and could check for understanding and promote increased application of content would be beneficial. Use FAQ as a way to review big ideas/content and create OTRs
General feedback for “Big Idea” Videos:
Areas of greatest improvement in 10-min segments: Improved fluency in content Better OTRs (less superficial) Additional opportunities for participants to take a moment to “action plan” Areas for continued growth on 10-min segments: Improving fluency with content (still some reading from slides and feeling the need to review all bullets on a slide) Navigating what you said you’d get through in 10 mins “Landing” on the big ideas (George’s "say what you are going to say, say it, say what you said” framework for presenting) Build in additional opportunities to apply the skill
General feedback for Individualized TOT plans and Content Homework:
Excellent work on TOT plans Purposefully addressing skills and areas of need Including thoughtful action steps to address needs (e.g., using choose your own adventure homework to address areas of need.) Remember, TOT plans (like IEPs!) should target more than 1 goal and less than 6 It is an opportunity to do a personalized PD plan for where you’d like to see yourself this time next year. Re-visit some basic instructional design principles/sequencing content and design of examples and non-examples. Be careful about spending too much time on non-examples Purposely plan when an OTR would be helpful instead of just throwing
General feedback for Individualized TOT plans and Content Homework:
Continue to build fluency in Translating theoretical concepts into user-friendly language ABA principles (e.g., general case programming) Consider both content and process when completing your choose your own adventure homework In addition to annotating slides with content or strategies to explain, to try and think/annotate also about incorporating effective training skills (e.g., where would an OTR fit best?, where would a good place be for an example or two; or how might assess for understanding?
Knowledge/Skill Self-Assessment
Self Assess: Baseline Knowledge/Skill of Training PBIS
20 min (independent) Go to Log in and click on trainer tab Complete End of Year Trainer Self Assessment under content from Days 5-6.
Individualized TOT Plan
Update Individualized TOT Plan: Review Data, Set Goals, Plan Actions
10 min (independent) Open your Individualized TOT Plan Template If you did not complete one yet… Go to Log in and click on trainer tab Download Review your data (self-assessment, endorsement tracker, feedback on FAQ, DOT-Q score and feedback from video clip) Revise your Individualized TOT Plan based on your data
Effectively Training Teams to Implement SWPBIS
TRAIN Teach, Relate, Adapt, Implement, Navigate
Teach content explicitly. Relate to audience. Adapt presenter behaviors based on audience assessment data. Implement to promote meaningful outcomes. Navigate through the presentation.
What have you observed?
Review of NEPBIS School Team Training Scope & Sequence
Tier 1 Leadership Team & Coaches Meetings
WHAT WHO 6 days of Team Training Minimum membership: administrator, grade level representatives, support staff 3 days Coaches Meetings 2 Coaches 2 days of TA per district Admin, Coach, Data Entry YEAR 1 3 days of Team Training Same above 3 days Coaches Meetings 2 days of TA per district YEAR 2 Modify as appropriate to match your training approach (e.g., change number of TA days, but not training days) 2 days of Team Training Same above 3 days Coaches Meetings 2 days of TA per district YEAR 3+ Tier 2 Training will also be offered to schools implementing Tier 1 with fidelity.
Establish leadership team Establish staff agreements Build working knowledge of SWPBIS outcomes, data, practices, and systems Develop individualized action plan for SWPBIS Organize for upcoming school year
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Team Training (Year 1)
Day 1 Overview of NEPBIS School-Wide Training Overview of PBIS/SWPBIS Getting Started with SWPBIS (steps 1-3) Action Planning Day 2 Review of SWPBIS from Day 1 Getting Started with SWPBIS: Steps 4-6 Preview Steps 7-10 Action Planning Wrap up
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Team Training (Year 1)
Day 3 Review Getting Started with SWPBIS (steps 7-10) Action Planning Day 4 Quick Review of SWPBIS from Days 1-3 Non-classroom Settings Classroom Settings Action Planning (w/TIC) Wrap up
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Team Training (Year 1)
Day 5 Quick Review of SWPBIS from Days 1-4 Function of Behavior Escalation and De-escalation Team Action Planning Wrap up Day 6 Quick Review Review TIC/TFI & Team Action Planning Preview of Tier II and Tier III Planning for the Beginning of the Semester/Year Team Action Planning Wrap up This is the focus of Today’s TOT!
Tier 1 Leadership Team & Coaches Meetings
WHAT WHO 6 days of Team Training Minimum membership: administrator, grade level representatives, support staff 3 days Coaches Meetings 2 Coaches 2 days of TA per district Admin, Coach, Data Entry YEAR 1 3 days of Team Training Same above 3 days Coaches Meetings 2 days of TA per district YEAR 2 Modify as appropriate to match your training approach (e.g., change number of TA days, but not training days) 2 days of Team Training Same above 3 days Coaches Meetings 2 days of TA per district YEAR 3+ Coaching and providing TA is the focus of Next Year’s TOT! Tier 2 Training will also be offered to schools implementing Tier 1 with fidelity.
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Coaches Training (Year 1)
Day 1 Introduction and Focus on Coaching Why Coaching Coaching Self-Assessment and Reports Introduce Yourself and Your school Advanced Skill Building Basics of SWPBIS Activity Identifying Resources Preparation for Next Training Event
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Coaches Training (Year 1)
Day 2 Introduction and Focus on Coaching Quick Review and Focus on Facilitating Team Meetings Coaching Self-Assessment and Reports Re-introduce Yourself and Your school Advanced Skill Building Coaching PBIS in Classroom and Non-Classroom Settings Preparation for Next Training Event
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Coaches Training (Year 1)
Day 3 Introduction and Focus on Coaching Quick Review and Focus on Coaching Tier 1 Coaching Self-Assessment and Reports Re-introduce Yourself and Your school Advanced Skill Building In-Depth Understanding of Behavior Preparation for Next Training Event
Foundations of SWPBIS: Overview of Team Training Day 5
We will preview/teach content from Day 6 (Tier 2/3 preview) tomorrow.
We will preview using Trainer Manual
Chapter V (Building Behavioral Capacity)
First, provide an overview of function with examples and non-examples.
Second, demonstrate how that is applied to designing supports across tiers. Throughout, emphasize applications of the content in Tier 1!
Understanding the Function of Behavior V.A
Function matters!
Function Based Support
Foundations in behavioral theory, ABA, and PBIS Attention to environmental context Emphasis on purpose (or history of reinforcement) of behavior Focus on teaching behaviors Attention to implementers (adult behaviors) & redesign of teaching & learning environments V.A
All Behavior Serves a Function:
get or obtain avoid or escape desired activities, tangible items, attention, or sensory stimulation aversive activities, tangible items, attention, or sensory stimulation V.A
What function?
I’m sending my whole class to the office!
What function?
Functions Pos Reinf Neg Reinf V.A
Non-examples of Function-Based Approach
“Lantana, you skipped 2 school days, so we’re going to suspend you for 2 more.” “Phloem, I’m taking your book away because you obviously aren’t ready to learn.” “You want my attention?! I’ll show you attention,…let’s take a walk down to the office & have a little chat with the principal.” “Function” = outcome, result, purpose, consequence
To Determine Function of Behavior
What typically precedes? What do the behaviors look like? What typically follows? Antecedent Behavior Consequence V.A Based on observing patterns across time, we can infer the probable function of behavior.
Let’s practice What Function?
During teacher lecture, Martha repeatedly and loudly calls out (without raising her hand). Each time, the teacher gives her a look, a redirection, or occasionally calls on her. Teacher lecture (limited attention) Calling out repeatedly Teacher attention Antecedent? Behavior? Consequence? What Function? Get/obtain Attention
Let’s practice What Function?
When given a difficult writing assignment Susannah regularly throws her pencil down, rips up her paper, and puts her head down. Her teacher ignores this behavior (and Susannah never completes her assignment). Difficult writing assignment Throw pencil, rip paper, head down Nothing (doesn’t do assignment) Antecedent? Behavior? Consequence? What Function? Escape Task
Peers laugh and pat on back
Let’s practice In the hallway with peers, Tim often teases, trips, or pushes a student who talks and walks a little slower than others. Each time, Tim’s peers laugh and pat him on the back. Transition with peers Teases, trips, pushes Peers laugh and pat on back Antecedent? Behavior? Consequence? What Function? Peer attention
Let’s practice What Function?
When the environment gets too loud, Corey typically slaps his head with an open palm, rocks vigorously, and eventually runs out of the room. Teacher walks him to a quiet office. Loud environment Slaps head, rocks, runs out Moved to quiet office Antecedent? Behavior? Consequence? What Function? Escape noise (stimulation)
By understanding function, we can intervene more effectively.
How can we prevent? What should we teach the student to do instead? How do we respond to make sure the new skill “works”? Antecedent Behavior Consequence We can make simple tweaks to the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences, to prevent, teach, and respond, respectively. V.A
Let’s practice During teacher lecture, Martha repeatedly and loudly calls out (without raising her hand). Each time, the teacher gives her a look, a redirection, or occasionally calls on her. Provide attention ahead of lecture and frequent eye contact during Teach and prompt hand raising Call on her ONLY when she raises her hand (otherwise ignore) Prevent? Teach? Respond/Reinforce? Simple strategies like this are part of good “Tier 1” responses to minor disruptive behavior.
Let’s practice When given a difficult writing assignment Susannah regularly throws her pencil down, rips up her paper, and puts her head down. Her teacher ignores this behavior (and Susannah never completes her assignment) Modify writing assignment Teach and prompt her to ask for help/break Give immediate help/break when asked. Otherwise, redirect to task. Prevent? Teach? Respond/Reinforce? With these simple tweaks, we’ve made it less likely for her to engage in disruptive behavior to escape difficult tasks.
Let’s practice In the hallway with peers, Tim often teases, trips, or pushes a student who talks and walks a little slower than others. Each time, Tim’s peers laugh and pat him on the back. Increase prompts and active supervision in hallway Teach and prompt respectful behavior toward all peers Group contingency: peers reinforced for supporting good choices (and ignoring teasing) Prevent? Teach? Respond/Reinforce? With these strategies, we’ve (a) increased the likelihood of respectful behavior and (b) minimized attention for disrespectful behavior. (This may start to look like Tier 2.)
Teach to ask for quiet and/or headphones
Let’s practice When the environment gets too loud, Corey typically slaps his head with an open palm, rocks vigorously, and eventually runs out of the room. Teacher walks him to a quiet office. Implement strategies to decrease noise; Give access to noise canceling headphones Teach to ask for quiet and/or headphones Remove to quiet office or provide headphones immediately upon asking; Redirect to ask if he starts to slap. Prevent? Teach? Respond/Reinforce? With these strategies, we’ve (a) minimized noise when possible, (b) taught a skill to reduce noise, and (c) made that skill more effective. (This may start to look like Tier 3.)
TAKE AWAY MESSAGE We should consider the function of behavior when we design plans across all tiers of support.
Efficiently walk them thru an activity on understanding function.
Again, emphasize applications of function in Tier 1.
Activity: Function of Behavior
Work as team for 15 min Consider a common problem behavior in your non-classroom or classroom settings (or a common challenge with staff!) Describe the “ABCs” Identify strategies to prevent, teach, and respond/reinforce Report (<1 min.) main features of your example
Why is function important?
Function-based behavior support plans are not only effective, they are more effective than similarly intensive and individualized plans that are not function-based (e.g., Ingram, Palmer, & Sugai, 2005). What did you say? Show you the data? Well…since you asked
(Ingram, Palmer, & Sugai, 2005)
(Ingram, Palmer, & Sugai, 2005)
Provide an overview of each phase of escalation and emphasize interventions to prevent or decrease escalation. Again, emphasize applications of the content in Tier 1!
Understanding the Escalation & De-Escalation V.B
Teacher Jason What assignment? Jason, please turn in your assignment.
The assignment you didn’t finish during class. I finished it. Great, please turn it in now. I don’t have it with me now. You have a choice…..turn it in or do it again. You never believe me. I guess you’ve made the choice to do it again. Make me. That’s disrespect…go to the office. F_____ you! Moves closer…& puts hand on J. shoulder. Pulls away, glares, & raises fist as if to strike. (Colvin & Sugai, 1989)
PURPOSE Enhance our understanding of and ways of responding to escalating behavior sequences. Student <=> Teacher Teacher <=> Teacher Teacher <=> Parent Child <=> Parent Teacher <=> Administrator Etc., etc., etc…. V.B (Colvin & Sugai, 1989)
ASSUMPTIONS Behavior is learned (function).
Behavior is lawful (function). Behavior is escalated through successive interactions (practice). Behavior can be changed through an instructional approach. V.B (Colvin & Sugai, 1989)
Remember, All Behavior Serves a Function
Pos Reinf Neg Reinf (Colvin & Sugai, 1989)
KEY STRATEGIES Identification of how to intervene early in an escalation. Identification of environmental factors that can be manipulated. Identification of replacement behaviors that can be taught (& serve same function as problem). V.B (Colvin & Sugai, 1989)
The MODEL V.B High Peak Acceleration De-escalation Agitation Trigger
Calm Peak De-escalation Recovery Acceleration Agitation Trigger High Low V.B (Colvin & Sugai, 1989)
Crisis Escalation & De-escalation
Calm Peak De-escalation Recovery Acceleration Agitation Trigger High Prevention Low V.B (Colvin & Sugai, 1989)
Teacher Jason What would you do? What assignment?
Jason, please turn in your assignment. The assignment you didn’t finish during class. I finished it. Great, please turn it in now. I don’t have it with me now. You have a choice…..turn it in or do it again. You never believe me. I guess you’ve made the choice to do it again. Make me. That’s disrespect…go to the office. F_____ you! Moves closer…& puts hand on J. shoulder. Pulls away, glares, & raises fist as if to strike. (Colvin & Sugai, 1989)
RECAP: KEY STRATEGIES Identify how to intervene early in an escalation. Identify environmental factors that can be manipulated. Identify replacement behaviors that can be taught & serve similar function. V.B (Colvin & Sugai, 1989)
FINAL THOUGHT Geoff Colvin (1989):
It is always important to remember that “if you inadvertently assist the student to escalate, do not be concerned; you will get another chance to do it right the next time around.” (Colvin & Sugai, 1989)
Efficiently walk them thru an activity on avoiding escalation.
Again, emphasize applications of function in Tier 1.
TRAIN Teach, Relate, Adapt, Implement, Navigate
Teach content explicitly. Relate to audience. Adapt presenter behaviors based on audience assessment data. Implement to promote meaningful outcomes. Navigate through the presentation.
Working Lunch
Working Lunch: Plan Presentations of Function or Escalation/De-escalation
1 hour (independent or small group) Review Trainer manual School team training materials from Day 5 (workbook, power points, agendas) Plan Review Function of Behavior and Escalation/De-Escalation. Select one section to present as if training a cohort of school teams Develop a 10-min presentation to teach the selected section Consider how you will TRAIN effectively (and review elements scored on the DOT-Q) as you prepare your presentation
Groups for Activities Cheyenne R Julie D Kate R Christine K Hannah G-B
KC N-O Erin C Clarissa F Maryallyn B Ellen R Mary Jo T Alicya S Karyn S Glenna F Kristin G Erik M Meghan W Nate G Jennifer D Melanie F Deb L Mitch O Marlene M R Lauren H Gina K Amanda B Sharon W Michele W-D Claudia E Karen W Sarah W Sarah J Karen R Susannah Adam Jen Brandi
10-min Presentations of Function and Escalation/De-Escalation
10-Min Presentations: Present one of the “Big Ideas” in SWPBIS
2 hours (assigned groups) In groups, review procedures and roles Presentation (each trainer in turn) Trainer will present10-min segment AND video record the presentation Observers will use DOT-Q video feedback form to evaluate trainer behavior Time keeper will provide a 10 min “shut off” reminder, and any time prompts requested by trainer Feedback discussion Following each presentation, trainer and observers (i.e., all group members) will discuss the strengths, areas for improvement, and any questions using the feedback form
Reminders & Wrap-up
Debrief 10-Min Presentations: Discuss Presentations of “Big Ideas” in PBIS
(whole group) What went well? What was challenging? Were there common areas of strength or suggestions for improvement? What questions do you have about training this content with school teams?
NEPBIS TOT Day 6 Advance Organizer
Intendent Activities Endorsement Tracker Progress Summary Content Focus Focus on Tier 2 and Tier 3 Supporting Teams in Action Planning Making Decisions about Adjusting/Enhancing Content Working Lunch (plan 5-min presentation of FAQ) Video Recording (5-min presentation) & feedback Debrief, HW Introduction, and Wrap-Up
Days 5, Homework 1: Review/Revise Presentations
30 min (individually) DUE June 30 Review video and feedback Review your video and group feedback from your 10-min presentations Evaluate the extent to which you effectively trained the content Revise video (if appropriate) Based on feedback, either determine that your video is appropriate to submit or re-record a 10-min presentation to address feedback Complete your DOT-Q self assessment Include evidence to support your scores Include narrative indicating what you changed from your original presentation Upload to your Dropbox folder Video (or video link) Self Assessment Indicate submission on your master spreadsheet
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