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SME Group 2 (JUMS) Backbrief

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Presentation on theme: "SME Group 2 (JUMS) Backbrief"— Presentation transcript:

1 SME Group 2 (JUMS) Backbrief

2 Our Task Create a JUMS training presentation/concept
Design a supporting Lesson Plan(s) Provide ~20 min backbrief of our Group’s effort Provided to the group: JUMS User Guide Critical Questions Checklist .Ppt and Lesson Plan Templates Feedback from JROTC Staff JSOCC website (previous JUMS briefs)

3 Defining The Problem Problem Statement:
Instructors generally lack understanding and confidence in their abilities to operate JUMS. Facts bearing on the Problem: JUMS is time consuming JUMS is too complicated SAIs tend to be JUMS primary Many Instructors have a ‘JUMS niche’, not comprehensive JUMS is an admin burden Underappreciate the importance of reports **All of the above contributes to lack of intrinsic motivation**

4 The ‘Solution’ Overall Objective: Increase confidence and working knowledge (NOT to develop mastery) Theme 1: Help is available….and it’s easy to get help! Theme 2: Core functions are important to Instructors…and Cadets Theme 3: Good reports = resources for you and your Cadets Theme 4: Maintain accountability (Stay out of jail) and save time!

5 JUMS Lesson Plan Overview
Why is this lesson important? Both Instructors and Cadets benefit from JUMS. Instructors motivate Cadets by rewarding them for their participation and performance (awards, volunteer hour reports etc). Additionally, JUMS reporting is a Dept of the Army requirement. Timely and accurate JUMS reports ultimately ensure resources which benefit Cadets and the entire program. Essential Question: How can I utilize JUMS to be a more efficient Instructor? Lesson Competency: Establish a working knowledge of JUMS Learning Objectives: Location of the JUMS User Guide – User primary resource for “How To” Working knowledge of Cadet awards, events, promotions, positions, and co-curricular activities entered in JUMS (Cadet Challenge example) Working knowledge of JUMS reports, completion data and submission timelines Working knowledge of Unit Clothing Shelf and Cadet clothing issue/return functions Being a JROTC Instructor is extremely rewarding. Watching young people transform…become contributors to their community, develop into leaders, become professionals, achieve academic goals etc etc. Being a JROTC Instructor can also be administratively burdensome, serving two masters (Department of the Army and the School District/Principle). Often our ‘administrative burdens are self-imposed for refusing to embrace and master our tools of the craft. (Insert scenario questions…’Have you ever…?’, or ‘Have you ever…?’) Admin can actually be fulfilling, knowing that your Cadets are the benefactor of your keystrokes (Awards and community service reports particularly). Did you know the accuracy of JUMS end of year reports drive YOUR resources? Graduate reports…GPA and attendance comparisons…these tell a story to Congress. And Congress provides us resources. Resources we need to reach our students and change lives. ‘JUMS changes lives!!’ OK, perhaps a slight overstatement, but a little practice with JUMS and you will quickly realize it is not daunting nor difficult. In fact, the system is intuitive and getting better everyday. Cadet Command recently assigned additional programmers to support improvements to JUMS. Improvements that will directly impact Instructors’ ease of use and responsiveness to issues and suggestions. This lessons will not make you an expert. This lesson WILL demonstrate the core and most important functions all instructors must know and give you some hands-on experience. This lesson will also leave you with references material and instructions to support the JUMS User Manual to refer back to. Becoming proficient with JUMS functions and reports will ultimately save you time – time you can spend with your Cadets.

6 Planning Assumptions Instructors have JUMS access and Internet Explorer 11 Two hours allocated to JUMS training at BDE Workshops A/V and IT available (Wifi, Projector, Screens) Four Instructors available to facilitate four Training Objectives Experienced Instructors are willing to assist during hands-on Four (4) target audiences Newbies Veterans (with newbie JUMS knowledge) Veterans (experienced JUMSters) Cadets

7 Planning Considerations
Time allocation (2 hrs): User Guide: 15 min Core Functions: 45 min Reports: 30 min Clothing: 20 min Q&A: 10 min Four facilitators (one per topic) – frees up the other three to circulate room When practical, consider combining PH 3 & 4 (hands-on while conducting demo)…helps achieve 70/30 rule Leverage experienced JUMS Instructors during hands-on – improves Teacher-to-student ratio and engages experienced Instructors. Identify ‘experienced JUMS Instructors’ up front. Assign a note taker. Provide feedback to BDE and JROTC Directorate. Evaluation/feedback: Design survey (Google Forms) questions. Send feedback to BDE and JROTC Directorate. Share files in Google Drive to SMEs, BDE and JROTC Directorate. Time allocation: User Guide: 15 min Core Functions: 45 min Reports: 30 min Clothing: 20 min Q&A: 10 min Four facilitators (one per topic) – frees up the other three to circulate room When practical, consider combining PH 3 & 4 (hands-on while conducting demo)…helps achieve 70/30 rule Leverage experienced JUMS Instructors during hands-on – improves Teacher-to-student ratio and engages experienced Instructors. Identify ‘experienced JUMS Instructors’ up front. Assign a note taker. Provide feedback to BDE and JROTC Directorate. Evaluation/feedback: Design survey (Google Forms) questions. Send feedback to BDE and JROTC Directorate. Share files in Google Drive to SMEs, BDE and JROTC Directorate.

8 BDE Summer Workshop (JUMS)
Overall Objective: Increase confidence and working knowledge Training Plan Objectives Major Teaching Points (Topics) Location of JUMS User Guide Working knowledge of Core functions Working knowledge of JUMS Reports, completion data and submission timelines Working knowledge of Clothing Shelf JUMS Users Guide Data Input, Awards, Events, Reports Supply Changes in JUMS Best Practices (efficiencies) Teaching/Learning Strategies Training Resources Activities Pre-check log-in (night Before) JUMS Manual Download (night Before) Inquire – List problems and requirements Gather – Present functions/best practices Process – Demo Features Apply – Hands-on practice Assessment – Feedback from Instructors Two (2) x Laptops Projector/Screens JUMS training website JUMS User Guide (Apr 2019) Wifi Four(4) x facilitators Overall Training Objective: Increase Instructor confidence and working knowledge of JUMS. This training plan is NOT designed to create SME or proficiency, rather to introduce key functions and how to effectively self-learn JUMS. As of: 9 June 2019

9 JUMS 2019 Brigade Workshop Training

10 Pre-Survey NOTE: Ideally, conduct Pre-survey prior to start of class. Use Google Forms. (1-10) How confident are you that you know how to (and will receive) JUMS help? (1-10) What is your confidence level that you know how to create and manage events in JUMS? (1-10) What is your confidence level that you know how to create and manage awards in JUMS? (1-10) What is your confidence level that you know how to create batch reports in JUMS? (1-10) How well do you understand how to generate a P.A.R.T. report? (1-10) How well do you understand how to generate a Intention to Graduate report? (1-10) How well do you understand how to generate a Unit Report? (1-10) How well do you understand how to generate the New School Year process? (Y or N) How well do you understand how to generate Clothing Bag functions? This survey can be administered on a Google Form. Google Forms automatically produce a roll-up/summary on a Google Sheet (which can be shared real-time with the class so they can ‘see themselves’). It took our team 5 minutes to set-up our Google Form survey (on this slide). Contact MAJ Bryan Williams at for access to the Pre-Survey and Post-Survey in this presentation. 1 = “I have no idea” 5 = “I have a general idea” = ‘I can teach it”

11 (optional) Insert Energizer
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How can I utilize JUMS to be a more efficient Instructor?

12 JUMS Lesson Plan Overview
Why is this lesson important? Both Instructors and Cadets benefit from JUMS. Instructors motivate Cadets by rewarding them for their participation and performance (awards, volunteer hour reports etc). Additionally, JUMS reporting is a Dept of the Army requirement. Timely and accurate JUMS reports ultimately ensure resources which benefit Cadets and the entire program. Essential Question: How can I utilize JUMS to be a more efficient Instructor? Lesson Competency: Establish a working knowledge of JUMS Learning Objectives: Location of the JUMS User Guide – User primary resource for “How To” Working knowledge of Cadet awards, events, promotions, positions, and co-curricular activities entered in JUMS (Cadet Challenge example) Working knowledge of JUMS reports, completion data and submission timelines Working knowledge of Unit Clothing Shelf and Cadet clothing issue/return functions Being a JROTC Instructor is extremely rewarding. Watching young people transform…become contributors to their community, develop into leaders, become professionals, achieve academic goals etc etc. Being a JROTC Instructor can also be administratively burdensome, serving two masters (Department of the Army and the School District/Principle). Often our ‘administrative burdens are self-imposed for refusing to embrace and master our tools of the craft. (Insert scenario questions…’Have you ever…?’, or ‘Have you ever…?’) Admin can actually be fulfilling, knowing that your Cadets are the benefactor of your keystrokes (Awards and community service reports particularly). Did you know the accuracy of JUMS end of year reports drive YOUR resources? Graduate reports…GPA and attendance comparisons…these tell a story to Congress. And Congress provides us resources. Resources we need to reach our students and change lives. ‘JUMS changes lives!!’ OK, perhaps a slight overstatement, but a little practice with JUMS and you will quickly realize it is not daunting nor difficult. In fact, the system is intuitive and getting better everyday. Cadet Command recently assigned additional programmers to support improvements to JUMS. Improvements that will directly impact Instructors’ ease of use and responsiveness to issues and suggestions. This lessons will not make you an expert. This lesson WILL demonstrate the core and most important functions all instructors must know and give you some hands-on experience. This lesson will also leave you with references material and instructions to support the JUMS User Manual to refer back to. Becoming proficient with JUMS functions and reports will ultimately save you time – time you can spend with your Cadets.

13 JUMS Topic 1 – User Guide TOPICS: Demo location of User Guide
Theme: Help is available….and it’s easy to get help! TOPICS: Demo location of User Guide Highlight ‘Summary of Changes’ page Demo JROTC website JUMS links Demo .csv Import Rosters (Cadet Challenge, CM) CENTRAL THEME: Help is available….and it’s easy to get help! STRATEGY: PH 1 (Inquire): Ice breaker PH 2 (Gather): ‘How do YOU get JUMS help?’ PH 3 (Process): Demos (User Manual, website) PH 4 (Apply): Instructors surf website JUMS files for 3 min



Reviewing the front page of the JUMS guide. New Changes: Finalization Button for Instructor Mid-Year enrollment report will show for number for school year.

JUMS User Guide is your FIRST resource for help Understand where to locate the manual Learn the core content/functional areas Review Summary of Changes Pages

18 JUMS Topic 2 – Core Functions
Core functions are important to Instructors…and Cadets TOPICS: Cadet accounts (S1, S3, S4) Create/Manage Events (Cadet roster, community service hrs) Awards (assign credits, batching) Promotions (batch promotions) Positions (assign positions) Co-Curricular (team rosters) STRATEGY: PH 1 (Inquire): Ice breaker PH 2 (Gather): ‘Why do we use JUMS?’ ‘How does this help your Cadets?’ ‘How do your Cadets help you manage JUMS?’ PH 3 (Process): Demo each function PH 4 (Apply): Instructors practice…Facilitators and experienced Instructors circulate room to assist over-the-shoulder CENTRAL THEME: Why is this important to Instructors AND Cadets?

19 Accounts Cadet must have MyGoArmy account in order to establish JUMS account - User Guide - Appendix D Common issue: Step 4 (Cadet goes to Junk folder sometimes) Set-up multiple Cadets in each position (S1, S3, S4) Ethics: Cadets NOT AUTHORIZED to use Instructor account If Cadet gets locked out (3 incorrect user/password attempts), must wait 1-hour Way-Ahead: Adding Cadet XO and CSM position WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Cadets trained on JUMS increase the program’s adminstrative efficiency. Highlight the website. Might have audience quickly go to the site and save as favorite. Recommend encouraging Students to keep the password simple. BEST PRACTICE: have Cadet take a photo of the screen. Appendix D is in a follow-on slide After a Cadet requests an account, My.GoArmy will send an confirmation to the Cadet. BE AWARE! Many times, the lands in the ‘Junk/Spam’ folder. Also, some school districts’ firewalls prevent the use of school addresses. A work-around is to use a personal . REMINDER: You can assign unlimited Cadets to each Staff (S1, S3, S4) JUMS role. CAUTION: Avoid Cadets sharing account. If Cadet is locked out…two(2) options: Option 1: Wait one hour and try again. Option 2: Call the JUMS Help Desk to unlock. At the request of numerous Instructors, two new positions will be added (XO and CSM)

20 JUMS Topic 3 – Reports TOPICS: Deadlines (on JUMS homepage)
Good reports = resources for you and your Cadets TOPICS: Deadlines (on JUMS homepage) P.A.R.T. (page 91) Unit Report (page 89) Intention to graduate (page 93) Opening Enrollment (page 90) STRATEGY: PH 1 (Inquire): Ice breaker PH 2 (Gather): ‘Why do we send these reports?’ (see Notes on slide #1) PH 3 (Process): Demo each function PH 4 (Apply): Instructors practice…Facilitators and experienced Instructors circulate room to assist over-the-shoulder CENTRAL THEME: Good reports = increased resources for you and your Cadets Also: Meets Army requirements Educational evidence of JROTC program’s added value Garners support from school administrators

21 JUMS Topic 4 – Clothing Shelf
Maintain accountability (Stay out of jail)….and save time! TOPICS: Managing Clothing Shelf in JUMS Issue Clothing Clothing Verify Hand Receipts Export and print STRATEGY: PH 1 (Inquire): Ice breaker PH 2 (Gather): “How can I be efficient in clothing management?” PH 3 (Process): Demo each step PH 4 (Apply): Instructors practice…Facilitators and experienced Instructors circulate room to assist over-the-shoulder CENTRAL THEME: Stay out of jail….and save time!

22 Post-Survey (Y or N) Did your confidence grow that you know how to receive JUMS help? (1-10) What is your new confidence level that you know how to create and manage events in JUMS? (1-10) What is your new confidence level that you know how to create and manage awards in JUMS? (1-10) What is your new confidence level that you know how to create batch reports in JUMS? (Y or N) Did your understanding of the P.A.R.T. report grow? (Y or N) Did your understanding of the Intention to Graduate report grow? (Y or N) Did your understanding of the Unit Report grow? (Y or N) Did your understanding of how to set-up the new school year process improve? (Y or N) Did your understanding of how to use the Clothing Bag improve?

23 Final Comments / Questions
2019 JUMS SMEs: Gracie Park JROTC (JUMS Manager) MAJ Bryan Williams Mariner HS, FL LTC Paul Harwart LFO HS, GA CW2 Darrell Harris Trezevant HS, TN MAJ Deloris Turner Thomas Dale, VA CSM Garret Spencer SRTC Monett, MO SFC Joyce Davenport Hawthorne Charlotte, NC CSM Brian Folts Omaha Bryan, NE SFC Ryan Taniguchi Hilo, HI

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