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Differentiated Instruction
Embracing Multiplicity Fall Staff Development Presented by: Caice Gallaher and Cheryl Pond
Agenda (1/2 day) Welcome Learning Styles Inventory Video Jigsaw (Differentiation Strategies) Break Question/Answer Thinking Outside the Box (Differentiated Content) Gallery Walk Closure Exit Ticket/Evaluation
Agenda (full day) Welcome Learning Styles Inventory Video
Jigsaw (Differentiation Strategies) Break Question/Answer Thinking Outside the Box (Differentiated Content) Gallery Walk Exit Ticket Lunch Break Menus, Choice Boards and Rubrics Group Work Gallery Walk and Share Time Evaluation Ticket
What is Your Style? Learning Styles Inventory Four Corners
Group projects –What is Differentiation? Presentations
What is Differentiated Instruction?
The key The key to a differentiated classroom is that all students are matched with tasks compatible with their individual learner profiles
Differentiating Content – MULTIPLE options for taking in information
Process – MULTIPE options for making sense of the ideas Product: MULTIPLE options for expressing what they know. “It means teachers proactively plan varied approaches to what students need to learn, how they will learn it, and/or how they will show what they have learned in order to increase the likelihood that each student will learn as much as he or she can, as efficiently as possible.” What Is Differentiated Instruction? By: Carol Ann Tomlinson (2000) Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction. At its most basic level, differentiation consists of the efforts of teachers to respond to variance among learners in the classroom. Whenever a teacher reaches out to an individual or small group to vary his or her teaching in order to create the best learning experience possible, that teacher is differentiating instruction. Teachers can differentiate at least four classroom elements based on student readiness, interest, or learning profile: Content – what the student needs to learn or how the student will get access to the information; Process – activities in which the student engages in order to make sense of or master the content; Products – culminating projects that ask the student to rehearse, apply, and extend what he or she has learned in a unit; and Learning environment – the way the classroom works and feels. Content Examples of differentiating content at the elementary level include the following: Using reading materials at varying readability levels; Putting text materials on tape; Using spelling or vocabulary lists at readiness levels of students; Presenting ideas through both auditory and visual means; Using reading buddies; and Meeting with small groups to re-teach an idea or skill for struggling learners, or to extend the thinking or skills of advanced learners. Process Examples of differentiating process or activities at the elementary level include the following: Using tiered activities through which all learners work with the same important understandings and skills, but proceed with different levels of support, challenge, or complexity; Providing interest centers that encourage students to explore subsets of the class topic of particular interest to them; Developing personal agendas (task lists written by the teacher and containing both in-common work for the whole class and work that addresses individual needs of learners) to be completed either during specified agenda time or as students complete other work early; Offering manipulatives or other hands-on supports for students who need them; and Varying the length of time a student may take to complete a task in order to provide additional support for a struggling learner or to encourage an advanced learner to pursue a topic in greater depth. Products Examples of differentiating products at the elementary level include the following: Giving students options of how to express required learning (e.g., create a puppet show, write a letter, or develop a mural with labels); Using rubrics that match and extend students' varied skills levels; Allowing students to work alone or in small groups on their products; and Encouraging students to create their own product assignments as long as the assignments contain required elements. Learning environment Examples of differentiating learning environment at the elementary level include: Making sure there are places in the room to work quietly and without distraction, as well as places that invite student collaboration; Providing materials that reflect a variety of cultures and home settings; Setting out clear guidelines for independent work that matches individual needs; Developing routines that allow students to get help when teachers are busy with other students and cannot help them immediately; and Helping students understand that some learners need to move around to learn, while others do better sitting quietly (Tomlinson, 1995, 1999; Winebrenner, 1992, 1996).
Always Teaches Up Never Waters Down
Differentiation Always Teaches Up Never Waters Down
Peer Collaboration Discuss your definition of differentiated instruction with your elbow partner Share your views with the group
Jigsaw Groups by color Each color group is responsible for the information provided. You will present this information to your home group. Return to your home group and share out information gained from your color groups. Create a differentiation T-Chart What it is /What it is NOT
Describe your strategy Why would teachers use this strategy?
Note Taking on the Fly What Describe your strategy Why Why would teachers use this strategy? How What are the steps in applying this strategy? Illustrate Draw representation and be able to explain your thought process.
Break Be back in 10 minutes
Discussion Compare the two group activities.
How was it different working with like learning styles vs. multiple learning styles? What part of each lesson was differentiated?
What kids are saying about Differentiation
classroom so that students have multiple options for
At its most basic level, differentiating instruction means “shaking up” what goes on in the classroom so that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn. Differentiation is respectful teaching.
Think-Pair-Share Think about the information presented
Talk to your partner about what you heard and why we should differentiate Share ideas with the group
There are Lots of Ways to Differentiate
Low Preparation Differentiation High Preparation Differentiation Choice of books Homework Options Use of Reading Buddies Work Alone OR Together Flexible Seating Varied Supplemental Materials Think-Pair-Share Open-ended activities Independent Study Multiple Texts Multiple Testing Options Interest Centers Choice Boards Simulations Group Investigations
Thinking Outside the Box
Look inside your box Work with your group to think of ways to differentiate Create a sample on the chart paper provided Post your chart paper
Gallery Walk
Closure How was this workshop differentiated?
Exit Ticket Complete your evaluation
Provide at least one thing you learned this session that you will use in your classroom in the comment section
Menus/Choice Boards Empowering students through CHOICE while ensuring adherence to important LEARNING GOALS.
What are Menus and Choice Boards?
Learning menus outline a variety of instructional options targeted toward important learning goals. Students are able to select the choices which most appeal to them. The teacher directs the menu process, but the student is given control over his/her choice of options, order of completion, etc.
Kinds of Menus MENU: Main Dishes, Side Dishes, and Desserts (for younger learners) AGENDA: Imperatives, Negotiables, and Options (for older learners) THINK TAC TOE: Complete a row, column or diagonal line of activities. (all three options can be differentiated according to interest or learning profile)
Menus/Choice Boards and CSCOPE
Performance indicators Project Ideas Presentations Assignments that require application, analysis or evaluation of knowledge Creating something new
Rubrics Provide expectations for finished work
Provide guidance for students Provide grading criteria for both teachers and students Every Menu/Choice Board should include a rubric for assignments
Your Turn Study the samples of menus/choice boards and rubrics
Investigate CSCOPE/Curriculum provided Design a menu/choice board with a rubric that you can implement immediately and repetitively Combine Performance Indicators and other projects as desired to provide students with choices for applying content knowledge
Let’s Share! Walk the room
Discuss other opportunities to incorporate menus/choice boards Take pictures of anything you would like to remember later Share and contact information Discuss ways to work together in the future
Exit Ticket Complete your evaluation
Provide at least one thing you learned this session that you will use in your classroom in the comment section
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