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Start Playing Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Start Playing Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start Playing Jeopardy

2 The Holocaust Historical Figures WW2 in Europe WW2 in Pacific Famous Battles 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 You can change the category titles by clicking in the text box and typing. The slides follow the order of the cards. 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

3 Kristalnacht translates to…
100 Kristalnacht translates to… Answer

4 The Night of Broken Glass
100 The Night of Broken Glass

5 Hitler’s plan to wipe out the world Jewish population was known as
200 Hitler’s plan to wipe out the world Jewish population was known as Answer

6 200 The Final Solution

7 The systematic killing of an entire people is known as
300 The systematic killing of an entire people is known as Answer

8 300 Genocide

9 Name of the most infamous concentration camp
400 Name of the most infamous concentration camp Answer

10 400 Auschwitz

11 Hitler’s book where many of his ideas originated
500 Hitler’s book where many of his ideas originated Answer

12 500 Mein Kempf

13 President of the USA throughout most of World War 2
100 President of the USA throughout most of World War 2 Answer

14 100 Franklin Delano Roosevelt

15 Great Britain’s Prime Minister throughout most of World War II
200 Great Britain’s Prime Minister throughout most of World War II Answer

16 200 Winston Churchill

17 300 Commander of the Allied Forces in the Pacific Answer

18 General Douglas MacArthur
300 General Douglas MacArthur

19 Japans Emperor throughout WW2
400 Japans Emperor throughout WW2 Answer

20 400 Emperor Hirohito

21 500 Great Britain’s Prime Minister when WW2 began Answer

22 500 Neville Chamberlain

23 Deal between Hitler and Stalin to not attack each other
100 Deal between Hitler and Stalin to not attack each other Answer

24 100 Non-aggression pact

25 200 Name for the style of “lightning” warfare the Nazis used to conquer much of Europe very quickly. Answer

26 200 blitzkrieg

27 Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy was known as
300 Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy was known as Answer

28 300 D-Day

29 Commander of the US Allied Forces in Europe
400 Commander of the US Allied Forces in Europe Answer

30 General Dwight D. Eisenhower
400 General Dwight D. Eisenhower

31 Code name of the July 20, 1944 plot to kill Hitler
500 Code name of the July 20, 1944 plot to kill Hitler Answer

32 500 Operation Valkyrie

33 Japanese suicide pilots
100 Japanese suicide pilots Answer

34 100 Kamikaze

35 Name of the naval base Japan bombed that brought US into WW2
200 Name of the naval base Japan bombed that brought US into WW2 Answer

36 200 Pearl Harbor

37 Cities where the atomic bombs were dropped
300 Cities where the atomic bombs were dropped Answer

38 Hiroshima and Nagasaki
300 Hiroshima and Nagasaki

39 400 We defined two major battles the US fought with Japan. The Battle of Guadalcanal, and the Battle of: Answer

40 400 Midway

41 Japans greatest naval strategist
500 Japans greatest naval strategist Answer

42 500 Isoroko Yamamoto

43 100 Many civilians were killed in this city as the Allies tried to stop the German advance with a heavy air raid Answer

44 100 Bombing of Dresden

45 200 Air battle that took place over the last major country Hitler hadn’t conquered in Europe Answer

46 200 Battle of Britain

47 300 - Daily Double Daily Double

48 400 Brutal, months long battle between the Russians and the Germans that involved house-to-house warfare and siege tactics Answer

49 400 Battle of Stalingrad

50 Hitler’s plan to invade and conquer the Soviet Union
500 Hitler’s plan to invade and conquer the Soviet Union Answer

51 500 Operation Barbarossa

52 Another name for the new German Empire under Hitler
Final Jeopardy Music Final Jeopardy Another name for the new German Empire under Hitler Answer

53 Answer Final Jeopardy Third Reich

54 This battle was known as “Hitler’s last stand” in WW2
Daily Double This battle was known as “Hitler’s last stand” in WW2 Answer

55 Answer Daily Double Battle of the Bulge

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