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Welcome to CMS Open House

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1 Welcome to CMS Open House
5th Grade Team C Mrs. Kelsey Grant


3 Class Expectations As a class we wrote a promise to each other based on how we are going to act throughout our year together. You can find this hung around the room and it has been signed by each member of the class. We will abide by these expectations and we will be reminded of positive behaviors throughout the year. I am all about KINDNESS!

4 Humanities Class

5 English Language Arts &

6 Writing: 3 different long compositions (narrative, expository, and persuasive) using Lucy Culkins writing program Standard English conventions/grammar and writing shorter essays using those conventions. IXL grammar program Wordly Wise vocabulary lessons

7 Writing assignments may be stored in Google Docs for next year’s teachers - don’t erase
Students cannot change anything on their assignments after the due date. Grades will not be changed after the due date.

8 Reading Comprehension Phonics Fluency Vocabulary
Topics based on Curriculum guide written referencing DOE Common Core Standards Pacing about 5 weeks per module Phonics Fluency Syllable knowledge Context clues Rereading strategies Vocabulary Wordly Wise Workbook and vocabulary from reading texts Strategies for determining meaning

9 Texts Reading Street Anthology: Fiction Novels:
used for reading skills lessons worksheets on those skills may be homework. quizzes are based on the text stories and skills module tests given on comprehension skills learned. Novels: read novels together as a class throughout the year to practice skills learned through text quizzes, tests, projects Students should also be reading on their own and completing reading logs. Grade level appropriate.

10 Nonfiction reading material: TBD
Novelettes from series: Reading Street has a number of Social Studies and Science short books to use with each fiction story in anthology Social Studies textbook: Our United States Teacher created materials depending on nonfiction content related to fiction texts

11 Assessments MCAS Beginning of year. Mid Year. End of Year
Dibels DAZE MAZE DRA Tests/Quizzes Based on reading texts and strategies Writing Assignments Projects

12 Class organization Modules (Units)
Each focused on a necessary skill(s) Each about 5 weeks long (TBD when guide in practice) 7 Modules Topics 1 Point of view, Compare and Contrast 2 Themes, Infer and Paraphrase 3 Research in Reading 4 Author’s Craft, Story Structure 5 Using Reading to Present Material 6 Summarizing and Finding Evidence 7 Step up to 6th grade

13 WINN Block “What I Need Now” Time for remediation
Time to push students to learn new skills Time for homework Band and chorus run at this time 5 Using Reading to Present Material 6 Summarizing and Finding Evidence 7 Step up to 6th grade

14 Scholastic Book Club Monthly Online ordering: T4KR4
Paper ordering - fill out order form in catalog (MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON IT), cash or check made out Scholastic, bring it all to class Points awarded to the teacher will be used to purchase books for the classroom.

15 Social Studies

16 Class organization Modules (Units) Each focused on a topic
Each about 2 months long 5 Modules Topics 1 early colonization and growth of colonies 2 reasons for revolution, Revolutionary war and formation of government 3 Principles of the United States government 4 Growth of the Republic 5 Slavery, legacy of the Civil War, struggle for Civil Rights of all

17 Assessments Texts Quizzes Tests Writing Assignments Projects
Social Studies Textbook: Our United States Online research Primary and Secondary Sources

18 Grading Policy ELA/Reading/Social Studies:
Tests and Projects 30% Quizzes, Writing, Labs 30% Homework % Inclass work % All assignments should be turned in on time. Points will be deducted from late assignments

19 Homework Homework for students is always written on the homework board at the front of my room. Students will copy homework into their agenda and I will initial it. Homework will also be written on my website online The expectation is that homework is completed and passed in at the beginning of class. Any important information and homework worksheets will go in the grade level black folder. Students are expected to read for at least 20 minutes every night.

20 Homework Continued Homework Policy: Homework passed in on
time and fully completed = full credit Homework passed in a day late or not fully completed = partial credit Homework not passed in = zero credit

21 Upcoming Events Canoe Trip October 9 to 12
Chaperones needed - 1 adult for every 2 students CORI forms must be done to go - check in at the Superintendent’s office for those Old Home Days September 7, 8, 9 Nature’s Classroom Fundraisers Magazine Drive September Picture Day September Harvest Festival November Band forms Band night September

22 Gotcha Gaels When the students follow class and school expectations they will earn Gotcha Gael Tickets. Items at the School Store may be purchased with these tickets. There will also be raffles that students can enter with the tickets. Participation in school-wide events will cost tickets as well, so it is important to keep them safe!!

23 Keep in Touch If you need to contact me, it is best done through . I only check my phone at the end of the day. Remind app ext Sign up for iParent Extra Help: Mondays until 3:30pm- Please send your child in with a note stating that they will be staying and how they will be getting home.

24 Let’s make this year educational and enjoyable
Let’s make this year educational and enjoyable. Thank you for your support and have a great night!

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