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Everyone Counts! How Leagues can support the Census 2020

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Presentation on theme: "Everyone Counts! How Leagues can support the Census 2020"— Presentation transcript:

1 Everyone Counts! How Leagues can support the Census 2020
Census 2020 Caucus LWVC Convention May 31st, 2019 Julie Cates, LWV Santa Clara County Census Representative Jenny Avina, LWV San Diego

2 Should Leagues Support the Census?
Yes! The Census drives political representation, state funding The Leagues’ mission is to see that all voices are represented Leagues’ work to educate voters, increase voter turn-out drives census work is instrumental to an accurate census

3 Census 2020 -- Topics Census Overview Census Process What’s Happening
How You Can Help

4 Why Do We Need a Census? Article 1, Section 2 of the US Constitution
The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. Key Purpose is Apportioning the US House of Representatives

5 Why Does the Census Matter?
$675 Billion distributed annually Of that, California receives over $76 billion Funding is distributed based on Census data Funding Congressional representation Reapportionment and redistricting Political Power 1990 undercount  California LOST a Congressional seat

6 Funding Impacts for California

7 What Happened in 2010? 73% Mail Response Rate (76% in 2000)
Enumerators 10 Million Californians responded by an enumerator visit

8 Obstacles and Challenges
California has 10 of the most populous counties in the nation First Digital Census Political Climate Hard to Count (HTC) Populations Response rate in HTC is lower than 70% Examples: 0-5, older adults, individuals with disabilities, immigrants, refugees, etc. U.S. Census Bureau Fewer than 7 in 10 households said they intend to fill out the census form Barriers to Response Lack of knowledge Apathy Confidentiality and privacy concerns Fear of repercussions Distrust of government

9 Hard to Count Populations
Children aged 0-5 Immigrants Residents who do not speak English LGBTQ Homeless and Housing Instable Seniors, Disabled Partner with County agencies, cities, community organizations to reach out to these groups


11 Citizenship Question State of CA v. Ross was combined with City of San Jose and Black Alliance for Just Immigration v. Ross (U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California) Trial: January 2019 Status: Judge Richard Seeborg blocked the citizenship question New York v. U.S. Department of Commerce Trial: November 2018 Status: Judge Jesse M. Furman blocked the citizenship question US Supreme Court bypassed the appeals court and heard oral arguments on April 23 Santa Clara County, et al. filed an amicus brief on April 1, 2019 in opposition of the citizenship question Kravitz v. U.S. Department of Commerce (U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland) Status: pending decision

12 Federal Timeline

13 Census 2020 Roles U.S. Census Bureau State of California
Local Government Santa Clara County Santa Clara County Complete Count Committee City of San Jose

14 How Leagues Can Help Fall 2019: Hold census outreach and education events Partner with organizations to expand reach 2H 2019: Help recruit for Census positions Enumerators needed June-Sept 2020: Flexible hours, $30/hour Good candidates at Community colleges, community organizations March-April 2020: Provide technical assistance to complete census online Senior centers, libraries, community centers Hold Train the trainer workshops January – February 2020 Ongoing: Share census information via social media Facebook, Twitter

15 How Leagues Can Help Fall 2019: Hold census outreach and education events Partner with organizations to expand reach 2H 2019: Help recruit for Census positions Enumerators needed June-Sept 2020: Flexible hours, $30/hour Good candidates at community colleges, community organizations March-April 2020: Provide technical assistance to complete census online Senior centers, libraries, community centers Hold Train the trainer workshops January – February 2020 Ongoing: Share census information via social media Facebook, Twitter

16 For More Information LWV US: Census Action Kit
Citizenship question: points-templates/talking-points-citizenship-question-2020-census US Census Bureau Overview Info, Fact sheets, Job Info, Census data California Census Overview, Complete Count Committees, Regions, Funding, News Check with your county and city for Census plans

17 Questions? Suggestions? Contact Us!
Julie Cates, LWV Santa Clara County Census Representative Jenny Avina, LWV San Diego

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