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Monthly Duties. Three main monthly duties include: 1. Planning/receiving monthly menus 2. Updating the Master Enrollment List (MEL) 3. Preparing and submitting.

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Presentation on theme: "Monthly Duties. Three main monthly duties include: 1. Planning/receiving monthly menus 2. Updating the Master Enrollment List (MEL) 3. Preparing and submitting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monthly Duties

2 Three main monthly duties include: 1. Planning/receiving monthly menus 2. Updating the Master Enrollment List (MEL) 3. Preparing and submitting a monthly claim

3 Preparing/Receiving Menus Child Menus

4 Preparing/Receiving Menus Infant Menus General infant menus Infant menu by age group Individual infant-feeding records

5 Updating the MEL

6 Lets play a game!!! Who can find the 5 errors on the MEL first? Hint: 3 errors can cost you money, while 2 of them are fairly minor.

7 Updating the MEL

8 14 11 9 3 45% 65%

9 Preparing the Monthly Claim What documents do you need to prepare your monthly claim? Meal counts Attendance records Title XX or XIX addendum (for-profit) Monthly meal count summary (sponsors) MEL Income Eligibility Statement (IES) Claim form

10 Preparing the Monthly Claim Title XX or XIX Addendum

11 Preparing the Monthly Claim Monthly Site Claim Summary Form INSERT IMAGE HERE

12 Preparing the Monthly Claim


14 How Errors Affect Your Claim

15 Questions

16 Daily Duties

17 Main daily duties include: 1. Attendance 2. Prepare meals or collect delivery tickets 3. Verify meals meet CACFP requirements 4. Serve meals 5. Take meal counts 6. Daily document maintenance/storage

18 Daily Duties Attendance Name of children and date attended No need to duplicate

19 Daily Duties Meal Prep Documents 1.Prepare Meals a. Consider keeping log of recipes or food prep records 2.Maintain daily delivery tickets a. Verify all components and correct # are delivered. b. Check temperatures, write on delivery ticket or keep temperature log

20 Daily Duties Do Meals meet CACFP requirements? 1.Be able to make substitutions if necessary 2.Document substitutions on posted menu and menu kept on file 3. Dont claim meals you shouldnt

21 Daily Duties Feed the Participants Questions to consider: 1.Was child offered every component? 2.Right portion size available/served? 3.Safe food handling methods used?

22 Daily Duties Meal Counts 1.Why cant you use attendance as your meal count records? 2.At what time should the meal count be taken? 3.Can you count a meal if a parent brings in the food? 4.Should you document meals served to staff? Why or why not?

23 Daily Duties Infants and Meal Counts 1.0-3 months 2.4-7 months 3.8-11 months

24 As-Needed Duties

25 Renew your license, fire inspection Renew Food Safety Manager cert Submit updates to the State Agency Procurement Train new hires Initial paperwork for new enrollees

26 Questions

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