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Waverly High School 8th Grade Scheduling

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1 Waverly High School 8th Grade Scheduling

2 High School Counseling Role
Counseling Caseload: You will be assigned a counselor next year (based on last name). This person will stay with you until you graduate. Student advocate Encourage each student to succeed (success is different for each individual) Academic, personal, crisis, and career planning Summary: Planning for 2 time frames - 4 years of high school and post-secondary

3 “6-Choice Day” Most freshman will have: English 9 or English 9 Honors
Algebra I or Geometry Honors (only for a select group of students) U.S. History or U.S. History Honors Physical Science with Earth Science (a select few will have Honors Chemistry) World Language (or another elective) General PE/Health (or another elective) 6 Alternate Choices

4 PRIDE Provides time for check-in with teacher for grades and attendance. Allows time for (KHAN) test prep, supplemental instruction, clubs, career exploration. Flexible and individualized so that students can access what they need.

5 Graduation Requirements 24 Credits
4 English credits 4 Math credits (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Senior-Year Math) 3 Science credits (Meet the Biology and Physics/Chemistry requirement and select a 3rd Science course) 3 Social Studies Credits (U.S. History, World History, U.S. Government/Economics) .5 General Physical Education and .5 Health 2 credits of World Language PRIDE-2 credits (.25 per semester) 1 VPAA (Visual Performing Applied Arts) Take the Michigan Merit exams/State testing

6 4 Year Plan Note: if you are requesting band/choir/orchestra AND world language, you can take general PE and health later 9th ٠Algebra I or Geometry Honors ٠English 9 or English 9 Honors ٠U.S. History or U.S. History Honors ٠Physical Science (or Honors Chemistry) ٠2 electives (most with General PE/Health and/or WL) 10th ٠Geometry or Algebra II Honors ٠English 10 or English 10 Honors ٠World History, World Hist. Honors ٠Biology with Earth Science ٠2 electives (VPAA & WL; take requirements first) 11th ٠Algebra II, Pre-Calc ٠English 11 or Class Literature Honors ٠U.S. Government/Economics ٠ 3rd Science ٠2 electives (WL/VPAA or WTC) 12th ٠Continued Math Sequence (4th Year Math substitutes) ٠English 12, Eng. 12 H, or AP English ٠4th year of Science is recommended ٠4th year of Social Studies is recommended ٠2 electives or WTC

7 Should I take Honors Courses?
Things to consider: Teacher recommendation Wait a year? Reading skills Test scores reviewed by teachers (NWEA) Prepare for AP Strength of high school resume/transcript WMS staff will notify counselors with a list of honors recommendations. Student schedules will be updated accordingly. There is a drop/add session in late August.

8 Plans of Study Review Course Descriptions

9 Scheduling Process 5 Easy Steps
1) Review the scheduling worksheet with your parent. Be deliberate in your alternate choices as you are likely to get those classes as well. 2) Obtain parent signatures. 3) Obtain signatures for Honors classes when applicable but know that counselors will use the list provided by WMS teachers. 4) Return the worksheet to school. 5) Make sure your final choices are updated in PowerSchool and on your worksheet before March 22.

10 Testing Out -Applications will be available soon at WMS.
-Get your application from Mrs. Hood. -Students should be skilled at self instruction to prepare for the test. It is not just a test; there are sometimes projects as well.  -Applications are due Friday, May 17th.

11 Credits - A New Concept D- or higher at semester = .5 credits/class
June = 6.50 possible credits earned 24 credits required to graduate Tutoring/credit recovery/several resources

12 What’s All This Testing?
9th Grade- PSAT (Practice test for SAT) 10th Grade-PSAT (Practice test for SAT) 11th Grade- State Testing (April) Day 1 SAT Test * Day 2 Work Keys Day 3 Additional state-mandated testing 9th grade is not too early to begin studying on the only sanctioned SAT test prep website MANY JUNIORS register and pay for the ACT and/or an additional SAT test. 12th Grade – Optional - retest for better admission scores on ACT/SAT NWEA – Three times a year in math and English; used for placement

13 Attendance Warning-attendance is directly connected to passing high school requirements. Parents must call to excuse a child (sometimes this very important step is missed). It is always the student’s duty to recover missed work. Extensive absences results in truancy/legal actions

14 Contact Be sure to update your and contact information next fall. WHS relies on communication via . Contact Information: Tonya Droessler (A-Gl) Stephanie Brokstad (Go-Ph) Kristen Gazley (Pi-Z) Ginny Doyle-Counseling Office Secretary

15 What Next 3/18/2019 parent night
3/19/2019 student presentation/scheduling 3/22/2019 scheduling worksheets due August TBD 9th grade orientation August TBD Open House August TBD-drop/adds 10 days to change your schedule

16 Questions & Answers

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