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Bioinformatics Core Staffing

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1 Bioinformatics Core Staffing
6/11/2019 Bioinformatics Core Staffing Sara Grimm, PhD Deputy Director, Integrative Bioinformatics Group National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

2 Tasked with supporting 60 labs, ~300 scientists.
6/11/2019 Integrative NIEHS What we do… Tasked with supporting 60 labs, ~300 scientists. Data analysis, QC, Teaching/Training, etc. Embedded support model. ‘Free’ service.

3 I need it all by this afternoon. Don’t forget the kitchen sink!
6/11/2019 The Ideal Candidate Can... Translate biologist’s request to something computationally feasible. I need it all by this afternoon. Don’t forget the kitchen sink! Typical Customer Choose appropriate analysis strategy. Independently implement that strategy. Effectively communicate analysis methods & results to non-technical colleagues.

4 Recruiting is a problem. (contracting agency) Local competition.
6/11/2019 Reality of Hiring Recruiting is a problem. (contracting agency) Local competition. 3 major universities, 5 big pharma/ agriculture companies, dozens of biotech companies, etc. Typical candidates we see: Usually early career in life sciences, few technical skills Sometimes mid-career from other fields, limited biology knowledge

5 Baseline technical skills.
6/11/2019 So Who’s Got Real Potential? The Top 5 Baseline technical skills. Demonstrated comfort in linux environment. At least one programming or scripting language. Conversant in genome biology. Terminology: chromatin, transcription factor, methylation, … We typically include a staff scientist on the interview panel.

6 Upfront about (limits of) expertise.
6/11/2019 So Who’s Got Real Potential? The Top 5 Ideas people. Proactive. Innovative. Independent learner. Ability to troubleshoot. Upfront about (limits of) expertise. 5. Does the core service model fit their career goals?

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