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University Human Resources & Payroll Operations & Systems August 2013 HR U SERS G ROUP (HUG)

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Presentation on theme: "University Human Resources & Payroll Operations & Systems August 2013 HR U SERS G ROUP (HUG)"— Presentation transcript:

1 University Human Resources & Payroll Operations & Systems August 2013 HR U SERS G ROUP (HUG)

2 OPERATIONS & SYSTEMS 2 Agenda 2013 Fiscal Year End – Key Information Key Dates & Deadlines Salary Planning, Position and Job updates, Employee Pay corrections Salary planning for Employees on Leaves of Absence Salary planning for Bargaining Unit Employees Salary planning corrections Benefits Deadlines & Reminders Taleo Updates

3 OPERATIONS & SYSTEMS 3 Key Dates & Deadlines Salary Planning: PeopleSoft Upload Dates 8/26 – 8/30 for Faculty 8/26 – 9/10 for Academic Staff 9/04 – 9/10 for Non-academic staff Adds a new job data record row with the effective date of 9/1/13 Displays action of Pay Rate Change and a reason as follows Academic Year Salary Change (ZAY) – for Faculty Base Pay Increase (BPI) – for Academic Staff Base Pay Increase (BPI) – for Non-academic staff Submit HelpSU ticket for Job Record Corrections after 9/1 Salary Load but by 9/12/13

4 OPERATIONS & SYSTEMS 4 Key Dates & Deadlines Position and Job Updates: gather all changes, ensure entry to PeopleSoft are completed Updates with effective dates prior to 9/1/13 should be completed by 8/31/13 Updates with effective dates on or after 9/1/13 may NOT be initiated until Salary Planning has been loaded for the local unit Resolve employee overpayments or underpayments Payroll does not have a correction period. Corrections (overpayments, missing pay, etc.) occurring after the close of the 08/31 pay period will post in FY14 Note: Off-Cycle Check transaction processed on 9/3/13 will post in FY13 Repayment checks should be submitted to Payroll no later than end of business Monday, August 26

5 OPERATIONS & SYSTEMS 5 Salary Planning for Employees on Leaves of Absence Employees may be eligible for a 9/1 salary increase, at the departments discretion Applies to full-time and part-time basis leaves, disability or FMLA Can affect timecard, pay, and benefits – crucial to get it right and in on time By 9/9/13, enter any manual increase for an employee on leave By 9/13/13, urgently advise DLS if you entered a manual increase after 9/9/13 After 9/13/13 please dont even attempt it - call DLS first Employees on a continuous LTD (Long Term Disability ) leave are NOT eligible for a 9/1 increase Important Warning: Processing an increase retroactively to the 9/15/13 pay period after that pay period has already closed, will impact salary continuation payments and may cause an overpayment or underpayment – so this is strongly discouraged If you proceed, your local team will be responsible for calculating, pursuing, and clearing any overpayment or underpayment that may occur Advise DLS email hotline immediately of any retroactive increases:

6 OPERATIONS & SYSTEMS 6 Salary Planning for Bargaining Unit Employees R EVIEW P RIOR TO 9/1/13 Bargaining Unit Salary Increases The 9/1/13 range adjustment for SEIU bargaining unit employees in ranges A08 to A80, including employees on leave of absence, will be loaded in PeopleSoft as of 8/29/13 Adds a new job data record row with an effective date of 9/1/13 Displays action of Pay Rate Change, reason of Range Adjustment C OMPLETE D URING 9/4 TO 9/16/13 Employees in ranges A08 to A80 who also require a step increase Set the effective sequence to 1 (or the next numeric sequence) when using the same effective date of 9/1/2013 for the step increases Employees in grades A00 and A99 Process a manual Employment Update web form using a Pay Rate Change Range Adjustment, because there are no step amounts in the salary grade table in PeopleSoft HRMS

7 OPERATIONS & SYSTEMS 7 Salary Planning – Bargaining Unit Employees Helpful Tip When bargaining unit employees receive a 9/1 step increase in addition to the standard range adjustment Please review 9/1/13 to 9/15/13 timecards to ensure the correct step is indicated for all worked shifts. Supervisor or TLA: update timecards by 9/16 to correctly reflect each shift worked at the correct step level Example: Joe receives a 9/1 step increase to step 15, with upload completed on 9/6/13. Joe enters punches into his timecard daily For 9/1 through 9/5, his timecard Step field will default to Step 14 Starting on 9/6, it will default to Step 15 The supervisor or TLA will need to manually change the Step 14s to Step 15s in order for the appropriate pay rate to be received for shifts worked from 9/1 through 9/5

8 OPERATIONS & SYSTEMS 8 Salary Planning Corrections Review the outcome of the Salary Planning upload for your school or unit as soon as it completes Submit a HelpSU ticket for any corrections by 9/13/13, for example: Transactions that need to be entered into PeopleSoft with an effective date prior to 9/1/13, after a 9/1/13 salary row has already been created Corrections to, or deletions of, 9/1/13 salary increases that have already been uploaded via the Salary Planning module or already entered manually by the local unit

9 OPERATIONS & SYSTEMS 9 Benefits Deadlines New Hires/Rehires: enter new hires within the 31 day window to ensure that employees can elect their benefits PeopleSoft entries may be completed up to two pay periods before Benefits Eligible Date Missing data will delay employee enrollment (SSN, gender, salary) Both Home and Mailing addresses must be entered for all benefits eligible positions Terminations: Cobra packets - sent out ~2 weeks after terminations are completed in PeopleSoft Submit Termination Webform to Payroll (as soon as you know) SLAC transfers must be terminated from Stanford and rehired at SLAC Open Enrollment: complete address updates by 9/1/13 to ensure a smooth Open Enrollment In StanfordYou an employees Permanent address = Home Address Update Permanent and Mailing address fields Medical/Life and Retirement plan communications go to the Mailing Address In PeopleSoft: HRAs update both Home and Mailing address fields If home address is missing, the employee will not be able to elect benefits

10 OPERATIONS & SYSTEMS 10 Benefits Reminders Benefit Eligibility Date The date of hire opens a 31-day Benefits enrollment window. If the benefits eligibility date needs to be changed/corrected: Do not attempt to change it Submit a Ben Bin HelpSU ticket requesting assistance Open Enrollment October 28 through November 15, 2013 Campus meetings will be posted on the Benefits website Home and mailing address updates should be completed by 9/1/13 Support Resources For HR & FAO: Ben Bin HelpSU tickets Used for Benefits escalations For Staff/Faculty: Benefits Service Team (877) 905-2985 (option 9)

11 OPERATIONS & SYSTEMS 11 Taleo Updates R EMINDERS ALL REQUISITIONS OPEN IN T ROVIX NEED TO BE FILLED OR CANCELED BY 8/31/2013 Requisitions that were migrated to Taleo will be closed on your behalf (no action is required) Requisitions that were open but not posted at the time of go-live require your attention. Targeted emails are on their way. T O UN -P OST A R EQUISITION, SIMPLY UN - CHECK S TANFORD E XTERNAL AND LEAVE THE 2 ND PASS CHECKED Removes the posting from all external websites, but at the same time allows the final candidate to complete the 2 nd pass information. If the 2 nd pass is unchecked, then the candidate will be blocked from completing their application. The status of the requisition will remain Open/Posted - see the Posting and Sourcing tab. R EQUISITION T IPS : It is good idea to confirm that the hiring manager has the appropriate authority in Authority Manager If not, the local HRM has access to grant hiring manager authority If you are removing your name from the Recruiter field then add yourself as a collaborator When posting a Waiver type req only post to 2 nd Pass The posting of a Waiver type req, or any re-posting action will generate auto-notification To see Filled or Cancelled Reqs select Include inactive requisitions MAC USERS : IF YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES TRY USING C HROME B ROWSER

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