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Brave New World Groups Discuss burning questions and topics.

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1 Brave New World Groups Discuss burning questions and topics.
Discuss the Henry Ford interview. What is interesting about it/him? What are Ford’s priorities? How do you know? How does it relate to BNW? Discuss 3 possible themes. Find a quote for each. Discuss each character (especially John, Bernard, Lenina, Linda). What purpose might he or she serve? Discuss the society. Is the use of drugs moral/immoral/effective/ineffective? Is the freedom to pursue pleasure effective as a control? What is the purpose of the reservation? Are the citizens happy?

2 Brave New World Discussion
Henry Ford interview What is interesting about it/him? What are Ford’s priorities? How do you know? How does it relate to BNW? Themes: write down each other’s and the quotes Characters: John, Bernard, Lenina, Linda, etc. What purpose might he or she serve? Mode of story telling: why so disjointed? Idea of being an “infant” versus an “adult” Pleasure as a control: Neil Postman’s

3 Children of Men Burning questions/statements
What were the dystopian elements? Did you see its connection to your research novels? BNW? Character parallels? Controls/societal issues? What was the theme? What did you think about the ending?


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