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‘Futures Region’ Benchmarking Indicators

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1 ‘Futures Region’ Benchmarking Indicators
FUTURREG 2nd SC Meeting Thessaloniki, 24 January 2006 Observatory of Innovation, Cardiff Business School

2 Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS
Core indicators 1-5 Use of futures tools What is the range of futures tools that are known to be in use in the region? What is the perceived level of awareness about futures tools in the region? How much sharing of knowledge or information regarding futures tools commonly exists in the region? What dissemination of and access to futures tools exists in the region? How many experts (individuals or organisations) on 1 or more futures tools are active in the region? Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS

3 Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS
Core indicators 6-10 Futures capacity of the region in policy making The number of organisations regularly using futures in their policy making Strategic position of the organisations commonly using futures tools in poliocy making The range of inputs/knowledge sources typically in use in futures for policy making The extent of INTRA-regional networking around futures in policy making The extent of collaborative working between actors in futures Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS

4 Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS
Core indicators 11-15 Real applications of futures in policy making The number of recent or current applications of futures in policy making The number of planned or proposed applications of futures in policy making The extent of INTER-regional collaboration on futures applications The range of issues or policy areas being addressed using futures applications in policy making The impact of futures application on policy making Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS

5 Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS
Scoring, indicators 1-5 Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS

6 Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS
Scoring, indicators 6-10 Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS

7 Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS
Scoring, indicators 11-15 Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS

8 Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS
Example - Wales Futures Region Benchmarking Indicators. CBS

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