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Collaboration with local partners

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration with local partners"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration with local partners

2 Items Collaboration level: Entrance Mark Oldenburg, manager
Collaboraton level: Executive worker Jeannette van Veghel, teacher Euge

3 Level VET - the Netherlands
Entrance Level 2 Executive worker Level 3 Independant executive worker Level 4 Completely Independant worker or Higher vocational education We would like to tell you more about level 1: the entrance programme

4 Why collaborate? Practical and real-life learning environment
Student centered and custom made Development of work competences Prevention of school drop out

5 Level 1 – In-company learning
Integral Companies Noordoost Brabant One of the largest employers of the region 3.800 Employees: distcance to the labour market Industrial production - Plantations – Facility - Integration Social enterprise

6 Level 1 – In-company learning
Level 1 = Entrance level Guide youngsters towards the labour market, sustainable – or Guide youngsters towards a ‘start qualification*’, sustainable Level 1 Diploma Practical and work based learning Career orientation and guidance Positive relations, safety, competence, autonomy, improve social defensibility Students that don’t have the preliminary education requirements for level 2, 3 or 4. Students that didn’t finish in secondary education succesfully. Students that come from a vocational school *Minimal educational level that a youngster needs to have a serious chance at skilled work.

7 Level 1 – In-company learning

8 Level 1 – In-company learning
What is it? Educate students in a practical and real-life setting Professional skills lessons given by experts of IBN in-company Language, Arithmetic and Citizenship given by school teachers in-company (IBN) No lessons in the school

9 Level 1 – In-company learning
What is important? Mutual trust Be clear about interests of both partners Find win-win agreements Preparedness to adapt internal processes Fit in with the standards of government (inspection) Fit in with the regional developments

10 Level 1 – In-company learning
Finances? Mutual budget Income: student budgets (school) & production revenues (IBN) Expenses: hours teachers (school), hours experts and supervisors (IBN), lesson rooms (IBN) Cost effective with a group of 15 students

11 Level 1 – In-company learning
Development in collaboration Level 1 works in logistics (IBN) Production of design lamps Production of car rugs Work in warehouse and transportation The power of education from de Leijgraaf combined with the power of guidance of IBN in an exceedingly strong learning environment!

12 Level 2 – Matching and projects
What do we do? Match students with suitable and challenging local/regional training companies Collaborate with local companies in projects

13 Level 2 – Matching and projects
Focus of the programme Professional skills and professional attitude The development of our students Personal attention

14 Level 2 – Matching and projects
Additional guidance The importane of the intake interview: Language and arithmetic Suitable education: support plan for each individual student Special support (SCO) for learning problems and study skills Care team for problems at home, social/psychological problems. For students who need a new orientation: Route X

15 Level 2 – Matching and projects
BAC = Retailers Advice Committee Members: internship trainers/retailers and teachers Task: exchange ideas in order to improve our student’s program

16 Level 2 Matching with training companies
Internships Reinforcement of education and internschips The importance of internschips

17 Level 2 Matching with training companies
- Quality of training companies - Demands: SBB confimation, list of companies we work with - Supporting by internship trainer and teacher - Relationship with the profession field.

18 Level 2 Matching with training companies
How does it work? Students receive the list of companies we work with and are looking theselves for a internship. The coach is supporting

19 Level 2 projects Project based collaboration with local companies
Charity projects Salecontest Shop window contest Museumproject – Fashion Week Oss in collaboration with the Retailers Association Oss

20 Museumproject Regional museum Jan Cunen Art and History Project
City Archive: history of the retail in student’s home city.


22 Fashion Week Oss Collaboration with Retailers organization
Task of our students Win – win situation


24 Charity Projects Serious Request Alpe d’Huez Roparun
Care home The Ministershof Join4Energy Students involding local retailers and collecting money for these projects.

25 We are proud of: The collaboration with our local internship trainers and retailers (future employers) Our students who learn the most in practical situations Our team of enthousiastic teachers who care for our students and the student’s career. Dit komt uit de JOB monitor 2014!

26 And of course you have questions!

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