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WWI A New Kind of War.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI A New Kind of War."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI A New Kind of War

2 The Great War World War I The War to End All Wars
The War of The Nations The War to Make The World Safe For Democracy The First World War The World War

3 Belligerents Allied Powers Central Powers Great Britain France Russia
Eventually 32 countries Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Ottoman Emp.

4 Belligerents Allied Powers-Advantages Central Powers-Advantages
More soldiers Greater industrial capacity British navy-largest in the world Central Powers-Advantages Territory from North Sea to Middle East German Army-well trained and well equipped

5 WWI - Animals First use of seeing-eye dogs for soldiers
Used carrier pigeons for communication Dogs used on battlefield Locate dead Assist soldiers in trenches



8 WWI - Animals Estimated 40,000 war dogs killed with Allied forces
Estimated 800,000 horses killed with British forces, 8 mill. Over all First seeing-eye dog – “Buddy”

9 Buddy

10 WWI - Animals “Rin Tin Tin” “Original Pooh Bear”
German Shepard dog born in trench, rescued by American soldier, starred in more than 40 films “Original Pooh Bear” WWI mascot for Canada

11 Rin Tin Tin

12 Winnie

13 Technology In 1915 British Admiral Jacky Fisher wrote, “The war is going to be won by inventions.” Technological advances affected all aspects of war, including: Medicine Transportation/Vehicles Communication Weaponry

14 Technology - Medicine Use of x-rays in the military Use of blood banks
IQ tests used in assigning soldiers to duties

15 Technology - Transportation
Unterseebooten-German submarine Development of the torpedo Airplane Coordinated, mounted machine guns (prior used a pistol) “Dogfights” {“Ace” = 5 kills}

16 Technology - Transportation
Internal combustion engine Aided in rapid troop movement Critical in the development of other military vehicles Tank First war to use tanks, dev. by British Enabled troop movement through rough ground, barbed wire, etc.


18 Technology - Communication
Wireless communication War art used as propaganda Carrier pigeons Zeppelins/aircraft

19 Technology – Transportation

20 Technology - Weaponry Long-range artillery Machine gun Hand grenade
Trench mortar Steel helmet

21 Technology - Weaponry Flame-thrower

22 Technology - Weaponry The Germans first used gas against the Russians on Jan 13, 1915 Devastating in trenches

23 Technology - Weaponry Poison Gas
Chlorine – destroyed respiratory organs, suffocates to death Phosgene – delayed effect, may kill days later Mustard – internal/external blisters, death can occur up to 5 wks later, remains in soil for weeks Cyanide – kills instantly in high doses Use of gas internationally outlawed 1925 Tremendous suffering, only 30,000 deaths

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