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For your Birthday.

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Presentation on theme: "For your Birthday."— Presentation transcript:

1 For your Birthday

2 My soul is as young as the day it was created.

3 Yes, and much younger.

4 In fact, I am younger today than I was yesterday.

5 And if I am not younger tomorrow
than I am today I would be ashamed of myself.

6 People who dwell in God dwell in the eternal now.

7 There, people can never grow old.

8 There, everything is present
and everything is new.

9 God is eternally young

10 God is ever green, ever verdant,
ever flowering.

11 Every action of God is new, for he makes all things new.

12 God is the newest thing there is.
If we are united to him we become new again. Hekhart

13 Happy Birthday!

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