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Aprender de memoria to learn from memory.

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Presentation on theme: "Aprender de memoria to learn from memory."— Presentation transcript:

1 aprender de memoria to learn from memory

2 anotar to note (take notes)

3 dar un discurso to give a speech

4 to make (ask) a question
hacer una pregunta to make (ask) a question

5 contestar to answer

6 responder to respond

7 to pay (fix, loan) attention
prestar atención to pay (fix, loan) attention

8 to reflect on, think about
reflexionar to reflect on, think about

9 pedir ayuda to ask for help

10 entregar to turn in, to hand in

11 a tiempo on time

12 el informe the report

13 el ensayo the essay

14 el resumen los resúmenes
the summary the summaries

15 discutir to discuss

16 explicar to explain

17 repetir to repeat

18 empezar to begin

19 entender to understand

20 to take (get) a good grade
sacar una buena nota to take (get) a good grade

21 respetar to respect

22 la regla the rule

23 prohibir to forbid, prohibit

24 se prohíbe (it is) forbidden…

25 llegar tarde to arrive late

26 almorzar to eat lunch

27 los materiales the materials

28 las tijeras the scissors

29 la grapadora the stapler

30 el sujetapapeles the paperclip

31 el pisapapeles the paperweight

32 the tape (clear) adhesive
la cinta adhesiva the tape (clear) adhesive

33 el pizarrón the board

34 el marcador the marker

35 la tiza the chalk

36 el borrador the eraser

37 el armario the locker

38 el asiento the seat

39 to know (a person), to be familiar with (a place)
conocer to know (a person), to be familiar with (a place)

40 alguien someone, anyone

41 nadie nobody, no one

42 algún, alguna, algunos, algunas
some, any

43 ningún, ninguno, ninguna
no, none, not any

44 lo que that which (what)

45 sobre on, about

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