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The Jazz Trumpet Section

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1 The Jazz Trumpet Section
By Gene Aitken China Trumpet Guild Conference Guangzhou, China 17 May 2008

2 Housekeeping Issues Position in Section Sitting vs. Standing Music Stand Placement The Correct Equipment Tuning

3 Position in Trumpet Sections
Position of Trumpets in Orchestra/Symphonic Band Position of Trumpets in Jazz Ensemble 5 (4)

4 Position of Trumpets in Jazz Ensemble
5 (4) • 1st Trumpet in center • Second/Third parts on each side of 1st to push 1st Trumpet • Lower parts separated by interval • Doubling 4th serves as bridge to trombone section

5 Sitting vs. Standing Sitting • Orchestras, Chamber Ensembles, Professional Jazz Ensembles, Studio Ensembles, etc. Standing • Jazz Ensembles, Jazz Combos, Solo recitals Rational • Projection and Tradition Ideal • Sitting • Sitting on high stool…feet comfortably touch ground

6 Music Stand Placement • Must see bell of trumpet
• Lower stand and flatten out • Off to one side

7 The Correct Equipment • Use the correct equipment to get the job done • Especially lead playing • OK to switch mouthpieces between classical and jazz • Mouthpieces: Bach vs. Schilke vs. Purviance vs. Bob Reeves, etc. • What works for you… • Flugelhorn and complete set of mutes

8 Tuning • Tune to Bb concert • Check Eb and F concert pitches as well • Face toward back of stage/rehearsal room (sing before playing) • Hold hand over ear to hear pitch • Be aware of all the notes that are out of tune on the trumpet • When using mutes, must adjust tuning slide

9 Learning Jazz Style • Jazz tradition is STILL an aural art and difficult to notate at times • Listen to recordings, live and recorded video concerts • Listen to players other than trumpet – listen to sound/articulation • Time is essence of jazz (and sound) • Jazz is a triplet-based music – as tempo increases, eighths straighten

10 Back-Accent Tonguing Off-Beat Tonguing
Key to jazz concept/time/style • Forces use of corners • Use of correct style • Assists with intonation/sound • The tongue is time • Helps to make music ‘sound’ improvised

11 Back-Accent Tonguing Concept
Three (3) or More Eighth Notes in a Row…Swing or Straight Eighth

12 Back-Accent Tonguing As written:

13 Back-Accent Tonguing As written: As played:

14 Ghosted Notes As written:
Trumpets have two options to make written music sound improvised: • Back-accent tonguing • Ghost notes

15 Ghosted Notes As written: As played: Ghosted Notes:
• Notes on either side longer and louder • Ghosted notes shorter and softer • Usually on ‘&’ but can be on beats as well

16 Pyramid Concept of Dynamics
mf Part Accuracy/Attitude 1 mf 5 2 mf+ 4 3 f 3 4 f+ 2 5 f++ 1

17 Falls As written Types of Falls 1. Valve 2. Harmonic 3. Other
Where Does Fall Begin? Where Does Fall End?

18 Valve Falls As written:
As played (short = hold then fall, move air through fall): As played (long = start fall on -2, end fall on -4, move air through fall):

19 Unison Lines • 1st Trumpet doesn’t play
• Puts parenthesis ( ) around unison phrase • Attention of other players in section to articulation, intonation, etc. • Players must ‘mask’ 2nd Trumpet player

20 Stylistic Use of Sfzp As written Use of Sfzp: • Conserves air
• Gives direction to notes • Gets out of the way of a melodic counter line

21 Stylistic Use of Sfzp As written As played:

22 Releases and Markings As written: Releases marked:
• – 1, 2, 3, 4 or & in a slow tempo • – 1, 2, 3, 4, in a medium tempo tune • – 1 or – 3 (–2) in up tempo • Release at height of crescendo Releases marked because: • The importance of another line • To facilitate time • Breath and phrasing • Composers’ length of note not always correct

23 Releases and Markings As written: As played: Or…

24 Phrasing of 1st (Lead) Trumpet
As written Consistency: • Attacks • Releases • Dynamics • Articulation • Musicianship

25 Phrasing of 1st (Lead) Trumpet
As played:

26 Shaping Phrases As written: • As melodic line descends, a decrescendo
• As melodic line ascends, a crescendo • Eighth note in 1st measure short, quarter note short

27 Shaping Phrases As played:

28 Notes Must Have Sound As written: As played:

29 Questions?
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