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Chinese 1A Sept 4 2018 Tang Laoshi.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese 1A Sept 4 2018 Tang Laoshi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese 1A Sept Tang Laoshi

2 Objective: I can greet 8 people in a culturally authentic way in a speaking ball game.
Inquiry question: How does the manner in which we greet people reflect our cultural values or cultural perspectives? Warmup Class start ritual Some common procedures New material Toss the ball game song Discussion of the inquiry question HW: Say hello to your family and friends in Chinese (at least 6 different people), practice speaking at home.

3 1. Warmup What do I hope to learn in Chinese class this year?
Why am I learning Chinese? What are 2 things I know about China?

4 2. Start of class ritual Pic Source:

5 3. Some Common Procedures
Peace and quiet Clapping Counting down from 5 Pic source:

6 4. New Materials Ní (second tone) You

7 好 4.New material Hăo (third tone) Literally means “good”
Pic source:

8 5.Toss the ball game (5 min)
The teacher will divide you into groups. Toss the ball back and forth and introduce yourself. Person 1 (name of person 2) 好。(toss the ball) Person 2 (name of person 1) 好。 Then (Person 3’s name) 好。

9 6. Song

10 7. Discussion How does the manner in which we greet people reflect our cultural values or cultural perspectives? Pic source:

11 Homework HW: Say hello to your family and friends in Chinese (at least 6 different people), practice speaking at home.

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