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LO: I can set up an investigation to observe how moulds grow.

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Presentation on theme: "LO: I can set up an investigation to observe how moulds grow."— Presentation transcript:

1 LO: I can set up an investigation to observe how moulds grow.
27- January 2019 LO: I can set up an investigation to observe how moulds grow.

2 Key Questions: • Where have you seen mould growing
Key Questions: • Where have you seen mould growing? • What conditions might cause moulds to grow? Warm or cold, light or dark, dry or moist?

3 What is mould Mould is the common name for many kinds of tiny organisms called fungi. Different moulds will grow in colonies, living on dead organisms such as decaying plants and animals, as well as non-living materials such as buildings, food, fabric and books. Moulds need moisture to thrive and usually grow and reproduce spores in damp or moist places. Light and temperature also impact mould growth in different locations such as showers, kitchens, damp basements, and around windows.

4 What does mould looks like?
Mould grows in many sizes, textures, and colours such as white, black, green, blue, and orange. Spores are released by mature mould that varies in colour, or may not be colourful at all.

5 - investigate what helps moulds grow well on bread.
27- January LO: I can set up an investigation to observe how mould grows - investigate what helps moulds grow well on bread. - use pages of the pupil book for planning sample choose a specific variable to investigate, e.g. temperature, moisture, light. See worksheet for clear procedures

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