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IL-6Rα protein is rapidly synthesized by activated human PMNs

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1 IL-6Rα protein is rapidly synthesized by activated human PMNs
IL-6Rα protein is rapidly synthesized by activated human PMNs. Freshly isolated PMNs were left quiescent or were activated with 100 nM PAF for 30 min and stained for IL-6Rα (green immunofluorescence). IL-6Rα protein is rapidly synthesized by activated human PMNs. Freshly isolated PMNs were left quiescent or were activated with 100 nM PAF for 30 min and stained for IL-6Rα (green immunofluorescence). Nuclei were identified by propidium iodide (blue). (A) Quiescent, unactivated PMNs. (Inset) Higher magnification of a PMN from the group shown in A (indicated by arrow) stained for polymerized actin (red) in addition to IL-6Rα. (B) PMNs stimulated with PAF. (Inset) Higher magnification of a PMN from the group shown in B (arrow) stained for IL-6Rα and actin (red). In a second experiment with the same antibody against IL-6Rα, PMNs were fixed in suspension without permeabilization after stimulation with PAF and stained for IL-6Rα and β2 integrins, which demonstrated surface display of both proteins (data not shown). Competition with the peptide against which the IL-6Rα antibody was raised completely quenched the immunofluorescence, indicating specificity of the staining. Stephan W. Lindemann et al. PNAS 2004;101:18: ©2004 by National Academy of Sciences

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